• The default language of any content posted is English.
  • Information: Safety & Support
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Version 9.0.2 / January 10, 2023
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor v3.10.0.
FIXED: Reinit swatches on infinite scroll for Elementor Products Grid widget.
FIXED: Quantity discounts in quick view/single product in some cases.
FIXED: Elementor Products grid with catalog mode.
FIXED: Elementor Products list with catalog mode.
FIXED: Elementor Products carousel with catalog mode.
FIXED: Variation product quick view clear btn.
FIXED: Off-Canvas mobile sidebar svg php notice.
FIXED: Header dropdown search with categories.
REMOVED: Empty mail-chimp.js.
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 9.0 / January 03, 2023
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v7.3.
ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo Marseille04.
ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo Furniture03.
ADDED: Built-in Wishlist.
ADDED: Built-in Compare.
ADDED: Basket cart icon in the list of Mobile panel element’s icons.
ADDED: Compare element to Mobile panel elements.
ADDED: Search icon none type.
ADDED: Quantity select options.
ADDED: Countdown options for Single product page.
ADDED: Automatic carousel image effect for Elementor Products grid widget.
ADDED: Automatic carousel image effect for Elementor Products Carousel widget.
ADDED: Safe & Secure Checkout (XStore Control Panel -> Sales booster).
ADDED: Elementor Static Block widget.
ADDED: etheme_et_js_config filter.
ADDED: DOMDocument enabled check for System Requirements.
FIXED: Follow shortcode didn’t show on AMP version.
FIXED: Elementor instagram widget slider arrow styles.
FIXED: Elementor Products grid image effect slider after ajax load more action (ajax navigation, load more button click, infinite scroll).
FIXED: Elementor Products Carousel image effect slider after ajax load more action (ajax navigation, load more button click, infinite scroll).
FIXED: Security issue (direct php file calling).
FIXED: Dashboard changelog page structure.
FIXED: Theme changelog is now always actual.
FIXED: Elementor/wpb elements, shortcodes, theme option - wrong size params like 200x100x50, 100xlarge, 500 etc.
FIXED: WPML language in ajax loaded mobile menu.
FIXED: Single product (not builder) tabs in case when woocommerce_product_tabs action has incorrect callbacks.
FIXED: Products per page on shop select action in case while Ajax Product Filters - disabled and Ajax Product pagination - enabled.
FIXED: Single post breadcrumb while using the posts as guides.
FIXED: Variation product quick view for selected variation.
FIXED: Variation product quick view gallery.
FIXED: Variation product quick view image on changing.
FIXED: Special offer wpb element php notices.
IMPROVED: Speed Optimization.
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
Version 8.3.9 / December 21, 2022
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v7.2.1.
ADDED: Automatic Carousel option (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop -> Products style -> Product image hover).
IMPROVED: Product sale countdown works for product variations now (forum topic).
IMPROVED: Icons weight for Elementor Products grid and Elementor Products Carousel widgets Details.
FIXED: Customer reviews (Sales Booster -> Customer’s reviews) (forum topic).
FIXED: Search results count (forum topic).
FIXED: Header builder compare options for multiple headers.
FIXED: 8theme search widget Details (forum topic).
FIXED: Compatibility some strings with WPML (forum topic).
FIXED: 8theme Static Block widget PHP Notice Details.
FIXED: Product swatches PHP Fatal error - (Screenshot).
FIXED: Header builder PHP Warning - (Screenshot).
FIXED: Customizer PHP Warning Details.
FIXED: 8theme widgets gutenberg preview.
FIXED: PHP Fatal error - WP_REST_Widget_Types_Controller->get_widget_preview.
FIXED: PHP Warning - Details (Screenshot).
FIXED: Elementor editor getAttribute js error.
FIXED: Compatibility with Elementor pro v3.5.1.
FIXED: 8theme search widget.
FIXED: Recent comments wiget.
FIXED: Extract before/after args for widgets (Screenshot).
FIXED: Elementor editor wordpress widgets error while gutenberg editor enabled and 8theme widgets are edited for the first time or elementor editor was closed without saving.
FIXED: Elementor compatibility (Screenshot).
FIXED: Version check update fatal error.
FIXED: 8theme Elementor add to cart widget PHP Warning - Details.
FIXED: PHP Fatal error - Details.
FIXED: WPBakery live editor js error.
FIXED: Single product builder php warning (when all columns were removed) (Screenshot).
FIXED: Header style after switching themes (Screenshot).
FIXED: PHP fatal errors in (Elementor widgets / WPBakery elements / sidebar widgets) Details.
FIXED: Shop page breadcrums while ajax filtering + ajax pagination (forum topic).
FIXED: Undefined array key "Offset" In callbacks.php (forum topic).
FIXED: PHP Warning et_col-xs-offset- for builder.
FIXED: Quantity input styles Details.
FIXED: Product’s quantity input value stayed limited if one of variation was selected with max quantity options (Screenshot) + fix on reset variations.
REMOVED: 8theme - Flickr Photos widget.
REMOVED: Static image links Details.
REMOVED: etheme_demos_url filter.
REMOVED: etheme_http function.
DEV: etheme_protocol_url filter.
DEV: etheme_documentation_url filter.
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
Version 8.3.8 / November 30, 2022
ADDED: Theme Settings -> Speed Optimisation -> Disable REST API Endpoint option.
ADDED: Compatibility with VideoPress service.
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin (plugin’s variation images are saved for our variation gallery product meta and works without reuploading images for each product variation).
ADDED: Product SKU locations (mini-wishlist option).
ADDED: "product_new_label_on_date_created" filter for adding new label for products only on date created. Add next snippet in your child-theme/functions.php - add_filter("product_new_label_on_date_created", "__return_true").
ADDED: [etheme_sales_booster_estimated_delivery] shortcode.
ADDED: "et_estimated_delivery_settings" filter for modifying sales booster -> estimated delivery output based on specific options or product settings.
IMPROVED: 8them Static Block widget (optimised queries/added new notices in case while block selected for widget and then deleted or move to trash/draft).
IMPROVED: New label range (option) with max value of 365.
FIXED: Single product category size guide when primery category was deleted.
FIXED: Elementor PRO popup editor.
FIXED: 8theme Recent post widget docan compatibility.
FIXED: Brands List Alphabetic filtering.
FIXED: 8theme - Product Status Filters.
FIXED: Embeds (Theme Settings -> Speed Optimisation) REST API.
FIXED: Embeds (Theme Settings -> Speed Optimisation) embeds_rewrites.
FIXED: Еheme http/https protocol error (getting version/plugins information).
FIXED: Frequently bought together total price calculations.
FIXED: Leave product name in main content too (option).
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Reactions: tatar221

Latest version 8.3.5/ Core plugin 4.3.5​

October 14, 2022
  • ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo – Hemp & CBD
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v7.0.0
  • ADDED: Disable Embeds (Theme Settings -> Speed Optimization)
  • ADDED: WordPress Image Quality (Theme Settings -> Speed Optimization)
  • ADDED: WordPress Big Image Size Threshold (Theme Settings -> Speed Optimization)
  • ADDED: Enable Flying Pages (Theme Settings -> Speed Optimization)
  • ADDED: XStore documentation (beacon) button in customizer preview
  • ADDED: Global sections (Theme Settings -> Global sections)
  • ADDED: Age Verify Popup options (Theme Settings)
  • ADDED: Product video position (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Single product layout and Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Single Product Builder -> Gallery )
  • ADDED: Image loading offset (Theme Settings -> Speed Optimization)
  • ADDED: Product sku locations (option)
  • ADDED: Search Extra content ( Theme Settings -> Header Builder -> Search Note: search type should be full-width selected )
  • ADDED: Hot label options (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Product Badges )
  • ADDED: Enable advanced stock (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Advanced Product stock)
  • ADDED: Enable advanced stock on archives (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Advanced Product stock)
  • ADDED: Swatch design (option) (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Variation swatches)
  • ADDED: Swatch Out of Stock (option) (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Variation swatches)
  • ADDED: Swatch shape (option) (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Variation swatches)
  • ADDED: Estimated Delivery (XStore Control Panel -> Sales booster)
  • ADDED: Customer Reviews (XStore Control Panel -> Sales Booster)
  • ADDED: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Badge Management (forum topic)
  • ADDED: Checking connection for XStore APIs every 10days
  • ADDED: Password strength check for off-canvas account content (forum topic)
  • FIXED: Variations swatches structure in Quick view (if swatches popup type enabled on shop)
  • FIXED: Show only min price on variable products (option) with Elementor widgets (forum topic)
  • FIXED: Sale percentage text for translations
  • FIXED: PHP notices if XStore Core was not activated (forum topic)
  • FIXED: Header builder fonts enqueueing (forum topic)
  • FIXED: Single product builder fonts enqueueing (forum topic)
  • FIXED: Custom fonts enqueueing
  • FIXED: Prev/next navigation (forum topic)
  • FIXED: PHP notices in etheme_get_svg_icon function (screenshot)
  • FIXED: PHP notices in Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (screenshot)
  • FIXED: PHP notices in WPBakery Page Builder v 6.9.1 (screenshot)
  • FIXED: Warning: Attempt to read property “post_title” on null in wp-content\plugins\js_composer\include\helpers\helpers.php (screenshot)
  • IMPROVED: Pre-built headers list (Theme Settings Header Builder > Header Templates)
  • IMPROVED: Custom options UI/UX on Single product/Single post/Page (backend)
  • IMPROVED: Sales Booster tabs for better UI/UX (XStore Control panel)
  • IMPROVED: Sticky cart for variable and grouped products
  • IMPROVED: Ajax search with tabs (if one tab only and count of results are more than 5 we add show more button)
  • IMPROVED: Optimized code structure of Theme Settings
  • IMPROVED: FontAwesome 5 icons in menu options (screenshot)
  • UPDATED: FontAwesome 5+ library
  • TWEAK: Set Elementor as default builder for demo versions (XStore Control Panel -> Import Demos)
  • INFO: Renamed Sale & Out of Stock & New (Theme Settings -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements ) to Product badges
  • DEPRECATED: etheme_ajax_search_products_sku – filter. Use instead settings Product SKU positions and select ajax search results option (screenshot)
  • DEV: Removed autoload for et_header_builder_fonts option
  • DEV: Changed add_action( ‘woocommerce_single_product_summary’, ‘etheme_product_share’, 50 ); to add_action( ‘woocommerce_share’, ‘etheme_product_share’, 50 );
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
Version 8.3.2 / September 08, 2022
ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo – Beaty & Cosmetics.
ADDED: XStore Grid Layer (Elementor editor -> Page settings).
ADDED: XStore Conditions (Elementor editor -> Any Widget/Section -> Advanced tab).
ADDED: Developer mode option for XStore Built-in Email builder.
ADDED: Product Sold Counter (XStore Control Panel -> Sales Booster tab).
ADDED: Floating menu (XStore Control Panel -> Sales Booster).
ADDED: XStore Documentation Beacon option Details.
ADDED: Lazyload Demos (XStore Control Panel -> Import Demos).
ADDED: Lazyload Plugins (XStore Control Panel -> Install Plugins).
ADDED: Html block 04, Html block 05 for header builder elements.
ADDED: Html block 04, Html block 05 for single product builder elements.
ADDED: Collapsed reviews on mobile (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Single product (or Single Product builder)-> Tabs.
ADDED: Add Progress Bar option (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop -> Shop Page layout -> scroll to the same bottom) Note.
ADDED: Custom size guide image for products of this category option (Products -> Categories -> Edit Category).
ADDED: Custom variation title if Show Variations As Simple Products option enabled (Edit Variable Product ->Variations -> Edit Variation).
ADDED: GTIN field for products.
ADDED: Menu order type of Order by settings for Elementor Product Grid widget.
ADDED: Menu order type of Order by settings for Elementor Product List widget.
ADDED: Menu order type of Order by settings for Elementor Product Carousel widget.
ADDED: New Label Color (option) (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Sale & Out of Stock & New).
ADDED: New Label Background Color (option) (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop Elements -> Sale & Out of Stock & New).
ADDED: Products per view (option) (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop page Layout -> Popup Added To Cart Settings).
FIXED: Fatal error if Elementor plugin version was less than required by XStore Core/XStore theme Details.
FIXED: Non-clickable products after ajax filters done from off-canvas sidebar.
FIXED: Invisible images on scroll in safari.
FIXED: Undefined etTheme.isotope in global lazyload scripts.
FIXED: 8theme brands filter widget.
FIXED: “Use ajax preload for this widget” option for all 8theme widgets.
FIXED: Sticky sidebar init after ajax filters.
IMPROVED: XStore Control Panel design and optimization.
IMPROVED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout design.
IMPROVED: Popup added to cart design (added add to cart buttons on cross-sells/up-sells products below).
IMPROVED: Product size guide image Details.
IMPROVED: Saving speed of Sales Booster section of XStore Control Panel.
DEV: et_canvas_sidebar_opened (js action).
DEV: et_canvas_sidebar_closed (js action).
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Reactions: tatar221
ADDED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Cart/Checkout layout)
ADDED: Compatibility WooCommerce 6.8
ADDED: Compatibilty with YITH Wishlist 3.12.0
ADDED: Slides Elementor widget
ADDED: Content Switcher Elementor widget
ADDED: Toggle Text Elementor widget
ADDED: XStore Tooltip feature (Elementor -> Any widget -> Advanced Tab)
ADDED: Floating Effects feature (Elementor -> Any widget -> Advanced tab -> XStore Effects)
ADDED: Show only names (option) for Elementor Brands widget and WPBakery Brands Carousel element (forum topic)
ADDED: Less Items Link option in Theme Options -> Header Builder -> All Departments (note: More items link should be enabled)
ADDED: Show Less Link option in Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop -> Shop Page Filters (note Show More Filters On Click should be enabled)
ADDED: Sticky option (Elementor -> Editor -> Column -> Advanced Tab)
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts widget
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Chess widget
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Timeline widget
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Tabs widget
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Carousel widget
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products Grid widget
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products List widget
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products Carousel widget
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts widget
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Chess widget
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Timeline widget
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Tabs widget
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Carousel widget
IMPROVED: Tag of fake live viewing (from DIV -> P) for better visual view among other content
FIXED: Dokan vendor registration shortcode scripts issues in some cases (forum topic)
FIXED: Show more link in sidebar widget duplication in some cases
FIXED: Styled issue of rating in QV (in case SPBuilder was used)
FIXED: Products Brands element in WPBakery Grid Builder (forum topic)
FIXED: Serif/Sans-serif postfix for fonts in Theme Options Typography options (forum topic)
FIXED: Scroll to top option (if only AJAX pagination option was enabled) (forum topic)
FIXED: multiple header builder while blog page is not exist
FIXED: SKU search with trashed products
FIXED: Fake Sale Popup
FIXED: AJAX search error PHP Warning: Undefined array key product in
UPDATED: show WordPress errors while theme activation
UPDATED: WPML Config file with Elementor widgets ready to translate (forum topic)
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