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Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup]

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] 27.4.5 NULLED

BeTheme 27.3.8 (Nulled)
You can delete the Russian localization in the languages folder.


  • betheme.zip
    10.1 MB · Views: 22
raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] with a new update entry:

Betheme 27.3.9 NULLED

Version 27.3.9 – March 26th, 2024​

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Nested wraps + Query Loops - Unwanted output
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Images Gallery element - Prevent loading of images removed from Media Library
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Table of Contents element - 'Post content' element support

* Fixed: Header Builder - Hide Header Creative selected in Theme Options
* Fixed: Sidebar Menu Builder - Hide Header Creative selected in Theme Options
* Fixed: Sidebar Menu Builder - Menu...

Read the rest of this update entry...
demo templates are not imported into the site :(
Perhaps only some demo themes are not imported.
Try to deactivate the protection plugins for a while, if they are installed.
1. Check The system status.
Insert this code at the very beginning
of the file .htaccess
to your website on hosting.
File path: .../public_html/htaccess
php_value max_execution_time 600
php_value memory_limit 1024M
php_value post_max_size 256M
php_value upload_max_filesize 256M
php_value max_input_vars 5000
This is for normal downloading and updating of BeTheme
and plugins.
After inserting the code, check the BeTheme Settings -
The state of the system.
There should be green checkmarks everywhere.
2. When installing the Demo theme, do not use the reset button, otherwise not all the Demos will be installed.
Click the blue button - Skip (skip) then the Demo theme will rise completely.
raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] with a new update entry:

Betheme 27.4.2 NULLED

Version 27.4.2 – May 7th, 2024​

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Page Options - Responsive fields

* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Elements preview - PHP warning - Array to string conversion

* Fixed: WPML plugin - BeBuilder - Typography fields translate
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Header & Footer templates - Load template in the selected language is available
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Global Sections - Load section in the selected language is available

* Improved: BeBuilder - Image...

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A new version of BeTheme 27.4.3 has been released – May 8th, 2024 with fixes:
  • BeBuilder - Sidebar field - Undefined value causes the builder to crash
  • BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Section & Wrap - Advanced tab values
  • Live Search element - Search results window - Button href attribute
  • Blog - Single Post - Slider Revolution
  • Portfolio - Load more button - Missing Images Loaded JS plugin
A new version of BeTheme 27.4.4 has been released, with many fixes. If possible, please update it.
raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] with a new update entry:

Betheme 27.4.5 NULLED

Version 27.4.5 – June 12th, 2024​

* Added: BeBuilder - Convert wrap to global
* Added: BeBuilder - Copying elements between pages within a domain
* Added: BeBuilder - Adding elements to an empty section - the wrapper is added automatically

* Added: BeBuilder - Button element - Box shadow and Icon color styles
* Added: BeBuilder - Typography field - Negative letter spacing
* Added: BeBuilder - Margin field - Set 0 for absolutely positioned elements

* Added: Theme Options...

Read the rest of this update entry...
It is not possible to adjust the color of the Back to top icon. The problem started in the previous version of the theme and persisted in 27.4.5.There may be other problems.Who has a solution?