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Bricks - Visual website builder for WordPress

Bricks - Visual website builder for WordPress 1.10.3 NULLED

Full changelog​

  • Query Sort & FilterNEW
  • Live Search (AJAX)NEW
  • SVG element: Dynamic Data SupportNEW
  • Query loop: No results template (type: section)NEW
  • Builder: Order element classes via drag & dropNEW
  • Social Sharing: “Excerpt” setting for WhatsApp share buttonNEW
  • Builder: Save via keyboard shortcut inside TinyMCE editorIMPROVE
  • Div element: Show flex child controls (if inside flex parent)IMPROVE
  • Form element: Don’t apply field border to submit buttonIMPROVE
  • Form element: Rename “Field margin” to “Spacing”IMPROVE
  • Form: Custom field name with non-single word required validation issueIMPROVE
  • Form: Add label “for” attribute to radio and checkbox inputIMPROVE
  • Reset password action: use reset_passwordIMPROVE
  • Form: Generate nonce using AJAXIMPROVE
  • Theme Styles: Always show font-variation-settings (Typography)IMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Support woo_order_ DD tags (in view order templates)IMPROVE
  • Builder: CSS Grid overlay not updated when changing styles on class levelFIX
  • Builder: CSS Grid overlay not updated on window resizeFIX
  • Builder: Custom ID and Custom CSS selector affected when switching between elements with custom IDFIX
  • Page settings: Custom code replaced by the template’s page settingsFIX
  • Disable query merge: Not working in builder with populate content (term archive)FIX
  • Form login action: PHP Notice about undefined index loginRememberFIX
  • Global Class Manager: Accessible with “Edit content” capabilitiesFIX
  • Interactions: Animation opacity stays at 0 when conditions are unmetFIX
  • Related Posts element: Default overlay CSS missing unitFIX
  • Rich Text: Font size applied to links inside textFIX
  • Social Sharing: SVG icon + padding shrinks iconFIX
  • Theme Styles: CSS placeholder value inherited from the wrong breakpointFIX
  • Dynamic data: author_meta:ID not workingFIX
  • Dynamic data: inside nested post query (no result in builder)FIX
  • Vue.js 3.4 causes HTTP 500 & 508 errors (on builder load)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Notices not compatible in (Woo 8.5.1+)FIX
  • WooCommerce templates: Page settings CSS missingFIX
  • WooCommerce: Checkout Order Table element not showing order lines (in builder)FIX

Full changelog​

  • Global Class ManagerNEW
  • Form element: New “Reply to email address” setting under “Confirmation email”NEW
  • Interactions: New “JavaScript (Function)” actionNEW
  • Nav Menu element: Support “Advanced menu property” (when used inside Dropdown element)NEW
  • New action: bricks/generate_css_file (fired when a CSS file is generated)NEW
  • Remote template: Name setting (shown in template source dropdown)NEW
  • Search element: New “Action URL” and “Additional Parameters” settingsNEW
  • Template Manager: Remember last selected template source (via localStorage)NEW
  • Template Manager: Remember ‘Import image’ setting (via localStorage)NEW
  • Builder: Inter font-weight is too bold (Safari)IMPROVE
  • Builder: Elements panel search lag (Firefox & Safari in WP6.4+)IMPROVE
  • Code element: Dedicated “Dynamic data” setting deprecatedIMPROVE
  • Form element: “tel” input style not RTL-conform (Chrome & Firefox)IMPROVE
  • Form submissions: Save in media library (file name, responsiveness, CSV export)IMPROVE
  • Comments element: Add ‘for’ attribute to labels for improved accessibilityIMPROVE
  • Display control: Add inline-flex option and free-text inputIMPROVE
  • Form element: Improve accessibility for radio and checkbox fieldsIMPROVE
  • Mini cart: Add aria-label to cart iconIMPROVE
  • Polylang: Show templates of all languages in the template managerIMPROVE
  • Post Content element: Load WordPress “global-styles” (if using on a Page and Edit With Bricks)IMPROVE
  • Posts element: Remove default margin & padding from filtersIMPROVE
  • Social Sharing & Social Icons: Rename Twitter to XIMPROVE
  • Social Sharing element: Ensure Pinterest link uses HTTPSIMPROVE
  • Theme Styles: Set “Entire site” condition if no other theme styles existIMPROVE
  • Updated: Vue.js and all other packages to the latest version (builder)IMPROVE
  • Coming Soon mode: Defined template not appliedFIX
  • Gradient: “Angle” control only shows when type is set to “Linear”FIX
  • Builder: Heading element text-decoration not visible on canvasFIX
  • Infinite scroll not working correctly if query uses certain DD valueFIX
  • Interactions: “Run only once” on a loop itemFIX
  • JetEngine: PHP warning on relationship type loop (set_loop_query)FIX
  • Maintenance mode: Don’t append “(Template)” as page title suffixFIX
  • Nav Menu: Deeper nested dropdowns active item not styledFIX
  • Page Settings: Custom CSS backslash gets removedFIX
  • Pagination: Always shows page 1 as the current page on homepage (if Polylang is activated)FIX
  • Pagination: Flip icon direction for RTLFIX
  • Search template: Products Total Results, Products Orderby, Products Pagination not showingFIX
  • Query Loop/Load more: Meta value returns 0FIX
  • Social Sharing: WhatsApp missing space after the titleFIX
  • Template Manager: Tag & bundle dropdowns wrong stacking (in Safari)FIX
  • Template: Page settings ‘Disable Header/Footer’ and body class don’t workFIX
  • Turnstile: Validation failed error after unsuccessful submissionFIX
  • Video element: Preview image shows after changing the source to dynamic dataFIX
  • WooCommerce: Login/Register “Show Password” icon alignment (in RTL)FIX
  • WooCommerce Product: Sale badge missing styles (in RTL)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Single Product Gallery zoom icon shows twice (in RTL)FIX

Full changelog​

  • Maintenance ModeNEW
  • Unlimited Remote Template URLsNEW
  • Popup render via AJAXNEW
  • Popup: New “Display on breakpoints” popup settingNEW
  • Create & select template tags when creating a template in the builderNEW
  • Gradient: New conic and radial gradient settings (shape, position, size, angle)NEW
  • New filter: bricks/builder/image_size_options (to modify image size options in the builder)NEW
  • Scroll snap: Add “unset” option (to disable scroll snap on specific breakpoint)NEW
  • WMPL & Polylang: Add language code to post title (in builder panel)NEW
  • Mini Cart element: New setting “Don’t close on click outside mini cart”NEW
  • Custom Authentication Pages: Access default WP login page via URL param “brx_use_wp_login”NEW
  • Custom Login Page: Support “redirect_to” URL parameterIMPROVE
  • Load more (Query loop): Hide button when there are no resultsIMPROVE
  • WPML & Template element: Use the translated “Template” elementIMPROVE
  • Adobe Fonts: Use CSS names instead of font slugFIX
  • Condition: “is not” always returns true when comparing against post status (multi-select)FIX
  • Copy & paste all elements breaks the structure (in specific instance)FIX
  • Counter element: Duration not working correct if count number is very smallFIX
  • Custom Fonts (admin screen): PHP 8 error with Japanese languageFIX
  • Dynamic data: “echo” function not rendering with non-roman character argumentsFIX
  • Dropdown: ::before gets added on mobileFIX
  • Element classes dropdown: Unable to open the dropdownFIX
  • Form element: Loading spinner doesn’t show without an icon setFIX
  • Form element: Reset password action hidden fields not removedFIX
  • JetEngine: Posts field in the query loop returns empty resultFIX
  • Nestable Accordion + Infinite scroll or Load more: JavaScript of fetched item not reinitialisedFIX
  • CMB and Pods: PHP errorFIX
  • Page Settings: Footer scripts were not save (with Bricks settings “auto-expand panel” enabled)FIX
  • Pie Chart element: Support use of CSS variable colorsFIX
  • Polylang: Use the correct language-specific search templateFIX
  • Polylang: Media translation issue (with Carousel)FIX
  • Posts element: Grid columns breaking (sometimes)FIX
  • Reading Progress Bar element: Styling issue on Safari desktop/iOSFIX
  • Related Posts element: “Max. related posts” is not 3 (when using default single post template)FIX
  • Settings injected via bricks/element/settings hook not being used by Carousel or Related PostsFIX
  • Page settings not applied for post status draftFIX
  • Spanish translation: Wrong hCaptcha notice labelFIX
  • Theme update: Missing CSS if element with same custom CSS “id” used on different pageFIX
  • WooCommerce: Products query settings not reflected on the canvasFIX
  • WooCommerce: Undefined variable $order (Template: Pay)FIX
  • Heading & Basic text element: “0” is not renderedFIX

Full changelog:​

  • Conic & Radial Gradients (plus repeating gradients)NEW
  • Bricks > Templates: Filter by template typeNEW
  • Scroll SnapNEW
  • Dynamic Data: New “current_wp_date” tag to render current date according to WP timezone settingNEW
  • Dynamic Data: New “author_archive_url” tagNEW
  • Conditions: New “Current URL” element conditionNEW
  • Slider element: New “Loop” controlNEW
  • Support using “query_results_count” for Carousel or Related Posts elementNEW
  • Counter element: Customisable thousand separator text; New “Typography” controls for prefix, counter, and suffix; Dynamic data supportNEW
  • Bricks settings: Custom code should always use direction LTR (left-to-right)IMPROVE
  • Exclude template conditions & populate content control groups from all My Account templatesIMPROVE
  • Form element: Validate MIME types of all submitted files also server-sideIMPROVE
  • Mini Cart: Adjust position of offcanvas cart details for wp-admin barIMPROVE
  • Map element: Load map style as needed (instead of providing all on the window)IMPROVE
  • Dynamic Data: Support date format filter for ACF time picker and Pods (date, datetime, and time), JetEngine (date, datetime)IMPROVE
  • WPML: Exclude specific controls from translationIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce Cart: Remove superfluous default stylesIMPROVE
  • WordPress 6.4+: Admin bar margin issue in the builderFIX
  • WordPress 6.4: Admin “System Information” page PHP errorFIX
  • Bricks settings: Custom CSS with “xxxx” string not savedFIX
  • Accordions & Tabs: Browser “Back” not working as expected (don’t add title toggle to browser history)FIX
  • Interaction “Scroll To” not working as expectedFIX
  • ACF empty date field + date filter generates PHP deprecate error (PHP8.1)FIX
  • Dynamic Data: “human_time_diff” tag used UTC time zone instead of time zone set in WordPressFIX
  • Form element: Checkbox Default “Value” not checked when using dynamic dataFIX
  • Form element: “Required” file with custom “Name” generates error on form submissionFIX
  • Form element: Submit loading spinner not aligned as iconFIX
  • Icon List element: Transform on hover with link applied to wrong selectorFIX
  • Instagram Feed element: Provide fallback if Carousel “media_url” doesn’t existFIX
  • Nested Dropdown ::before messes with hover stateFIX
  • Image Mask: Repeat control label typoFIX
  • Posts element: Fix “Alignment” content builder labels in RTLFIX
  • Product Reviews element: “Description” excess margin (in RTL)FIX
  • Social Sharing element: Not working in query loopsFIX
  • Table of contents: Misplaced ::before borderFIX
  • Form element: Action “Reset password” returns an errorFIX
  • User with “Editor content” capability cannot edit text on the canvasFIX
  • Conditions: Comparing against today’s date not working (use WP settings timezone)FIX
  • Search template not applied if another archive template targeting “posts” post type as wellFIX
  • Offcanvas: Not closing after click on anchor link (target located outside offcanvas)FIX

Full changelog:​

  • Save form submissions in databaseNEW
  • Form element: Integrate hCaptchaNEW
  • Form element: Set default field valueNEW
  • Form element: Add “name” attribute to fieldsNEW
  • Form element: New {{all_fields}} tagNEW
  • Form element: Integrate Turnstile (Cloudflare)NEW
  • Form element: Add “HTML” field typeNEW
  • Interactions: New triggers for Form Submit, Form Success, Form ErrorNEW
  • Form element: Immediate input validation & error message (when input loses focus)NEW
  • Form element: New actions “Lost password” & “Reset password”, plus new “Remember me” form field (for user login)NEW
  • Interactions: New “Scroll To” actionNEW
  • Instagram Feed element: Support carousel & video postsNEW
  • Instagram Feed element: New settings for image object-fit, height, widthNEW
  • Nestable slider: Focus optionNEW
  • Video element: YouTube “Do not track” settingNEW
  • Cart Items element: New image “Height” controlNEW
  • New dynamic data tag: site_loginNEW
  • New filter: bricks/assets/generate_css_from_elementNEW
  • Bricks settings: Builder > Toolbar logo link > Custom URLNEW
  • Force Bricks query rerun: Via query argument “bricks_force_run” set to trueNEW
  • Form: Submit button styles while sending (loading spinner & icon)IMPROVE
  • Accessibility: Add empty “alt” attribute to “author_avatar” DD tagIMPROVE
  • Progress bar: Ensure “label” uses cursor: pointer (if inside a link)IMPROVE
  • Remove “xml” tags from Bricks SVG filesIMPROVE
  • Template conditions: Section template “hook” now available for all conditions (not just globally as before)IMPROVE
  • WPML: Exclude certain controls that don’t need translation (i.e. customTag)IMPROVE
  • Form element: Only strip-off “p” and “br” HTML tags in checkbox options valueIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Update template files for WooCommerce 8.2.0IMPROVE
  • Update Font Awesome to version 6.4.2 (from 6.0)IMPROVE
  • Builder: Popup backdrop not visible when popup content is emptyIMPROVE
  • Dynamic data “num_words” filter now supports :format (to keep HTML)IMPROVE
  • Prevent Dropdown content & Nav items element from being copy & pasted (as they are non-deletable)IMPROVE
  • Updated: Australian English, German & Hungarian translationIMPROVE
  • Builder access: “Edit content” capability can drag & dropFIX
  • DD tag “url_parameter” not working if the value of the key is an arrayFIX
  • Dropdown: Missing ::before (needed for content transform-y)FIX
  • Form: Default email message doesn’t match once file upload field existsFIX
  • Instagram feed: Aspect-ratio issue in SafariFIX
  • Nav Nestable: Anchor links with a slash not working on the same pageFIX
  • Pagination element: Incorrect current page on home page if target query is not the main queryFIX
  • “Is main query” used in singular page causes infinite loop (frontend)FIX
  • Query loop post_type with products in the search result template always merged with the search stringFIX
  • Slider control: Custom min, max, step set under units not workingFIX
  • Single post default template: Post content styles missing if no content (external files)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Bricks query on archive page not explicitly destroyedFIX
  • Product reviews element: Missing stars styling (in builder)FIX
  • Product content: Edit link caused PHP errorFIX
  • AJAX add to cart: Quantity buttons not working if product loops after infinite scroll or AJAX paginationFIX
  • SEOPress Pro: Conflict with “woo_cart_remove_link” DD tagFIX
  • Social Sharing: URL conflict when using the “TI WooCommerce Wishlist” pluginFIX
  • WPML: Links translation not copied properlyFIX
  • WPML: Links within repeaters caused PHP errorFIX
  • Builder: Template popup: Select dropdown background-color (Safari 17)FIX
  • Builder: Element placed outside of CSS grid after drag & dropFIX
  • Code control: Undo/redo issuesFIX
  • Code control: Wrong cursor position after resizing the panelFIX
  • Comments: Unapproved comments show for non-logged-in visitorFIX
  • Background: “Custom size” dynamic data not renderedFIX
  • Header/Footer templates: Drag element into empty container or section not workingFIX
  • Archive template: “Post title” element causes error message after renaming CPT slugFIX
  • Error template not applied for permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/FIX
  • Gradient color set via dynamic data tag not working inside template (loading method: external CSS files)FIX
  • Form element: User registration doesn’t auto-generate password (if submitted empty)FIX
  • List element: Individual list item icon applied to all subsequent itemsFIX
  • Nestable Slider: Items to show > 1 & type “slide” auto-height & alignment issueFIX
  • Rich text: Shortcodes don’t render on canvasFIX
  • TranslatePress: URL issuesFIX
  • WooCommerce: Add to cart/cart quantity input selects text on double clickFIX
  • WooCommerce: Edit Address language issue (e.g. Norwegian, Swedish)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Cart items quantity superfluous margin-bottomFIX
  • WooCommerce Account page element: Wrong controls for navigation border & box-shadowFIX
  • WooCommerce Product Short Description element: sprintf issue and link formattingFIX

Full changelog:​

  • WPML CompatibilityNEW
  • Inject “Section” templates via hooksNEW
  • New element: Instagram FeedNEW
  • Query Loop: Query Editor (PHP)NEW
  • ACF: Support nested groups (open this entry for more details!)NEW
  • Query loop: New “Current post author” control (query type: User) and new dynamic data tag {author_meta:meta_key}NEW
  • New dynamic data tag: {query_results_count} and avoid running queries multiple timesNEW
  • Custom CSS: New “%root%” placeholder (“root” has been deprecated)NEW
  • Pagination element: Support for Users & Terms queries & new “bricks/query/result_max_num_pages” filterNEW
  • Offcanvas: New “Close on” setting (backdrop click, ESC key press)NEW
  • Mega menu: New “CSS selector (vertical)” setting to adapt mega menu vertical position to custom target nodeNEW
  • Slider elements: New “Transform” controls for previous & next arrowNEW
  • Polylang Pro: Duplicate all Bricks data (postmeta) tooIMPROVE
  • Builder: Insert new Section + SHIFT: Select inner container instead of sectionIMPROVE
  • Progress Bar: Hide “Percentage typography” control when “Show percentage” is not enabledIMPROVE
  • Progress Bar: Render “0%” instead of just “%” when dynamic data is emptyIMPROVE
  • WooCommerce: Update template files for WooCommerce 8.1.0IMPROVE
  • Builder: Custom CSS & Query loop doesn’t open from structure panel if interactions/conditions are openFIX
  • Builder: Heading contenteditable inconsistency (builder vs. frontend)FIX
  • Builder: Switch between Contenteditables inserts text of first element in selected element (trackpad “tap to click”)FIX
  • Builder: Can’t manually expand the element panel (when auto-expand is disabled in Bricks settings)FIX
  • Dynamic data: “echo” tag with arguments and space after comma (space is captured as argument value)FIX
  • Builder: Dynamic data tags not rendered on the canvas for every elementFIX
  • Infinite scroll: Author dynamic data tags not rendered after scrollFIX
  • Builder: Page settings “root” keyword gets replaced with brxe- element IDFIX
  • Query loop: “Is main query” not working if located inside a nested templateFIX
  • Query loop: “Media” + other post type excludes attachments from query resultsFIX
  • Nestable slider: “Auto height” setting not working (beware of possible CLS)FIX
  • Theme Styles: Issue when using multiple theme styles with identical valuesFIX
  • Search plugin results overwritten by Bricks queryFIX
  • WooCommerce: Shop page missing dynamic data background imageFIX
  • WooCommerce: {woo_product_stock:value} does not correctly return negative values (backorder)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Click on product tab titles causes Bricks accordion inside tab content (added via Bricks template) to toggleFIX

Full Changelog:​

  • Background Blend ModeNEW
  • Polylang CompatibilityNEW
  • WooCommerce: Product Gallery Thumbnail PositionNEW
  • WooCommerce: Product Gallery Thumbnail SliderNEW
  • WooCommerce: Account BuilderNEW
  • Page settings: Disable lazy loadNEW
  • Popup: New “Show at breakpoint” popup settingNEW
  • Aspect-ratio, isolation, mix-blend-mode, pointer-events (Style > Layout)NEW
  • WooCommerce: Various new AJAX add to cart settingsNEW
  • WooCommerce: Support “AJAX add to cart” for looping productsNEW
  • New DD tag: site_logoutNEW
  • AJAX Loader for infinite scroll, load more, AJAX pagination (plus new interactions)NEW
  • Builder settings: Update dynamic data description to avoid confusionIMPROVE
  • Layout elements: Only add “href” if HTML tag is set to “a”IMPROVE
  • Pagination element: Make icons accessibleIMPROVE
  • Metabox: Datetime field supports DD datetime filterIMPROVE
  • Popup: Auto-close popup on anchor link click (if target is outside of popup)IMPROVE
  • Tabs & accordions: Expand item on anchor link clickIMPROVE
  • Table of Content: Support multiple instances & keep default IDsIMPROVE
  • Builder: Keep nested accordion/slider element panel open after deleting repeater itemFIX
  • Carousel: Keyboard control interferes with regular scrolling when using page up / down keysFIX
  • Comments: Missing link styles (from theme styles)FIX
  • Dropdown: Item has wrong display value (in builder)FIX
  • Comments: Missing “approval needed” message after submitting a post commentFIX
  • Header: Slide up + Mini Cart/Search (Icon) causes horizontal scrollbarFIX
  • Image mask: Support DD & external image URLFIX
  • Loop with custom tag doesn’t show on the canvasFIX
  • Loop: Using ACF fields within an ACF post object loop generates errorFIX
  • Mega menu: Positioning issues on large screens when using boxed layoutsFIX
  • Megamenu: 1px gap to the rightFIX
  • Metabox: Group date field as timestamp renders current dateFIX
  • Metabox: WYSIWYG field iframe “title” attribute not addedFIX
  • Nav menu: Scrolling text color & transition not applied to items with subitemsFIX
  • Nav nestable: Fix “aria-current” for archive pagesFIX
  • Nav nestable: Border stylesFIX
  • Nav nestable: Nested mega menu wrong positionFIX
  • Pods: DD “value” filter not working for custom defined listsFIX
  • Pricing table: WYSIWYG & text area ACF fields not rendered as a listFIX
  • Specific background image URL not working because escaped incorrectlyFIX
  • Templates: 404 error template produces deprecation warnings (in PHP 8.1)FIX
  • Theme Styles: “All headings” styles not correctly applied in builderFIX
  • Theme Styles: Button “Default” border & box-shadow styles should apply to all button stylesFIX
  • RTL: Reversed panel resizeFIX
  • WooCommerce: Notice element not showing after add to cartFIX
  • RTL: Datepicker styles in builderFIX
  • Builder: Overflow in “Typography” theme style section (due to long tooltip)FIX

Full Changelog:​

  • Custom Shape Dividers (SVGs)NEW
  • Builder: “Edit template” button in panel & context menuNEW
  • Builder setting: Disable auto-expanding (Text editor, Code)NEW
  • Query Loop: Support ACF Posts ObjectNEW
  • Accordions & Tabs (simple & nestable): Open item through anchor IDNEW
  • Nav Menu: Mobile menu “Background” & “Background (active)” setting for top level & sub menu itemsNEW
  • Form: New “Language” setting for “Date” form fieldNEW
  • Search element: New “aria-label” button settingNEW
  • Dynamic data: {post_excerpt} automatically outputs trailing dots (…) as neededIMPROVE
  • Text Link: Don’t render text if emptyIMPROVE
  • Image: Support SVG files as “Sources”IMPROVE
  • Builder: Tooltip auto-lengthIMPROVE
  • Image: Always uses “picture” tagFIX
  • “Edit with bricks” button not displayed in Gutenberg on wordpress.com installationsFIX
  • Shape Divider: Setting can’t be cleared when a class is selectedFIX
  • Header: Scrolling text color does not get applied to menu items with childrenFIX
  • Background video: Vimeo doesn’t loop (when start or end time is not set)FIX
  • Cart loop: {featured_image} not showing if it is a variation product and no specific image set (in builder)FIX
  • Nestabled tabs inside nestable tabs not workingFIX
  • Gutenberg: Align “wide”, and “full” CSS fixFIX
  • WooCommerce 8.0: Empty cart template not showing after removing cart itemsFIX
  • Add to cart: Quantity & button width on a class (wrong selector)FIX
  • Mini Cart: Cart count/icon styles set on a class not appliedFIX
  • WebP Express plugin: Prevented builder from loadingFIX
  • Weglot plugin: Builder not loading (requires Weglot filter)FIX

Full Changelog:​

  • Reading Progress Bar, Reading Time and Table of ContentsNEW
  • Image MaskNEW
  • Image element: New “Sources” setting to set images per breakpointNEW
  • Background video: New setting for start time, end time, play once, show at breakpointNEW
  • Video element: Poster setting (locally hosted videos)NEW
  • Nestable slider: Background & border settings (for individual slide)NEW
  • Nestable slider: Disabled arrow stylesNEW
  • Nestable slider: Arrows text shadow settingNEW
  • Nestable slider & Slider: “Fade” option not working with “Items to show” set to 2+FIX
  • Nav nestable: Top-level border CSS selectors with active submenuFIX
  • Breadcrumbs: Parent / child relationships not reflecting correctlyFIX
  • Image gallery: PHP error if no image is selected, but “size” and link to “lightbox” setFIX
  • Countdown: Non-latin characters (Cyrillic, Chinese) not rendered properly in builderFIX
  • Logo Element: Missing “width” and “height” when using SVGFIX
  • Map: Unable to render map in the builder if address is in non-latin language (Arabic, Chinese)FIX
  • Rich Text: Custom color picker width (TinyMCE)FIX
  • Popup: “In”-animations not workingFIX
  • Interaction opens multiple popups if more than one popup template is inside loopFIX
  • Start animation only run onceFIX
  • Animated Typing: Not working inside query loop nestable slider (past first slide)FIX
  • Not allowed: Infinite template loop: If current category ID has the same ID as the template ID it is rendered inFIX
  • PHP error when opening the builder if certain dynamic data tags return non-string or non-arrayFIX
  • Vimeo background video loads YouTube related markupFIX
  • Locally hosted background video not playing on mobileFIX
  • mejs-video player: Wrong icons (video inside Woo product description)FIX
  • Theme Styles: Button “light” color gets applied when linked to lightboxFIX
  • WooCommerce: Google Pay and Apple Pay button not showing (in custom checkout template)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Theme Styles “Links” color not used in product contentFIX
  • WooCommerce: AJAX add to cart: External/Affiliate product should be excludedFIX
  • WooCommerce: Empty cart style not added if triggered by changing all quantities to zero and then clicking “Update cart”FIX
  • WooCommerce: Cart contents loop: First featured image dynamic data is empty (inside builder)FIX
  • WooCommerce: Mini cart: Fix “Visibility” placeholder and select option labelsFIX