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Bricks - Visual website builder for WordPress

Bricks - Visual website builder for WordPress 1.10.3 NULLED

Release 1.5​

This version comes with 150+ changes. A lot of new features, improvements, and bug fixes with a focus on providing a more powerful & streamlined workflow & interface.

Layout Elements: Section, Container, Block, Div​

Prior to 1.5 there was only the Container element to lay out & group all your content.
The new Section, Block, and Div elements are there to help you create your layouts even faster & more streamlined.
Understanding the Layout: https://academy.bricksbuilder.io/article/layout (MUST READ!)

Nestable Elements (+ API)​

A nestable element lets your access and customise all inner elements. In 1.5 we introduce the following three nestable elements:
  • Accordion – Nestable
  • Slider – Nestable
  • Tabs – Nestable
The old “flat” Accordion, Slider, and Tabs elements are still available for the foreseeable future.
Use the Nestable Elements API to programmatically create your own custom nestable elements.
Nestable elements documentation: https://academy.bricksbuilder.io/article/nestable-elements/

Media Query Loops​

You can now also loop over attachments by selecting “Media” as the Post type.
This opens up new ways to create image galleries, for example. Or any other “Mime type” for that matter. More information can be found in the Academy: https://academy.bricksbuilder.io/article/query-loop/#media-query

Add Element ID & Class As Needed (Experimental)​

There is a new experimental Bricks setting under “Bricks > Setting > Performance” called “Add Element ID & class as needed”, which we’d like you to test & provide feedback so we can provide it as a default sooner rather than later.
At the moment, Bricks adds a unique element id & class to every element (e.g. brxe-4h8dh2). If an element doesn’t have any individual styles those attributes aren’t needed.
When you enable this new experimental setting, Bricks as this element id & class only as needed.
As there are so many ways to apply a style, we first introduce this setting as an experiment. With plans to make this the default once no bugs are reported with this setting enabled.

Other Noticeable Changes​

  • Inline style asset frontend.min.css reduced from 229 KB down to 95 KB (58% smaller).
  • .brx-container is now .brxe-container. If you have written any custom CSS make sure to run the Converter (Bricks > Settings > General > Converter) to automatically update the CSS class name syntax.
  • .root & .stretch container classes have been removed from the Container element.
  • Filter bricks/element/render_attributes parameters changed.
  • Deprecated: “Root container” theme style settings.

Full Changelog:​

  • Nestable Elements (Accordions, Slider, Tabs)NEW
  • New keyboard shortcut: Toggle “Search settings” inputNEW
  • Nestable elements API: New Vue componentNEW
  • Set Colors in Palette via CSS Variables (RAW input)NEW
  • Expand layout group in Structure panel when dragging element into itNEW
  • Bricks Settings: Show save/reset messageNEW
  • New filter: bricks/content/attributesNEW
  • Infinite ScrollingNEW
  • New layout elements: Section, Block, DivNEW
  • New filters: bricks/header/attributes & bricks/footer/attributesNEW
  • Re-order colors in palette via draggingNEW
  • Remote Templates: Import global classes as wellNEW
  • Pin Global ElementsNEW
  • Add context menu to Structure panelNEW
  • Sticky structure panel headerNEW
  • New Bricks Setting: “Disable Global Classes (Interface)” & Make Global Classes UI stickyNEW
  • Color control: Show color value tooltip on hoverNEW
  • Add Element “keywords” to improve elements panel search resultsNEW
  • Product Filter & Query LoopNEW
  • New Experimental Performance Setting: “Add element ID & class as needed”NEW
  • Builder: Element Render via WP REST APINEW
  • New filter: “bricks/element/form/datepicker_options” & update flatpickr.js from 4.5.2 to 4.6.13NEW
  • Query Loop: Support for Media (post type “attachment”)NEW
  • Show element classes in panel + arrow & enter class selectionNEW
  • Accordion: New “Transition (ms)” settingNEW
  • Theme Styles: Add min/max-width settings for all layout elements (Section, Container, Block & Div)NEW
  • Query Loop: Integration for Meta Box Relationships & JetEngine RelationsNEW
  • Post Sharing links: Add setting for “rel” attributeNEW
  • New Bricks setting: “clone” & “delete” element actions in Structure panelNEW
  • Dynamic Data In External LinksNEW
  • Post Sharing: Add VKontakte & TelegramNEW
  • Dynamic Data: Add “Site URL” optionNEW
  • New filter: bricks/body/attributesNEW
  • New filter: bricks/element/render (define Conditional Display Logic programmatically)NEW
  • New ‘_hidden’ settings to provide classes for nestable element without exposing them to the builder interfaceNEW
  • New Brick setting: Structure panel collapsed on page loadNEW
  • New Bricks setting: Builder > Element actionsNEW
  • New filter: bricks/element/set_root_attributesNEW
  • New keyboard shortcut: Hold SHIFT to directly edit newly added elementNEW
  • Link: New Dynamic Data link filter {my_tag:tel}NEW
  • New setting: Lazy load offset (default: 300px)NEW
  • Set default color palette (when editing palette)NEW
  • Sticky Header: New “Transition” SettingsNEW
  • New keyboard shortcut: Toggle element classes via “CMD/CTRL + ENTER”NEW
  • New Setting: Disable element spacing on canvas (margin & padding)NEW
  • New setting: Builder language direction (LTR/RTL)NEW
  • New filter: bricks/is_layout_elementNEW
  • Canvas: Insert Layout Popup Position overflows viewport bottomIMPROVE
  • Structure Panel: Renaming elements copy & paste behaviourIMPROVE
  • Code Execution: Changes not saved without “Run code”IMPROVE
  • Heading Element: Remove default colorIMPROVE
  • Cache Bricks QueryIMPROVE
  • Header template inline CSS was generated twiceIMPROVE
  • Structure Panel: Select next/previous sibling or parent element after deleting elementIMPROVE
  • Builder: Move element actions, resizer, and spacing components outside element nodeIMPROVE
  • Generate unique element ID when duplicating an element (if element with ID already exists on page)IMPROVE
  • Pseudo class + class name “.” (dot) was removedIMPROVE
  • Load Bricks lightbox HTML only as neededIMPROVE
  • Search element: No placeholder settings when “Icon” selectedIMPROVE
  • Nestable elements: Adding new “Item” label naming conventionIMPROVE
  • Paste element: Add element below currently selected elementIMPROVE
  • Hide “Unsplash” button if API Key not setIMPROVE
  • ACF Repeater inside of an ACF Group fieldIMPROVE
  • Builder: “Save” message not centered on canvasIMPROVE
  • Script elements not initialised properly inside query loopIMPROVE
  • Custom Fonts: font-face loadingIMPROVE
  • Theme Styles: Remove ‘Background Video’ SettingIMPROVE
  • Color palette: copy works with HTTPS only (not with HTTP)IMPROVE
  • Post Content element: Support plugins that rely on “in_the_loop” check (e.g. BuddyBoss)IMPROVE
  • Improve: Icon font file loadingIMPROVE
  • Builder Access: Improved rightsIMPROVE
  • Remove XFN link tag from “head”IMPROVE
  • Link control: Allow to ‘exclude’ any link sub control (rel, title, etc.)IMPROVE
  • Canvas spacing: Increase z-index & better negative margin previewIMPROVE
  • Container: Always show column-gap & row-gap settingsIMPROVE
  • Nest a posts query inside of a terms queryIMPROVE
  • Link control: Allow to ‘exclude’ any link sub control (rel, title, etc.)IMPROVE
  • Builder lag when having a large number of locked classesIMPROVE
  • Dynamic Data dropdown: cannot use the {echo:my_function}IMPROVE
  • Allow CSS “Filter” on every elementIMPROVE
  • Update filter: “bricks/element/render_attributes” callback argumentsIMPROVE
  • Sticky Header: “scrolling” missing after page reloadIMPROVE
  • Allow CSS Filter on every elementIMPROVE
  • PHP error: Set container link to dynamic data but without setting the tagFIX
  • Locked class: Icon control not editableFIX
  • Product Short Description: Styles missingFIX
  • Multiple Query Loop of a template: Only first loop is styled correctly (External Files)FIX
  • Icon Element: Icon rendered twice on canvas (after setting “Link”)FIX
  • Code Element: Execute code when cursor inside input fieldFIX
  • Products: Custom taxonomy archive not workingFIX
  • Bricks SEO IssuesFIX
  • ACF choice type fields not respecting the return formatFIX
  • Rich Text: Font-weight issue (due to normalize.css defaults)FIX
  • Builder: Fix Autosave “Preview” Button OverflowFIX
  • Slider: “Style > Overlay” no longer workingFIX
  • Dynamic Data: ACF Group fields & MB Group not working if inside an Options pageFIX
  • Builder: Element Actions overlay each otherFIX
  • Control Editor (TinyMCE): Collapses on blurFIX
  • PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_mapFIX
  • Color Palette: Opacity don’t show on frontend when editing an existing color (still #hex)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Product Price Styling IssuesFIX
  • Remove $post_id from Frontend::render_dataFIX
  • Query Loop: Metabox Relationship field $post_id not setFIX
  • Input fields cut off first characterFIX
  • Fix Autosave Preview Button OverflowFIX
  • ACF Repeater in Query Loop: Empty resultsFIX
  • Template element: Styles don’t show on canvasFIX
  • Canvas: Text toolbar overflow positionFIX
  • Code Element/Custom CSS: Wrong cursor positionFIX
  • WooFunnels checkout issuesFIX
  • line-height: 0 not applied on frontendFIX
  • Theme Style: Fix Link selectors for .brxe-post-contentFIX
  • Locked Class Active: Canvas spacing (margin/padding) still visible & draggableFIX
  • Rich Text: Link popup window issuesFIX
  • Form element: Field + Button side by side breaks layoutFIX
  • Global Element: Renders default data in builderFIX
  • Dynamic data: Accented characters not acceptedFIX
  • Icon Element with Link: All styles apply to iconFIX
  • Query Loop: :hover (and pseudo classes) without selectorFIX
  • Query Loop: Styling doesn’t work with Custom IDFIX
  • Code Element: Scrollbar & Page Settings issuesFIX
  • “_hover” in class name is converted to “:hover”FIX
  • Logo element: “External URL” setting not renderedFIX
  • Entry animation on certain elements hides them on the canvasFIX
  • Control number: Decimal value + unit (unit not removed from number on enter)FIX
  • WooCommerce Checkout/Cart: Shipping Options AlignmentFIX
  • Image element with wrapper: CSS Transition not appliedFIX
  • Query Loop: Using background image shows feature image of current page, and not the queried postFIX
  • Builder: Context menu issuesFIX
  • Builder: Empty element ID set to #falseFIX
  • Pagination: Missing styles (External CSS files)FIX
  • Post content element: Cannot retrieve Posts Page content (blog)FIX
  • Archive with Query Loop of Post Content (data source: Bricks)FIX
  • Basic Text with link: Not updating on canvasFIX
  • DD: {post_terms_my_taxonomy_slug} do not support Woo product attributes (taxonomies) like color, size, …FIX
  • Nav menu: Uncaught Type ErrorFIX
  • Control Number: Floating numbers appended zeros (e.g. line-height)FIX
  • User & Term Query Loop: Meta Query DD value not parsedFIX
  • Custom CSS: Backslash gets removed when styled on .css_class_name::beforeFIX
  • Fix Background Video: z-indexFIX
  • List Element: Title missing alignment optionsFIX
  • Theme Styles: Accordion Icons don’t show (in builder)FIX
  • Google Fonts error in builder while Basic Auth is enabledFIX
  • Form element: File Upload border stylingFIX
  • Builder: Insert Layout Modal: Position not responsiveFIX
  • Rich Text: Link issuesFIX
  • Insert Layout: JS TypeErrorFIX
  • Image: Inherits width & height from wrapperFIX
  • SVG element: Attribute removal (ID, etc.)FIX
  • Icon Box element: Select different SVG doesn’t render in builderFIX
  • Nest a Meta Box group query loop inside of a Meta Box Relationships query loopFIX
  • Add global class via keyboard: Adds already applied classes multiple timesFIX
  • Element Animation: Element shows before CSS kicks in (+ Update animate.css to 4.1.1)FIX
  • Search page improvementFIX
  • Generate unique element ID when duplicating an elementFIX
  • Post Content element: Data source “Bricks” global classes CSS missing (in builder)FIX
  • Imported Theme Style not savedFIX