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Zephyr | Material Design Theme

Zephyr | Material Design Theme 8.19 NULLED

Version 8.11 — September 23, 2022​

  • ADDED ability to change the Button Alignment for different screen sizes. For example, now you can set the Default alignment on desktops and laptops, the Center alignment on Tablets, and the Full-width alignment on Mobiles
  • ADDED Loco Translate support – now all theme-related strings are available for translation in the admin area
  • IMPROVEDnames of Zephyr post types to improve users' experience:
    • Page Blocks were renamed to Reusable Blocks
    • Content templates were renamed to Page Templates
    • Grid was renamed to Grid / Listing
  • IMPROVED WooCommerce-related builder elements:
    • now default Cart, Checkout, and My Account elements show the description to improve users' experience
    • improved names of some elements for a better understanding of their purpose. Example: "Cart - Totals" -> "Cart Page - Totals", "Notices Box" -> "Shop Notices Box", etc.
    • now an element won't show in the "Add Element" list if it's not possible to use it on that page. For example, when you edit the Cart Page, you can't add elements like "Checkout Page - Payment", "My Account Page - Login", "Product data", etc.
  • IMPROVED Display Logic settings:
    • added the Page URL comparison
    • added a dropdown with existing supported ACF fields in the Custom Field comparison
    • added support of the "Options" page values in the Custom Field comparison
  • IMPROVED Login element:
    • "Username" label changed to "Username or Email Address"
    • "Lost your password?" link moved to a row with the submit button
  • IMPROVED Popup element – added ability to change the Button Alignment for different screen sizes. Also, it's possible to stretch the trigger button to the full container width
  • IMPROVED Button Styles usage – now when the used Button Style was deleted, a button will show the first existing Button Style instead of gray unstyled rectangular
  • IMPROVED admin bar on the Shop Page – now it has the "Edit Page" (or the "Edit Live") item with relevant links for editing
  • IMPROVED Contact Form element – added ability to change Submit Button Alignment for different screen sizes
  • IMPROVED Social Links element – added option to stretch icon shapes to the full container width
  • IMPROVED Sharing Buttons element – added ability to justify buttons to the full container width
  • IMPROVED Grid Filter element – added option to show filter items as toggles (like an accordion)
  • IMPROVED Gravity Forms support – now it's possible to edit a form element with the Live Builder
  • IMPROVED Video Player element – now it's possible to show a video via a link to a video file
  • IMPROVED Design Settings > Extra class option – now it supports dynamic values
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED incorrect comparison of Display Logic > Date and Time value, when a timezone is specified
  • FIXED incorrect work of the default WooCommerce filter widget with the Grid showing Products
  • FIXED bug when a full-width Button is not stretched inside a Horizontal/Vertical Wrapper
  • FIXED bug when Button Alignment is not working inside a Page Block of a header menu
  • FIXED bug when values with double quotes are not working in the Live Builder preview
  • FIXED incorrect marker address in the Map element with the ACF "Google map" type
  • FIXED bug when the Link option is not showing in the Post Custom Field element
  • FIXED work of the Page Block selected for no results in the Grid showing Upsells
  • FIXED cases when the Product data element is not editable in the Live Builder
  • FIXED bug when "woff2" font files are not uploaded to the Media library
  • FIXED work of Design settings of elements on the "Posts page"
  • FIXED accessibility issue with the "aria-expanded" attribute
  • FIXED some minor issues
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

Version 8.10 — August 20, 2022 #

  • ADDED ability to customize the WooCommerce "Order Received" page via WPBakery and Live builder:
    • added Theme Options > Shop > Orders settings, where you can select a Content template, which will be applied to the "Checkout → Order received" page
    • added the new Order details builder element, it's available when editing Content templates
  • ADDED ability to customize the WooCommerce "My Account"page via WPBakery and Live builder:
    • added 3 new builder elements: My Account - Login, My Account - Menu, My Account - Content
    • added new Display Logic settings: Account endpoints comparison
  • IMPROVED ACF support – added support of Repeater and Flexible Content field types in the Post Custom Field element. Check which ACF field types are supported by theme elements in the updated article
  • IMPROVED Display Logic settings:
  • IMPROVED Post Taxonomy element – added the term slug class to easily customize term names separately. Example: .w-post-elm .term-red { color: red }
  • IMPROVED Grid element – added the term slug class to easily customize the Grid showing terms. Example: .w-grid-item.term-red { color: red }
  • IMPROVED Germanized support – now it's working correctly with custom Product, Cart, and Checkout pages
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED performance issues that may cause the "Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance" error
  • FIXED bug when a custom CSS isn't working on the Search Results page with a Content template
  • FIXED bug when the Inner Row with animation isn't showing in the Live Builder preview
  • FIXED case when header elements aren't displayed on mobiles with the AMP enabled
  • FIXED incorrect title on Author archive pages with the "PublishPress Authors" plugin
  • FIXED work of the Grid showing manually selected terms with the "Random" order
  • FIXED bug when the Video Player isn't compatible with WP Rocket LazyLoad
  • FIXED bug when the Video Player video isn't blocking by Borlabs Cookie
  • FIXED bug when the mobile menu dropdown causes a horizontal scroll
  • FIXED work of Grid order by custom fields with floating point numbers
  • FIXED display of a date picker in Gravity Forms inside popups
  • FIXED work of the FileBird plugin inside the Live Builder
  • FIXED some minor issues
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221 and Capcan