• The default language of any content posted is English.
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

Latest Version 9.3.15 / Core plugin 5.3.15​

July 12, 2024
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.1.0
  • FIXED: Single product image blink (Screenshot)
  • FIXED: Single product swatches primary attribute (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Product brand filter (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Header logo display - protocol issue (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Ajax search product subcategory issue (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Search product issue (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Checkout page editing (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Compatibility with Real Testimonials Pro plugin (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Duplications of found products in Ajax search (Forum topic) Details
  • FIXED: Hidden logo on mobile on Thank you order page with advanced cart/checkout layout (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Product title translations in Fake Sale popup (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Fatal error when displaying Spotlight Categories Elementor on product tag page (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Quantity increments on checkout page (Forum topic)
  • IMPROVED: Loginizer price with XStore Elementor Header Builder (Forum topic)
Version 9.3.9 / May 07, 2024

ALERT: Important security notice - 14 issues identified and FIXED. It is crucial to update both the XStore theme and XStore Core plugin.
ADDED: "Above" option for Elementor Header Popup search widget.
ADDED: Copy URL item in Wishlist share area.
ADDED: Show subcategory path (option) for Elementor Header Ajax Search widget.
FIXED: Product thumbnail HTML attribute for SEO requirements.
FIXED: Product category display in Elementor Header Popup Search results.
FIXED: Filter by price (range type).
FIXED: XStore Elementor Header overlay in Sticky header.
FIXED: Import of sales booster.
FIXED: "Electronics Mega Market" demo import.
FIXED: Notice: Function register_post_type was called incorrectly.
FIXED: Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null.
FIXED: Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null.
Version 9.3.5 / April 08, 2024

ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress v.6.5.
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor v.3.20.3.
FIXED: Single product variation dynamic title issue resolved.
FIXED: XStore Elementor sticky header (stacked type) issue fixed.
FIXED: Hidden off-canvas elements in sticky header (mobile: cart, Wishlist, account) now visible for logged-out users.
FIXED: Sales booster progress bar updated with new XStore Cart builder.
FIXED: Elementor Sidebar widget visibility.
FIXED: XStore Wishlist products count fixed.
FIXED: XStore Compare products count fixed.
FIXED: Scrolling of page when Elementor off-canvas opened issue.
REMOVED: Subscriptio - WooCommerce Subscriptions | WooCommerce plugin.
UPDATED: Removing of installed demo content (terms and taxonomies).
Version 9.3.1 / March 26, 2024

ADDED: Categories Hidden On option.
FIXED: Issue with the missing xstore-icons ttf font.
FIXED: Menu link attributes inconsistency.
FIXED: JavaScript error encountered.
FIXED: Autocomplete login form functionality in XStore Header Elementor builder Account element.
UPDATED: XStore Icons font.
FIXED: XStore Studio performance.
Version 9.2.9 / February 28, 2024

ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress v6.4.3.
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v.8.6.1.
FIXED: Import of Minimal Fashion demo.
FIXED: Fatal error.
FIXED: Warning: Undefined array key "username".
FIXED: Instagram VC element.
FIXED: Warning: Undefined array key "username".
FIXED: Undefined array key "id".
FIXED: XStore Wishlist/Compare.
FIXED: Warning: Undefined array key "safe_checkout".
FIXED: Problem with 'Promo Text' - already inserted ones are not visible.
FIXED: Sale Booster - Estimate Delivery.
FIXED: PHP Fatal errors in some cases.
Version 9.2.8 / February 12, 2024

ADDED: Compatibility of Elementor Add To Cart widget product links with WPML.
ADDED: Content Position option for Elementor Product Filters widget
FIXED: The site crashes upon creating an order.
FIXED: Buy now button styling in XStore Single Product Builder.
FIXED: PHP 8.2.1 compatibility (demo import process).
FIXED: Translations for Estimated Delivery feature (Sales Booster).
FIXED: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "type".
IMPROVED: Elementor Animated Headline - underline type.
IMPROVED: Refined Elementor Product filters widget.
IMPROVED: Enhanced Elementor Circle Progress Bar widget.
IMPROVED: Implemented CSS fixes for improved styling.
IMPROVED: Optimized Elementor Icon Box widget.
IMPROVED: Streamlined Elementor Icon Box Carousel widget.
UPDATED: Facebook login process.
UPDATED: Google login process.
REMOVED: Freelance prebuilt version.

Latest Version 9.2.6 / Core plugin 5.2.6​

January 17, 2024
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v.8.5.x
  • ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress v.6.4.x
  • ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor v.3.18.x
  • ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo "Yoga Accessories"
  • ADDED: API connect error explanation screenshot
  • ADDED: New domain pattern for staging web-site *.sg-host.com
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for slides content type option in Elementor Carousel Anything widget
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for content type option in Elementor Content Switcher widget
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for content type option in Elementor Modal Popup widget
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for content type option in Elementor Horizontal Scroll widget
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for Empty cart custom template in Elementor Cart page
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for Additional block custom template in Elementor Cart page
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for Empty cart custom template in Elementor Cart table
  • ADDED: Static block possibility for Additional block custom template in Elementor Cart totals
  • ADDED: Effect option for Carousel Anything Elementor widget
  • ADDED: Elementor message about slider arrows position when this setting is not working with Elementor feature active screenshot
  • ADDED: Checkout First + Last name type (Theme options -> WooCommerce -> Checkout) screenshot
  • ADDED: Slides (beta) functionality
  • FIXED: Single product swatches primary attribute
  • FIXED: Customizer single product builder typography field saving process
  • FIXED: Customizer header builder typography field saving process
  • FIXED: Multiple single product builder "Request A Quote" element (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: PHP Fatal error: Details
  • FIXED: Download of Master Slider - Touch Layer Slider WordPress Plugin
  • FIXED: Compatibility with License Manager for WooCommerce plugin (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Ability to translate theme option from WPML string translation (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Single product builder (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: JS errors after cart refreshed Details screenshot
  • FIXED: JS error Uncaught ReferenceError: action is not defined screenshot
  • FIXED: Single product saving overresources error (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: PHP Notice Details
  • FIXED: PHP Notice: Details
  • FIXED: XSS search security screenshot
  • FIXED: Most cases of using XStore documentation URL Details
  • FIXED: Most cases of using 8Theme Support Forum URL Details
  • FIXED: Wishlist options in customizer with catalog mode (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Compare options in customizer with catalog mode (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Displaying Frequently Bought Together section on single product page Details (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Cross-sells product displaying on Cart page built by XStore Builder (Forum topic) Details
  • FIXED: Added locked overlay for widgets that are not available in the current editor Details screenshot
  • FIXED: Blog Carousel/Blog/Blog Timeline/Blog list WPBakery elements with displaying posts from an empty category (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Products Cross-Sells style on the cart page (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Broken loading action for swatches filters in Elementor sidebar widget Details
  • FIXED: Elementor Tag Cloud widget - Show heading option
  • FIXED: Checkout Page (multistep) Elementor widget previous/next steps styles
  • FIXED: Quantity change on the cart page from a mobile device (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Lazy image placeholder after product quantity change on Cart page
  • FIXED: CSS fixes
  • FIXED: Broken SVG icon for Elementor Icon box & Icon box carousel widgets Details (Forum topic)
  • UPDATED: XStore Icons Fonts Details
  • IMPROVED: Replaced the old Twitter icon with a new one (X) in all places
  • DEV: Added etheme_woocommerce_mini_cart_product_title_tag filter Details
  • DEV: Added etheme_woocommerce_mini_wishlist_product_title_tag filter Details
  • DEV: Added etheme_woocommerce_mini_compare_product_title_tag filter Details
Version 9.2.5 / December 01, 2023

ADDED: Checkout Page Multistep Elementor widget.
ADDED: Checkout Page Payments options.
ADDED: Checkout Page Shipping methods options.
ADDED: Show Stock Status (option) in Elementor Products Grid widget.
ADDED: Show Stock Status (option) in Elementor Archive Products widget.
ADDED: Show Stock Status (option) in Elementor Products List widget.
ADDED: Show Stock Status (option) in Elementor Products Carousel widget.
ADDED: Advanced stock colors option in Elementor Product Stock widget.
FIXED: Cart redirect in Elementor editor.
FIXED: Loading styles for product design type in Elementor Products (Cross-sells, up-sells, related) widgets.
FIXED: Duplication of woocommerce notices on checkout page built with new builder.
FIXED: Cart page built with XStore Builders.
FIXED: Checkout page built with XStore Builders.
FIXED: Triggering creating WooCommerce default pages by surfing pages in different languages.
FIXED: MultivendorX plugin compatibility.
FIXED: Product stock quantity on single product page.

Latest version 9.2.3 / Core plugin 5.2.3​

November 07, 2023
  • ADDED: Overflow Visible option for Elementor Single product Product Images widget
  • ADDED: Slides per view option for Elementor Single product Product Images widget full-width type Details
  • ADDED: Instruction to compatibility with "WooCommerce Simple Auction" plugin (Forum topic)
  • ADDED: New option Customizer -> SEO -> "Nofollow" Tag For Pagination Url (Forum topic)
  • ADDED: New notice for XStore top bar links
  • ADDED: Compatibility of Advanced Reviews with Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin (Forum topic)
  • IMPROVED: Products Grid Elementor widget Details
  • IMPROVED: Products List Elementor widget Details
  • IMPROVED: Products Carousel Elementor widget Details
  • IMPROVED: Date php function replaced with wp_date() Details (Forum topic)
  • IMPROVED: Spotlight Categories Elementor widget Details (Forum topic)
  • IMPROVED: Spotlight Categories Elementor widget with more Carousel settings (Forum topic)
  • IMPROVED: Order review Elementor Checkout widget with more table design options
  • IMPROVED: Use passive event listeners (Forum topic)
  • IMPROVED: Staging domain patterns Details (Forum topic)
  • TWEAK: Checkout Shipping details Elementor widget force display content in editor Details
  • FIXED: Checkout Elementor widgets notices if WooCommerce plugin is not active
  • FIXED: Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs style (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Account, Phone icons in Sales Booster
  • FIXED: Customer Image Reviews (Sales Booster features settings)
  • FIXED: Advanced Product Reviews (Sales Booster features settings)
  • FIXED: Cart/Checkout Countdown (Sales Booster features settings)
  • FIXED: Wrapper link for Elementor widgets (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Product Categories broken layout in Archive products widget Shop page built with XStore Builders Details (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Email field prioritized option (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Advanced Reviews Rating by criteria options Details (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Initialize ajax loaded contact form 7 (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Woocommerce product loop id elementor widget rewrite it for some elements (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Sales booster cart checkout progress bar options (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Elementor loading while WooCommerce is disabled (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Variation - When you apply a default form value, ie colour, the label is not displayed on front-end" (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Sales Booster (Cart Progress bar) (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: xstore-icons font display Details (Forum topic)
  • FIXED: Admins font loading
  • FIXED: Multiple frontend font display Details
  • FIXED: PHP Fatal error Details
  • OPTIMIZED: Remove unused querry on frontend screenshot (Forum topic)
  • DEV: added «etheme_cart_shipping_full_width» filter Details