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Zephyr | Material Design Theme

Zephyr | Material Design Theme 8.19 NULLED

Version 8.19 — October 30, 2023​

  • ADDED new Gallery element – now you can easily create simple image galleries without complex Grid interface. Check the example
  • ADDED new Term List element – allows you easily create a list of terms based on Grid settings, but with more new abilities:
    • show terms of the current post (like the Post Taxonomy element)
    • show terms based on their custom fields
    • show terms except selected
    • exclude the current term
    • and many other combinations which can't be possible via the Grid element
  • IMPROVED Button element – added the ability to select a text dynamic value for the Button Label (this ability will be implemented for more elements and options in future releases)
  • IMPROVED Order Details element – added the "Actions for plugins compatibility" value used for compatibility with 3rd-party plugins
  • IMPROVED Design > Background settings – added the Background Blend Mode option allowing to create creative backgrounds
  • IMPROVED WordPress Login page – the logo uses the homepage URL instead of "wordpress.org" if a custom icon is set
  • IMPROVED timing of appearance animations – check example 1, example 2, example 3
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED bug when the responsive "Horizontal Alignment" of Wrapper elements isn't working for Grid Layouts
  • FIXED incorrect page title and URL inside an email message when the Contact Form is on archive pages
  • FIXED cases when Live Builder shows incorrect columns layout which is set via the WPBakery Builder
  • FIXED bug when the Image element with a link in a header uses the unchangeable "Link" aria-label
  • FIXED bug when videos with autoplay enabled start playing after closing the popup window
  • FIXED case when WPBakery allows to add the Inner Row inside other Inner Row element
  • FIXED work of search inside the "Manually selected items" option of the Grid element
  • FIXED case when the Live Builder cannot correctly save text values with quotes
  • FIXED case when the Counter element doesn't show its "count" animation
  • FIXED incorrect preview of Google fonts in the Setup Wizard in Safari
  • FIXED image editing inside the Media library opened in Live Builder
  • FIXED several possible PHP errors with incorrect content
  • FIXED bug when Social Links can't be visible in a Footer
  • FIXED several compatibility issues with WPML
  • FIXED incorrect Grid Layout duplication
  • FIXED some minor issues

Version 8.18.3 — September 22, 2023​

  • IMPROVED Theme Options – turned back the ability to edit Site Layout and Typography settings in the admin area. Live customization is only available when the "Live Builder" switch is enabled
  • FIXED bug when custom post types couldn't be edited via the Live Builder after the updating to 8.18.2
  • FIXED bug when an incorrect "Additional Google Fonts" value could break a website styling
  • FIXED case when typography fonts aren't available for selection after the updating to 8.18
  • FIXED PHP warnings after the updating to 8.18 in some cases

Version 8.17.4 — July 18, 2023​

  • FIXED incorrect appearance of switch controls in WPBakery elements settings after updating to 8.17
  • FIXED bug when the Grid Filter shows extra taxonomy terms which aren't used in the filterable Grid
  • FIXED bug when the fullscreen Mobile Menu prevents element selection in the Live Builder
  • FIXED incorrect appearance of the Post Image media preview when it has any Link value
  • FIXED appearance of checkboxes and radio buttons on default Cart and Checkout pages
  • FIXED incorrect appearance of the Link "Select Dynamic Values" popup on big screens
  • FIXED work of the "Remove left and right indents" option of the Tabs element

Version 8.17.3 — July 6, 2023​

  • IMPROVED new Link control:
    • added "Media File: Custom Link" into dynamic value selection, it's now easier to create an image gallery with custom links via the "Grid / Listing" element
    • added "Text" ACF fields into dynamic value selection
    • turned back ability to use [lang] as a part of URLs when using WPML or Polylang
    • turned back ability to use {{custom_field}} as a part of URLs
  • IMPROVED Social Links element – now it uses new Link control with all its abilities
  • FIXED issue when some ACF values were displayed incorrectly in the new Link control after update to 8.17
  • FIXED bug when the Image Slider flickers on page load

Version 8.15.1 — March 27, 2023​

  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • FIXED bug when Page Layout settings (Header, Sidebar) are not saved correctly after the update to Zephyr 8.15
  • FIXED work of Grids with built-in filter inside Page Templates after the update to Zephyr 8.15
  • FIXED incorrect image sizing inside Post Image element after the update to Zephyr 8.15

Version 8.14 — February 7, 2023​

  • ADDED new ability to use Section Templates via Live Buidler. Now you can easily create website pages from scratch using pre-built categorized templates, check the screencast
  • IMPROVED Live Builder:
    • added preview for the Post Taxonomy element when editing a Page Template
    • fixed incorrect preview of some elements when changing its settings
    • now elements aren't selected automatically after drag&drop
    • fixed preview of the Grid element with no results
    • fixed preview of the "Masonry" Grid element
  • IMPROVED Grid Layout templates:
  • IMPROVED Image Slider element:
    • now the "Thumbnails" additional navigation is shown out of the slider viewport, this doesn't reduce the scale of slide images
    • now images are shown correctly if you set the element height in Design > Sizes
  • IMPROVED Grid / Listing and Carousel elements – now their default breakpoints in the "Responsive" tab are bound to global values from Theme Options > Site Layout
  • IMPROVED Design settings – added the "Overflow" option to change CSS property of desired elements
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED issue when the Borlabs cookie plugin doesn't block videos inside Page Templates or Reusable Blocks
  • FIXED issue when the [product_page] shortcode was included to the "extra WPBakery features" option
  • FIXED bug when Video Player with the Image Overlay doesn't play the video file after the first click
  • FIXED bug when Grid Filter doesn't take into account the "Show past events" option for Events
  • FIXED work of appearance animation in Grid Layout elements after applying the Grid Filter
  • FIXED accessibility issue of the Popup element when its trigger doesn't have a text
  • FIXED appearance of Post Custom Field labels when editing a Grid Layout
  • FIXED work of the Grid Filter element when its items have the "0" value
  • FIXED work of Page Scroller dots on screens wider than 2000px
  • FIXED accessibility issue of Carousel prev/next arrows
  • FIXED appearance of some Shape Dividers in Safari
  • FIXED some minor issues

Version 8.13.4 — January 9, 2023​

  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • FIXED case when SVG images ignore the "Image Size" option value after the update to Zephyr 8.13
  • FIXED appearance of the Post Custom Field with ACF Repeater value as a table on small screens
  • FIXED work of some ACF fields added manually in the Display Logic settings
  • FIXED styling of a "success" message in the Contact Form element

Version 8.12 — November 3, 2022​

  • ADDED new Drag & Drop mechanic for the Live Builder – now it's easier and more comfortable to move/place all elements while building a page.
  • IMPROVED Grid Layout Templates (view all templates):
    • now Blog templates are divided into 3 groups: "single column", "several columns" and "without images"
    • added 4 new Blog templates and one new Shop template
    • old Blog templates are updated to a modern look
    • fixed issues with colors and image sizes in all templates
  • IMPROVED Display Logicusage:
    • now all conditions are working for elements inside Grids (Horizontal Wrapper and Vertical Wrapper)
    • Custom Field comparison operators "Includes / Excludes" are changed to more correct "Equal / Not Equal / Less than / Greater than"
    • Custom Field comparison now takes into account the "Return format" of ACF fields
    • Custom Field comparison now works correctly with values with comma
  • IMPROVED Popup element (check examples):
  • IMPROVED Mobile Menu usage – now the "w-nav-open" class is added to the <html> tag when the mobile menu is opened. This helps with customizations.
  • IMPROVED Lists of Headers, Page Templates, Reusable Blocks, Grid Layouts – now they didn't show posts with "Pending Review" and "Draft" statuses
  • IMPROVED Live Builder – now it's possible to Disable Row / Inner Row elements. This option was always available in WPBakery by default.
  • IMPROVED Grid Filter element – now after applying filter values it scrolls the page to the relevant Grid when it is out of the screen
  • IMPROVED Horizontal Wrapper element – added the "Stretch" value to the Vertical Alignment option
  • IMPROVED admin bar – turned back the Edit Page dropdown with relevant links to improve UX
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED Mobile Menu issue when a click on a menu item which opens sub-items causes a page scrolling
  • FIXED issue when WooCommerce-related images sizes aren't shown in the "Image Size" option
  • FIXED incorrect format of ACF "Date picker" values when using via {{field}} shortcodes
  • FIXED bug when Design > Box Shadow settings aren't working in some cases
  • FIXED preview of the Column "Background Overlay" option in the Live Builder
  • FIXED issue when the "FAQpage" schema is added to paginated archives
  • FIXED incorrect work of Grids showing Events from The Events Calendar
  • FIXED issue when the Page Scroller takes into account hidden Rows
  • FIXED issues with WPBakery version 6.10.0
  • FIXED several WPML compatibility issues
  • FIXED some minor issues
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Reactions: tatar221

Version 8.11.2 — October 6, 2022​

  • FIXED case when the site header with a non-default "Initial Header Position" stopped being sticky
  • FIXED work of the "Show past events" option in the Grid showing Events of The Events Calendar
  • FIXED "addEventListener is not a function" compatibility issue with some plugins
  • FIXED visual issues of default pages of The Events Calendar plugin
  • FIXED work of {{custom_field}} shortcodes on taxonomy pages
  • FIXED incorrect rendering of shortcodes in the Live Builder
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221