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Bricks - Visual website builder for WordPress

Bricks - Visual website builder for WordPress 1.10.3 NULLED

Release 1.6.1​

CSS Grid Layout​

You can now turn any layout element (section, container, block, div) into a CSS grid layout by setting the Display setting to grid.

Full Changelog:​

  • CSS Grid LayoutNEW
  • Woocommerce: AJAX “Add to cart” button (single product)NEW
  • New DD tag: {woo_product_stock_status} (useful for element conditions)NEW
  • DD tag {woo_product_stock} supports ‘value’ filterNEW
  • Page Settings > SEO: New “Document Title” settingNEW
  • New setting: “Direction” under Style > Layout > Flex (for non-layout elements)NEW
  • Search element: Add overlay ‘Title tag’ settingNEW
  • Search element: Add “for” attribute to form label (a11y)NEW
  • Video element: New iframe “title” settingNEW
  • Remove background-color: transparent from “a” (normalizeCSS)IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Related Product CSS problem with breakpointsFIX
  • WooCommerce: Order Receipt template woocommerce_receipt_ action hook missingFIX
  • WooCommerce classes on body tag all across the siteFIX
  • WooCommerce: Products element has wrong aria-label on image linkFIX
  • Sticky header: background-color transition missing .brxe-block selectorFIX
  • Overlay/Gradient: Specificity issue with #id > *FIX
  • Popups & Interactions: JS console errorsFIX
  • Popup A merged/added into popup B, etc.FIX
  • Missing Popup styles in paginated loopFIX
  • Posts element: Initial load in builder incorrect styleFIX
  • Posts element: Masonry layout empty on canvasFIX
  • Video element: Dynamic data for Vimeo URL not renderedFIX
  • Video element: Overlay image style not generated in query loop (frontend)FIX
  • Image Gallery: Caption positionFIX
  • Icon SVG inherits CSS properties on all children causes unknown borderFIX
  • Icon Box element: Theme style “Icon align” not used (external files)FIX
  • Map element: Big close image if jQuery not used on current pageFIX
  • Custom CSS: “root” selector of inserted element gets overridden with ID of the original elementFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Type “fade” selected, only the first slide is visibleFIX
  • Sticky Header .slide-up causes content to jump upFIX
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

Full Changelog:​

  • Popup BuilderNEW
  • Disable Bricks Lazy Load on Specific Image (via loading=eager HTML attribute)NEW
  • Button element: Parse dynamic data tag inside “External URL” (composed links)NEW
  • Video element: Support composed URLs (text + dynamic data)NEW
  • Support comments paginationNEW
  • WooCommerce Add to cart: Add “clear” option for variable productsNEW
  • SEO: Add “title “tag to image (if custom title is added via the media library)NEW
  • Image Gallery element: Add attachment ID via “data-id” attributeNEW
  • New filter: bricks/registered_post_types_args (allows users to display non-public CPTs in builder)NEW
  • New dynamic data filter “:raw” to skip parsing tagNEW
  • New style setting: “cursor” (under Style > Layout > Misc)NEW
  • Social Sharing element: Set icon, background, and color individuallyNEW
  • InteractionsNEW
  • Skip lazy loading background images with HTML attribute set to loading=eagerNEW
  • Theme Styles: Provide “column-gap” & “row-gap” controls for all layout elementsNEW
  • Progress Bar element: Add dynamic data picker to “Percentage” settingNEW
  • New translation: HungarianNEW
  • Builder: Auto-expand number inputs that contain CSS functionsNEW
  • Code element: New “Render without wrapper” settingNEW
  • New dynamic data filter: url (e.g. ACF field type “file” to output plain URL)NEW
  • New Converter option: Entry animation to interactionsNEW
  • Capabilities: Set “No access” for individual user & dropdown for SVG upload & code executionNEW
  • Theme Style: Provide “Padding” setting for button size “Default”NEW
  • Convert web-safe CSS var colors (e.g. “red”, etc.) in builderIMPROVE
  • Post Content element: Don’t render when WordPress content is emptyIMPROVE
  • Posts element: Apply isotope filter typography to “ul” instead of “li”IMPROVE
  • Post Social Sharing element: Validation error due to XML tagIMPROVE
  • Updated: swiperJS from 8.0.6 to 8.4.4IMPROVE
  • Updated: splideJS from 4.0.7 to 4.1.4IMPROVE
  • Canvas: Hide element action buttons if active element is not visible (display: none)IMPROVE
  • Post content element: Remove Bricks default “ol” & “ul” stylesIMPROVE
  • Bricks Settings: Disable autocomplete (e.g. Remote templates URL + password fields)IMPROVE
  • TranslatePress: Fix image translation (cause: lazy load) & builder languageIMPROVE
  • Query Loop: Element ID used instead of class in custom CSS on mobile breakpointsFIX
  • Overlay/Gradient on global class won’t add .has-overlay for position: relativeFIX
  • Nav Menu element: Required Icon settings not available on mobile-firstFIX
  • Theme Styles: Hover styles show always on the canvasFIX
  • Builder: Values from lower breakpoint show as placeholder on higher breakpointsFIX
  • Inner Container setting: Placeholder shows values from parent containerFIX
  • Animation classes are not removed after they ran (in builder)FIX
  • Basic Text: causing line breakFIX
  • Template element: Notice: Undefined index (templates.php line 258)FIX
  • Nav menu: Overflow issueFIX
  • Mobile first: Deleted pseudo class leaves values in CSS without selectorFIX
  • Windows: “Insert element after active element” shortcut not workingFIX
  • .brx-header-Left class name typoFIX
  • Empty cart template: Not showing after cart is clearedFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Custom arrows are displayed even though “Show arrows” is offFIX
  • RTL: Builder tooltip positionFIX
  • WooCommerce Product Price: Missing stylesFIX
  • Slider: Content align icons are swappedFIX
  • Lazyload causing {featured_image} 404FIX
  • Heading element: Separator align icons wrong axisFIX
  • Shape Divider: Triangle concave split/gap on mobileFIX
  • Builder: Removing last shape divider, does not clear setting properlyFIX
  • “Convert Bricks data to Gutenberg blocks” setting not workingFIX
  • SEO Page Settings: Title & Permalink not updatedFIX
  • Fix ‘Warning: Undefined array key’ (assets.php line 2214)FIX
  • Builder: Hamburger toggle not shown on mobile breakpointFIX
  • Custom Tag “table” uses display: flex instead of “table”FIX
  • Pagination element: AJAX not working if query is set to Posts element queryFIX
  • Shape Dividers: Linked Icon element uses position: relative from shape dividerFIX
  • Header right/left: Custom width not set on canvasFIX
  • Carousel: “Items to scroll” on breakpoint skips slides on other breakpointFIX
  • Image element: Overlay conflict with captionFIX
  • Slider element: Apply default min-height: 50vh to .swiper-slide instead of rootFIX
  • Interactions: Animation delay doesn’t work / Content Loaded Delay doesn’t allow decimalsFIX
  • Dynamic background image not using set size (front end)FIX
  • Element Conditions: ACF true/false issueFIX
  • Dynamic data tag ‘woo_product_excerpt’ formatting removedFIX
  • Add to cart element inside query loop redirects to single product pageFIX
  • Exported template empty with zlib compression enabledFIX
  • Products element: “On Sale” checked shows all productsFIX
  • Code element: CSS in builder not correct with code execution enabledFIX
  • Query Loop: Wrong context if ACF Repeater field nested inside ACF relation loopFIX
  • Posts element: Error when loaded through a Template element inside the builderFIX
  • Popup Trigger “Mouse leave window” not working in Firefox/SafariFIX
  • Learndash: Breadcrumbs added to Bricks elements (that use the_content filter)FIX
  • Dynamic data: “featured_image” shows featured image from populate content (if no featured image exists for current page)FIX
  • Edit content permission: Should not be able to remove global classes from elementFIX
  • Element Conditions: “or” not working on 2nd+ condition groupFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Scrolling on mobile devices triggers resize eventFIX
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

Bricks v1.5.7 NULLED – Visual website builder for WordPress​

Full Changelog:​

  • Related products: Add settings for alignment & image heightNEW
  • Remove custom admin_footer_textNEW
  • Image: Parse dynamic data in the “External URL” fieldNEW
  • New dynamic data filter “:value” (useful for certain dynamic data in element conditions)NEW
  • Update default WooCommerce templates (for WC 7.0.1)IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Product Stock (element & DD tag) not working with variable productsIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Cart: Improve responsivenessIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Checkout: Required fieldsIMPROVE
  • Code element: Skip code execution on builder loadIMPROVE
  • Element conditions: get_users outside of builder caused slow queryIMPROVE
  • Remote templates: Show error message in builder modalIMPROVE
  • Regenerate CSS files when saving a post inside the WordPress editor as wellIMPROVE
  • SwiperJS: Fix autoplay optionsFIX
  • Nestable tabs: Duplicated tab title/pane doesn’t update on canvasFIX
  • Pagination element: Hover styles apply to ‘ul’ instead of ‘a’FIX
  • Products Pagination element: Not showing when used inside of a single templateFIX
  • Element conditions: Element always rendered on frontend when window was opened through “View on frontend” builder buttonFIX
  • Form element: number input set to min=0 accepted negative numbersFIX
  • Accordion / Icon List in template element within page template loses its default styles (external files)FIX
  • Accordion: Copying styles copies items as wellFIX
  • Copy & Paste cross domain: Duplicated classesFIX
  • Sticky Header: “slide up after” with unit (px) breaks the slide-upFIX
  • Search results page + infinite scroll shows repeated resultsFIX
  • Query Loop with custom function: Styles not correct (template preview & external files)FIX
  • bbpress class name conflict: “display: none” elements disappear from the structure panelFIX
  • Post Content element: PHP 8 error generated by sprintf()FIX
  • Nav menu: Submenu color overrides active colorFIX
  • Mobile menu issue with open submenuFIX
  • Multiple mini carts on a page: First mini cart is always openedFIX
  • WooCommerce Cart page: Template element CSS file not loadedFIX
  • Theme Styles: Link styles not applied to WooCommerce elements (short description, etc.)FIX
  • Theme Styles: Form styles missing (external files)FIX
  • Theme Styles: “Related posts” had no controlsFIX
Oct 19, 2022

Release 1.5.6​

Full Changelog:​

  • New CSS control property: “id” NEW
  • Improved border-radius builder control IMPROVE
  • Bricks admin message: Show only for users with manage_options capability IMPROVE
  • Icon/Icon List/Icon Box: Cannot select SVG (ControlPopup) FIX
  • Class lock locks element ID too FIX
  • Video element: Custom SVG icon doesn’t start the video FIX
  • WooCommerce: Mini Cart isn’t scrollable FIX
  • Element conditions: “User role” condition not working FIX
  • Customizer: PHP notice if no menu items exist FIX
  • Related Posts element: Image height not working (external files)FIX
  • WooCommerce error when Bricks finds a possible query in the page but it is not a products query FIX
  • Infinite Scroll: Not working properly on blog/archives FIX
  • Form submit error: “No action” if form is on blog page FIX
  • Letter Spacing: Missing default unit (px) FIX
  • Bricks templates included search results FIX
  • Nav Menu element: New “Text align” setting for mobile menu FIX
  • Dynamic data: Separator in post terms not working: {post_terms_post_tag: | } FIX
  • Double slash in default templates CSS file path FIX
  • Builder: Custom taxonomy dropdown option missing FIX
Oct 13, 2022 - Release 1.5.5

Full Changelog:​

  • Element Conditions: New “does not contain” operand for dynamic dataNEW
  • Theme style & template condition: Support for post type “Media” (attachment)NEW
  • Dynamic Data: Support for Metabox field type “switch”NEW
  • Button element: New “HTML tag” settingNEW
  • Dynamic data dropdown (builder): New settings to show label and/or key; expand panel; include key in searchNEW
  • New filter: bricks/screen_conditions/scores (to extend template & theme style conditions)NEW
  • Improve bricks_is_builder_call: Caused conflicts with frontend AJAX calls (e.g. WP Grid Builder)IMPROVE
  • Control number: Remove mouse up/down listenerIMPROVE
  • Mobile-first: Largest breakpoint should cover entire builder canvas widthIMPROVE
  • Improve loading (performance) of local SVG filesIMPROVE
  • Element Conditions: Don’t localize ACF true/false valueIMPROVE
  • Bricks Settings: Use input type “password” instead of “text” for the “Remote Templates Password” fieldIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Cart & Checkout pages always contained/boxedIMPROVE
  • Updated: French translationIMPROVE
  • Improved builder data sanitiser: Add missing ‘parent: 0″ to root elementsIMPROVE
  • Builder data infinite loop prevention (logic addresses revisions & template inserts too)IMPROVE
  • Updated: VueJS 3.2.31 to 3.2.40IMPROVE
  • Image element: Icon not centered & “custom” HTML tagFIX
  • Image gallery: Classes applied twiceFIX
  • Background video positionFIX
  • Background video set on non-desktop breakpoint was not renderedFIX
  • Element Conditions: Add/delete was not using correct indexFIX
  • Element Conditions: Value is not accepting dynamic data tagsFIX
  • Rank Math: Missing images in the sitemap XMLFIX
  • Rank Math: Error on page-sitemap.xmlFIX
  • Dynamic data: For large postmeta tables, the page loading time was too highFIX
  • Dynamic data: Add support for “@”FIX
  • Sticky header: Sub settings not visible in builder on breakpoints larger than “desktop” (default)FIX
  • Posts dropdown: Including post type “attachment” breaks query resultsFIX
  • Button on canvas: “light” hover/ selected styleFIX
  • Image Gallery & Posts element: Gap issueFIX

Release 1.5.4 - Sep 28, 2022​

Full Changelog:​

  • Element Conditions (Conditional Display Logic) NEW
  • Link control: “Link to” using dynamic data should support composed links NEW
  • Counter element: Add dynamic data support to “Count from” & “Count to” settings NEW
  • Add “.has-overlay” class to element with gradient/overlay setting NEW
  • Updated: German translation IMPROVE
  • Updated: Norwegian translation IMPROVE
  • Updated: Hebrew translation IMPROVE
  • Updated: Persian translation IMPROVE
  • Colon removed from custom attribute name IMPROVE
  • Shape Divider: Add “position: relative” to direct child elements IMPROVE
  • Page Settings: “disable header/footer” doesn’t work when page is rendered via a template FIX
  • Image element with tag + link + CSS filter on hover: transition issue FIX
  • Map element: Remove inner .div and apply all styles to map root (fixes height 100%, etc.) FIX
  • Dynamic Data: Error nested groups with Metabox FIX
  • Builder: Avoid “Maximum call stack size exceeded” FIX
  • Nav menu: Sub menu active background color overridden by normal background color FIX
  • Bricks > Settings > Custom CSS: Backlash breaks with external files loading method FIX
  • Builder: Custom breakpoint naming collision with default breakpoint FIX
  • Custom CSS: “root{” is not working FIX
  • JetEngine Repeater: When pulling the repeater field inside of a posts query loop doesn’t work FIX
  • Paid Memberships Pro: Bricks content always shows FIX
Sep 19, 2022 - 1.5.3

Release – 1.5.3​

This version marks the first update in our new release cycle. We hope you enjoy it.

Full Changelog:​

  • Copy & paste global elements cross-site NEW
  • Cart: Add dynamic data to enable a custom list of products NEW
  • Video element: Remove “data-bricks-video-options” attribute IMPROVE
  • Extend converter: Add “position: relative” to direct children of element with overlay (which uses position: absolute) IMPROVE
  • Stronger minification for bricks.min.js (now 18% smaller) IMPROVE
  • Pie Chart: Add support for color variables (bar & track) IMPROVE
  • Nav Menu: Show active menu styles in builder IMPROVE
  • Nestable Slider: ‘Items to show’ value injects CSS on lower breakpoints FIX
  • Query loop in builder: Icon JavaScript error FIX
  • Align Main/Cross Axis button (if selected) do not switch accordion to “Direction” FIX
  • Linked icon: Styles not applied FIX
  • Overlay: Explicitly set ‘position: absolute’ overridden by ‘relative’ FIX
  • Query Loop {post_title} text not previewing correctly in builder FIX
  • Meta Box: Group field query loop not working when data is set programmatically FIX
  • ACF Relationship (bi-directional) not loading featured image FIX
  • Metabox Views: Inside query loop doesn’t pick up the right post information FIX
  • Dynamic data “echo” tag: Using commas inside an argument not working FIX
  • Margin/Padding placeholder values show always base breakpoint value FIX
  • Accordion inside nested accordion not toggling correctly FIX
  • Builder element action & spacing: Wrong position after duplicating or deleting active element FIX
  • Testimonials: “Items to show” setting not applied FIX
  • Love
Reactions: vasilyitch

Full Changelog:​

  • Updated: Russian Translation IMPROVE
  • Updated: Polish Translation IMPROVE
  • Skip loading theme styles for unregistered elements IMPROVE
  • Nav Menu: Styles not applied on frontend when “Show mobile menu toggle” set to always or never FIX
  • Custom CSS: “root” missing space FIX
  • Theme Styles – Disable Image Captions Not Working FIX
  • Carousel: Items to scroll parameter is missing FIX
  • Pseudo Elements: Backslash removed FIX
  • Background Image: Custom size removes background-repeat FIX
  • Fix: Icon/SVG HTML attribute render FIX
  • Select control “clearable” property not applied (builder) FIX
  • Posts element: “.image-wrapper” HTML is always rendered (Layout: List) FIX
  • Query Loop + Pagination: Element Custom CSS not applied when page > 1 FIX
  • Dynamic Data: Featured image as background image is missing on Blog page template (frontend) FIX
  • Fatal error when using ACF Relationship in a loop and pulling other ACF fields FIX
  • Icon element: Inherit font-size for ‘i’ tag inside linked icon FIX
Sep 7, 2022 - Release 1.5.1
  • Custom BreakpointsNEW
  • More visual margin & padding UI (Spacing control)NEW
  • Custom CSS per breakpointNEW
  • Set Fallback FontsNEW
  • Cross-Domain Copy & PasteNEW
  • Dynamic Data: Toggle between tags & actual dataNEW
  • Builder: Parse Dynamic Data in colorsNEW
  • Display flex & alignment controls for non-layout elements (Style > Layout)NEW
  • Maps element: Add min & max zoom level optionsNEW
  • Select & Load Only Specific Google Font VariantsNEW
  • New Converter option: Add “position: relative” as neededNEW
  • Builder: Generate control placeholder values from computed stylesIMPROVE
  • Remove “position: relative” default from elementsIMPROVE
  • Template import: Don’t add ‘__imported’ to class name if class already exists locallyIMPROVE
  • Shape Divider: SVG min-width & min-height issueIMPROVE
  • Nestable slider: Default arrows missingIMPROVE
  • Nestable Slider: Rename Direction ‘horizontal’ to ‘vertical’IMPROVE
  • Background video: Do not add the video wrapper if dynamic data is emptyIMPROVE
  • Video element: Render YouTube & Vimeo IDs inside the video element if using dynamic data tagsIMPROVE
  • Background image: background-size rule added multiple times if set to “custom”IMPROVE
  • Rename “Autoplay speed in ms” to “”Autoplay delay in ms”IMPROVE
  • Posts query: ADD ‘post__in’ to ‘orderby’ dropdownIMPROVE
  • Export template: Include page settingsIMPROVE
  • Nested slider: Use more specific selector to init scriptIMPROVE
  • Video background with dynamic data: Not showing on canvasFIX
  • Builder: Hide ‘No results found’ message (for a11y only)FIX
  • Builder: Click on Code element doesn’t scroll it into view on canvasFIX
  • Custom Fonts: Empty font-style generates a validation errorFIX
  • Using CPT product without WooCommerce causes errorFIX
  • Woo: Product Custom Taxonomy archive not workingFIX
  • Animate CSS: Wrong classesFIX
  • Heading: Copy styles misses “Separator” settingFIX
  • var() input on margin/padding and lower breakpointsFIX
  • Panel: Tooltip creates horizontal overflowFIX
  • ACF Group inside of an ACF RepeaterFIX
  • Infinite Scroll: Not working on CPT archive or custom taxonomy archiveFIX
  • Exporting template saved as draft: Generated file is emptyFIX
  • Change Template Type: template isn’t editable anymoreFIX
  • Posts element: List + Content middle-right & alternate image direction on mobile fixFIX
  • Font styles revert when switching breakpointsFIX
  • Nestable slider: Missing background image using padding optionFIX
  • Template shortcode render issue inside builder: Lazy loading enabled, no backgroundFIX
  • Divider element doesn’t showFIX
  • Gradient/Overlay: angle 0 (zero) missing on frontendFIX
  • Error in Czech translation broke the builder (sprintf)FIX
  • PhotoSwipe error in Nestable Tabs + Query Loop with image link set to lightboxFIX
  • Structure Panel: Context Menu position with scroll into viewFIX
  • Logo Element: SVG shows only text after updating to 1.5FIX
  • Query Loop of a Post content (source: Bricks) in an archive template: Background images not showing if not using dynamic dataFIX
  • Icon List: Transition not applied correctlyFIX
  • Countdown: New settings ‘Align main axis’ & ‘Align cross axis’ settingsFIX
  • Animated Typing: Changing speed doesn’t reflect in builder without canvas reloadFIX
  • Logo element: Using dynamic data with external URLFIX
  • Comments element title shows “Bricks”FIX
  • Image + Caption: Missing position relative on wrapperFIX
  • Icon element: SVG “Fill” doesn’t apply if SVG is linkedFIX
  • New Filter: bricks/comments/timestampFIX
  • Dynamic data: 3rd party custom fields assigned to a CPT not showing the tag picker and preview cannot render themFIX
  • Posts layout ‘Metro’ & ‘List’: Render non-featured image posts as wellFIX
  • Flex direction control: After clearing the setting the highlight is not correctFIX
  • Layout elements: Change “display” control, and then clearing it doesn’t return to defaultFIX
  • Gradient control: Transparency pattern overflowsFIX
  • Bricks Settings: Custom CSS (Backslash gets removed on save)FIX
  • Some translations were always in EnglishFIX
  • Post title inside query loop rendered multiple timesFIX
  • Flex-wrap setting should show inherited value as placeholder on smaller breakpointsFIX
  • Select flex Direction “Reverse” removes highlight for Horizontal (row) buttonFIX
  • Fix W3 validator errors when using lazy loadFIX
  • Pods: Custom Taxonomy & User Fields not showing in dynamic data pickerFIX
  • Custom CSS “root” issuesFIX
  • Products element: Placeholder image is missingFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Arrows always showFIX
  • Nestable Slider in Template element: Missing styles (external files)FIX
  • Icon element: SVG “Color” on hover not appliedFIX
  • Basic Text: Text on canvas isn’t editable with tag other than “div”FIX