• The default language of any content posted is English.
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.


= 6.4 (16/02/2023) =​

  • NEW OpenAI integration #2 iteration (better UX, error handling, universal SEO metabox integration, support for Bricks Builder)
  • NEW Internal linking suggestions for standard content analysis metabox (PRO)
  • NEW ‘seopress_get_dynamic_variables’ hook to filter the drop-down list of dynamic variables (https://www.seopress.org/support/gu...iable-for-your-meta-title-description-social/)
  • FIX CSS Dynamic tags dropdown list / Social Preview
  • FIX Admin notices for PRO version
  • FIX Prevent Fatal error Cannot access offset of type string on string in wp-seopress/src/Services/ContentAnalysis/RenderContentAnalysis.php:34
  • FIX Check if Google Search Console feature is enabled before running the CRON task
  • FIX Fatal error on plugins deactivation

= 6.3.1 (26/01/2022) =​

  • INFO Improve our OpenAI integration
  • INFO Update OpenAI hooks to pass the post id
  • FIX Cleaning media filename
  • Like
Reactions: anton.petrov1

= 6.2 (15/12/2022) =​

  • NEW Google Search Console iteration #2: add clicks, positions, CTR, impressions columns to post/page/post type (PRO)
  • INFO Add uninstall.php file to clean up database when uninstalling (https://www.seopress.org/support/guides/uninstall-seopress/)
  • INFO Stop saving empty metadata in database
  • INFO Add additional checks for SiteNavigationElement schema generation
  • INFO Update the Google Preview to follow latest changes
  • INFO Remove noodp meta robots
  • INFO Allow users with ‘manage_options’ cap to change the number of items displayed from SEO, Redirections, Screen options tab
  • INFO Define ‘SEOPRESS_WL_ADMIN_HEADER_LOGO’ deprecated (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/add-your-custom-logo-in-seopress-admin-header/)
  • INFO Disable Content Analysis metabox now also disable significant keywords
  • INFO Remove seopress font to optimize performance
  • INFO Remove ‘_seopress_robots_primary_cat’ from default WP API (we recommend to use our SEOPress REST API instead: https://www.seopress.org/support/guides/get-started-with-the-seopress-rest-api/)
  • INFO Optimize Twitter Cards
  • FIX Video xml sitemap regeneration process (go to SEO, Tools, Video Sitemap tab, and click Regenerate button if some YouTube videos are missing from the video sitemap)
  • FIX servesCuisine for global Local Business schema (SEO, PRO, Local Business)
  • FIX Do not add the license key to the database if the define ‘SEOPRESS_LICENSE_KEY’ is used in wp-config.php
  • FIX Add a non breaking space for “Search results:” to breadcrumbs
  • FIX Nginx rewrite rules for XML sitemaps (https://www.seopress.org/support/guides/xml-sitemap-returns-404-error/), thanks to @seobro_agency
  • FIX Returns a 404 error if post type doesn’t exist for XML sitemaps
  • FIX Compatibility issue with modal link
  • FIX PHP 8.1: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
  • FIX Thrive Architect compatibility with Content Analysis
  • FIX Compatibility issue with Beaver Builder Ultimate add-on
  • FIX Energy Consumption min/max scale (product schema)
  • FIX Universal SEO Metabox translation
  • FIX Fatal error from Widgets screen if both Polylang and SEOPress enabled
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
= 6.1.2 =
* FIX Alternative title from Wizard is no longer required
* FIX Updater "a new version is available" (PRO)
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
= 6.1.1 =
* FIX wpml-config.xml file with WPML and Polylang (PRO)
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
= 6.0.1 =
* INFO Bump min version of WP required to 5.0+
* INFO WPML compatibility for translated archive links in XML sitemaps (thanks to @wpml)
* FIX Compatibility with SEOPress for MainWP add-on
* FIX Accordion.js error for FAQ block
* FIX Doc links
* FIX Slow file_get_contents request for robots.txt on very specific server configuration
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

= 6.0 (3/10/2022) =​

  • NEW Matomo Analytics as a WP Dashboard widget (PRO) 🎉
  • NEW Pros and cons for Product structured data types (PRO) 🎉
  • NEW +2000% performance improvement on frontend 🎉
  • NEW WP Job Manager breadcrumbs compatibility
  • NEW “Stop WordPress to attempt to guess a redirect URL for a 404 request” option (SEO, PRO, Redirections / 404)
  • NEW “seopress_content_analysis_cleaning” hook to run custom action when cleaning content for analysis (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/run-custom-action-when-cleaning-content-for-analysis/)
  • INFO Automatically enable by default IndexNow for Bing and Yandex on new installs
  • INFO Exclude TablePress “edit” links from Content Analysis – NoFollow links
  • INFO Update our block icons for the Block Editor
  • INFO Improve Page Speed PDF export
  • INFO Remove log for Page Speed CRON
  • INFO Add a notice if SEOPress PRO version is extremely old to prevent any issues
  • INFO Improve Get started block from SEO Dashboard page
  • INFO We now automatically flush permalinks when saving XML sitemaps global settings
  • INFO Drop support for Oxygen < 4.0 (please update!)
  • FIX Remove duplicated posts in HTML sitemap
  • FIX Warning: Use of undefined constant SEOPRESS_PRO_VERSION – assumed ‘SEOPRESS_PRO_VERSION’
  • FIX Regenerate IndexNow key button in specific cases
  • FIX Useless quotes for Post Author name with automatic Recipe schema
  • FIX CSS conflicts with table
  • FIX CSS conflits between Universal SEO metabox and a WP theme
  • FIX Warning on plugin activation related to the significant keywords SQL table
  • FIX Duplicated custom tracking for BODY tag with Oxygen v4
  • FIX Tracking scripts with Oxygen v4
  • FIX Word counters with inline CSS
  • FIX Sitemap block not listing all CPT
  • FIX Test URL redirection button in specific cases
  • FIX Doc links
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
= =
* FIX Compatibility with SEOPress for MainWP add-on
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221