• The default language of any content posted is English.
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.


= 7.0.2 (03/10/2023) =​

  • INFO Update the Google Preview to match the new design from search results
  • INFO Improve error handling for OpenAI
  • FIX Language passed to OpenAI when using the Universal SEO metabox

= 7.0 (21/09/2023) =​

  • NEW WooCommerce compatibility: use the Universal SEO metabox with the new editor
  • NEW Generate SEO metadata with AI in WP CLI (PRO)
  • NEW Track product view details with Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce (PRO)
  • NEW Quickly block ChatGPT bots to crawl your website (SEO, PRO, robots.txt)
  • NEW Generate independently SEO metadata from the standard and universal SEO metabox
  • NEW Internal linking: show the anchor with the suggested link
  • NEW ‘seopress_gtag_ec_single_view_details_ev’ hook to filter the view product details event for GA4 ecommerce (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/filter-google-analytics-ecommerce-view-details-item-event/)
  • NEW ‘seopress_primary_category_list’ hook to filter the primary category / product category list (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/filter-primary-categories-product-categories-list/)
  • NEW ‘seopress_bot_query_dom_args’ hook to filter the query to request the DOM
  • NEW ‘seopress_sitemaps_xml_index_item’ hook to filter items in Index XML sitemaps
  • NEW ‘seopress_sitemaps_html_hierarchical_terms_query’ && ‘seopress_sitemaps_html_hierarchical_tax_query’ hooks to filter hierarchical taxonomies/terms in HTML sitemap (https://www.seopress.org/support/ho...-post-type-hierarchically-by-custom-taxonomy/)
  • INFO Added number of notifications as badge on notification center icon
  • INFO Order notifications by impact: high, medium, low, info
  • INFO Improve responsive design / CSS for content analysis and structured data types metaboxes
  • INFO Remove “Display archive links in HTML sitemap”
  • INFO ‘seopress_sitemaps_html_remove_archive’ hook is now deprecated
  • INFO Improved notice when a redirect already exists
  • INFO Add quick tags for global author meta description template
  • INFO Improve UI for Universal SEO metabox
  • INFO Completely remove Universal Analytics (GA3) from the plugin
  • FIX Some User consent cookie bar customization settings
  • FIX GA4 Enhanced Ecommerce for FSE themes
  • FIX Duplicated accordion.js file with FAQ block
  • FIX PHP Undefined array key “bing”
  • FIX PHP Warnings if %%_ct_tax%% is used with empty terms / incorrect tax name
  • FIX Remove jQuery tabs for GA4 widget
  • FIX Do not load GA Enhanced Ecommerce if GA toggle off
  • FIX ‘seopress_stop_attachment_url_to_postid’ filter
  • FIX Do not display empty values for width / height publisher logo for schemas
  • FIX Matomo JS if disabled
  • FIX Remove /product-category/ option with specific cases
  • FIX White Label with multisite setup
  • FIX PHP Warning: Undefined array key “host” in redirections
  • FIX FAQ and How-To Blocks errors
  • FIX PHP 8.2 notices

= 6.9 = (10/08/2023) =​

  • NEW WordPress 6.3 compatibility
  • NEW Add your OpenAI API key to your wp-config.php file (PRO)
  • NEW Quickly check your OpenAI key status from SEO, PRO, AI (PRO)
  • NEW Breadcrumbs block enhanced (PRO)
  • NEW FAQ block enhanced (PRO)
  • NEW White label: Remove update notification link from plugins list (PRO)
  • NEW “seopress_pro_breadcrumbs_html_class_li”, “seopress_pro_breadcrumbs_html_class_li_active” to filter breadcrumbs classes (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/filter-the-breadcrumbs-html-classes/ – PRO)
  • NEW “seopress_sitemaps_html_product_cat_slug” to filter product category slug (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/filter-product-category-slug-used-in-html-sitemap/)
  • NEW Massive update for language packs (Polish, Swedish, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Korean…)
  • INFO Use Ajax to generate title and meta using AI in bulk (PRO)
  • INFO Improve GDPR (remove UTM links and YouTube embeds from the user interface)
  • INFO Add seopress-white-label body class if White Label is enabled
  • INFO Add comments for translators (i18n)
  • INFO Improved UI for local business hours section
  • INFO Stop saving empty entries for automatic schemas
  • INFO Improved UI by removing bulk actions for CPT/Tax if SEO is disabled from the global settings
  • INFO Improved UI by adding character counter for site title field (SEO, Titles and metas, Home)
  • FIX Move noscript tag to body for Matomo
  • FIX Robots.txt file with multisite setup and subdomains
  • FIX Breadcrumbs compatibility issue with MyListing theme / WP Job Manager
  • FIX Fatal error with Breadcrumbs on rare cases
  • FIX PHP Warnings on social meta ($post->ID is null)
  • FIX PHP Warning Undefined array key “nb_uniq_visitors”
  • FIX PHP Fatal error array_sum for GA widget in specific cases
  • FIX PHP Warnings on custom schema in specific cases
  • FIX Incorrect notice for “Target keyword already used”
  • FIX Search Console metrics: incorrect matching URL if anchors

= 6.8 = (5/07/2023) =​

  • NEW Google Search Console widgets (PRO) 🎉
  • NEW OpenAI: we now pass the post language to improve results when generating meta title / description 🎉
  • NEW Application passwords for SEOPress REST API 🎉 (https://www.seopress.org/support/guides/get-started-with-the-seopress-rest-api/)
  • NEW Semi-automatic redirection notifications on term slug deletion / edition to prevent 404 errors (PRO) 🎉
  • NEW Add bulk actions to send to instant indexing post / page / post type URLs 🎉
  • NEW WP CLI SEOPress commands: import / export SEOPress global configuration to a JSON file (https://www.seopress.org/support/guides/seopress-wp-cli/)
  • INFO Remove pre_get_posts filter for XML index sitemap
  • INFO Improve XML index sitemap performance
  • INFO Improve UI/UX
  • INFO GA3 (Universal Analytics) has been removed from SEOPress as this version has been deprecated / removed by Google
  • INFO Delete all schemas / redirects / broken links entries on uninstallation
  • FIX Test redirection link button in a multisite network
  • FIX Fatal error with Broken links checker
  • FIX Warning if no visits for Matomo widget
  • FIX Instant Indexing capability issue
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

= 6.7.2 (13/06/2023) =​

  • FIX Compatibility issue with beTheme builder for content analysis
  • FIX White label issue on plugins list
  • FIX Missing tags causing issue with Article schema / dynamic variables in dropdown list
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

= 6.7.1 (09/06/2023) =​

  • INFO Add a new documentation link for AI feature
  • FIX Documentation links in SEO dashboard
  • FIX Wrong dynamic variable .ds_store with Universal SEO metabox
  • FIX %%_ucf_first_name%% not rendered with Universal SEO metabox
  • FIX Prevent fatal error in specific cases with automatic redirects
  • FIX An issue with Rank Math importer in specific cases
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

= 6.7 (07/06/2023) =​

  • NEW Brand new design for our SEO dashboard (first iteration) 🎉
  • NEW Table of Contents block for Gutenberg (PRO) 🎉
  • NEW Remove oEmbed links
  • NEW Remove WordPress X-Pingback header
  • NEW Remove WordPress X-Powered-By header
  • NEW Notifications if SEO / Social sharing is not correctly setup from Bricks settings
  • NEW ‘seopress_titles_custom_field’ hook to filter %%_cf_your_custom_field_name%% dynamic variable in title and meta (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/filter-_cf_your_custom_field_name-dynamic-variable/)
  • NEW ‘seopress_titles_user_meta’ hook to filter %%_ucf_your_user_meta%% dynamic variable in title and meta (https://www.seopress.org/support/hooks/filter-_ucf_your_user_meta-dynamic-variable/)
  • INFO Improve compatibility with PHP 8.1+
  • INFO No more 404 errors in XML sitemaps (flushing permalinks is now automatic)
  • INFO Inspect URL is now using the domain property option if checked from SEO, PRO, Google Search Console (hook is no longer needed)
  • FIX Bricks builder compatibility issue
  • FIX Video sitemap tab issues in Universal SEO metabox
  • FIX Missing hook “seopress_matomo_analytics_cron” on uninstall / deactivation
  • FIX 400 error on IndexNow API key regeneratation
  • FIX Undefined variables in Inspect URL with Google Search Console tab
  • FIX Limit to 5 suggestions the internal linking tab in Universal SEO metabox
  • FIX PHP Warnings with WP Gridbuilder
  • FIX An issue with JSON breadcrumbs on archive pages with no results
  • FIX Deprecated PHP 8.1+ Automatic conversion of false to array
  • FIX Deprecated PHP 8.1+ ltrim()
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

= 6.6.2 (03/05/2023) =​

  • FIX Capabilities
  • FIX Error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in Schemas metabox in specific cases
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

= (20/02/2023) =​

  • FIX Saving Instant Indexing options
  • FIX SEOPress missing widgets in Elementor