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Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup]

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] 27.4.2 NULLED


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jarvis submitted a new resource:

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme - Top selling WordPress Theme (Themeforest Item ID: 7758048)

View attachment 84

Betheme is the best product we ever did. This is more than just WordPress theme. Such advanced Theme Options panel and the Muffin Builder tool give unlimited possibilities. To show you how theme works, we have created 650+ thematic websites so you can see how amazing this product is.

It can not be described with any words. You must see it!

is full of different pre-built websites so you can easily import any demo website...

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jarvis updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Version – July 19, 2022

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Edit header link when BeCustom plugin as active
* Fixed: Menus - Add menu items - New items have the content of the post in the description field

* Fixed: Shop - Product content in full width section - Unwanted padding removed
* Fixed: Shop - Products page - Buttons style: Stroke

* Fixed: RTL - Mobile contact form

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Version – July 21, 2022

* Fixed: Header Builder - Assigning header template if another template has been removed
* Fixed: Header Builder - Open submenu link on click
* Fixed: Footer Builder - Default text and link color
* Fixed: Maga Menu - Content font inherits from body insted of menu
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Minor PHP 8 warning during import

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Version – July 27, 2022

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Slashes in shortcodes on history back
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Font size is displayed incorrectly in Builder window
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Lottie element - Animation loading after element duplication
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Import/Export - Hidden sections and Lottie element

* Fixed: Header Builder - Scroll to ID

* Fixed: Shop - Display products from individual categories
* Fixed: Shop - Missing woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title hook added
* Fixed: Shop - My Account button...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Version – August 4, 2022

* Fixed: BeBuilder - When editing on a small desktop screen, unwanted switching to tablets is blocked
* Fixed: Header Builder template on Search page
* Fixed: Header Builder - Icon element - Open link in new window
* Fixed: Header Builder - Menu element - Submenu icon color and size

* Fixed: Shop - Cart icon link do not work if Side cart is disabled
* Fixed: Shop - Templates - Exclude specified category
* Fixed: Shop - Mobile - Related products grid - 2 columns
* Fixed: Safari browser -...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme NULLED - September 1, 2022

Version – September 1, 2022​

* Added: BeBuilder - All links inside element with class 'scroll' have smooth scroll
* Added: Header Builder - Menu burger element - Submenu styles
* Added: WPML plugin - Templates - Different templates of different languages

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Page Options - Sidebars list did not refresh after adding sidebar
* Fixed: Header Builder & Mega Menu - Sticky header disappears on menu link hover
* Fixed: Header Builder & Footer Builder...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.5 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version 26.5 – September 27, 2022​

* Added: Setup Wizard
* Added: New Betheme Dashboard
* Added: Pre-Built Websites Importer with automatic plugin installation
* Added: Theme Options panel available in BeBuilder
* Added: Global sections and wraps

* Added: Clients slider element - Navigation arrows position option
* Added: Shop categories element - Categories display options - Main categories and subcategories

* Fixed: Header Builder - Sticky Header bounce when scrolling...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.5.0.2 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version – September 28, 2022​

* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Missing builder background color
* Fixed: Shop - Unable to save product content in BeBuilder Blocks
* Fixed: Shop Products element - Style: List - Text align
* Fixed: Child theme - BeBuilder - Missing icon in remove element modal

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Download Betheme NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version – October 5, 2022​

* Added: Column text element - Option to set content links color
* Added: Shop slider element - Option to exclude out of stock products

* Fixed: Plugins - Update button does not appear

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Shop slider element - Element rerendering in preview window
* Fixed: BeBuilder - GDPR notice - Hide permanently in page preview window
* Fixed: Gallery shortcode in Helper element content - Lightbox

* Fixed: Templates: Header -...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Download Betheme v26.5.1 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version 26.5.1 – October 18, 2022​

* Added: Performance: Lazy load images
* Added: Heading element - New HTML tags added: p, div, span
* Added: Blog slider element - Option to show post excerpt
* Added: RTL - BeBuilder Blocks - Wraps and elements are arranged as on the frontend

* Fixed: Templates: Shop - Template conditions - Include/Exclude category
* Fixed: Templates: Header + Shop: Single product - Breadcrumbs - Missing categories
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Pricing Item...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.5.1.4 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version – November 2, 2022​

* Added: Icon Box element - Label - Color and typography options
* Added: Progress icons shortcode - Option to set color icons and transparent background

* Fixed: WordPress 6.1 Compatibility
* Fixed: Isotope filters - Proper width of items and horizontal alignment of them
* Fixed: Theme Options - Color field - Update colorpicker only when full length HEX or RGBA is entered

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.6 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version 26.6 – November 9, 2022​

* Added: New List element
* Added: Pre-built websites - 5x faster demo content and attachments import
* Added: Shop Products element - Infinite Load option

* Fixed: Security: Potential vulnerability during the import process. unserialize() function has been replaced by json_decode() function

* Fixed: Setup Wizard - Wizard page visible on pages list in admin panel
* Fixed: Templates - Header, Footer, Shop products - Hide WordPress Editor...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.6.2 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version 26.6.2 – November 16, 2022​

* Added: Blog element - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query

* Fixed: Setup Wizard - Setup stucks at last step
* Fixed: Templates: Header - Once set, the exclusion condition cannot be turned off

* Fixed: Header - Cart icon with when price has additional text e.g., Excl. VAT
* Fixed: Header Builder - My account - Login form - Duplicated form
* Fixed: Shop - Side Cart - Cart icon link
* Fixed: Sticky wrap -...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.6.5 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version 26.6.5 – December 1, 2022​

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Theme Options - GDPR Message field - JS error when some HTML tags added
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Navigator - Labeling of global section was displaying incorrectly due to wrong conditional statement
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Pre-built sections - Unwanted confirm
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Templates - Global wraps - Hide unused import options

* Fixed: Blog element - Filters - Show active on current filter
* Fixed: Blog - jQuery...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.6.6 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version 26.6.6 – December 14, 2022​

* Added: Shop - Single Product - Option to hide WordPress Editor Content for all products
* Added: Heading element - Option to add inline shortcode in title field
* Added: List element - Target attribute for list element with link

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Single page import
* Fixed: BeBuilder - List element - Missing CSS file when new element added
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Blog element - Style: Photo 2 - Padding assigned to wrong div
* Fixed...

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raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

Betheme v26.6.7 NULLED | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

Version 26.6.7 – January 5, 2023​

* Added: Buttons - Style: Custom - Option to set box shadow
* Added: Heading element - Option to set title hover color
* Added: Clients slider element - Option to scroll one client at a time
* Added: Clients post type - Option to open client link in the same window
* Added: Accessibility - Header Builder support
* Added: BeBuilder - History - Option to disable autosave

* Fixed: BeBuilder - History - Undo and Redo - Unwanted site scroll...

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