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Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup]

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] 27.4.5 NULLED

Обновите плиз, и есть проблема, что не работают pre-build sections, при выборе просто пропадает блок
raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] with a new update entry:

Betheme 27.3.2 NULLED

Version 27.3.2 – January 12th, 2024​

* Added: WooCommerce builder - Single product - Product gallery - Arrow styles

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Blog News element - Title Tag for post titles
* Fixed: Popup builder - Hide unwanted Header Creative
* Fixed: WooCommerce builder - Single product - Product gallery - Thumbnails arrows

* Fixed: Query Loops - Related posts/products/portfolio - Exclude current category
* Fixed: Off-canvas sidebar - Scroll to anchor and hide on link click...

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A new version of Betheme has been released.
Correction of WooCommerce templates.
raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] with a new update entry:

Betheme 27.3.4 NULLED

Version 27.3.4 – January 25th, 2024​

* Added: BeBuilder - Image element - Custom height - Option to select container fit or fill
* Added: BeBuilder - Counter element - Option to add comma thousands separator

* Added: WooCommerce builder - Shop - Infinite load more
* Added: Query Loops - Arrows and dots - Responsive visibility options

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Image element - Custom alternative text different than set in Media Library
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Image element - SVG...

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27.3.4 - when installing the child theme, the following error occurs: Incompatible Archive.
raz0r updated Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] with a new update entry:

Betheme 27.3.6 NULLED

Version 27.3.6 – February 6th, 2024​

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Builder loading - Unexpected JS error
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Image element - Custom height & Open popup on link click
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Shop element - Pagination: Infinite loading

* Fixed: WooCommerce builder - Single product - Sidebar

* Fixed: RTL - Buttons - Icon position
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Templates: Blog

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A newer version BeTheme 27.3.8 is out, need updated version

Thanks in advcane
Betheme 27.3.8
  • Fancy Link shortcode - Option to open popup on click
  • Theme Options - Responsive - Apply recommended settings for Elementor Flexbox Container in one click
  • Popup - Pause Vimeo video on popup close
  • Sidebar Menu - Laptop styles - PHP error
  • Mobile: BeBuilder - Shop element - Pagination: Infinite loading
  • ACF plugin - Dynamic Data - Field type array
  • WPBakery plugin - FAQ element - Default state: Open
  • The Events Callendar - Community Events plugin - Default template
  • Rank Math SEO plugin - Heading element shows as an HTML tag
  • Pre-built website 2: Charity 4, Gadget
  • Elementor pre-built website 2: Charity 4, Gadget