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Content Views Pro - Grid & Filter for WP

Content Views Pro - Grid & Filter for WP 7.0

= 5.14 =
* New: [Block] implement "Filter by Custom Field" feature to query posts by custom fields in blocks
* Update: [Block] able to sort by multiple custom fields in blocks
* Update: when using relative path for "cvp_custom_url" field to set custom title, prepend the path with get_home_url() instead of get_site_url()
* Fix: left padding of Readmore button in Pinterest layout (using view shortcode)
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 5.11.1 =
- Fix: 'Lightbox of Content' text can be hard to see on mobile devices when set 'Content Selector'
- Ensure compatibility with Content Views 3.0.3
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 5.11 =
- New: add Pro Gutenberg blocks and block layouts to Content Views version 3.0 (includes 15 blocks, 75+ ready-to-use patterns)
- Fix: Live Filter issue with slash or comma in filter value
- Update: add "_OrganizerOrganizer" custom field for The Event Calendar
- Other fixes and improvements
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 5.10 =
- Ensure compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 6.2 (tested up to WordPress 6.2 beta 4)
- New: add option to the hover/active color of Live Filter elements
- New: add round edge, circle styles to Pagination numbers
- New: add round edge style to the Read more button
- Update: improve output of Live Filter elements
- Fix: title issue when trimming title that includes unicode characters
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Reactions: bugrist
= 5.9.3 =
- New: add option to show WooCommerce star ratings
- Fix: prevent potential cumulative layout shift (CLS) issue of Pinterest layout in some cases
- Fix: remove the page parameter from the single post url when showing live filters and results in different places using shortcode parameter show=filter and show=result
- Update: improve accessibility of Submit, Reset buttons of live filter
- Other improvements
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Reactions: bugrist
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Fix regression introduced in 5.9.2 about showing custom field image as thumbnail
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Reactions: tatar221
= 5.9.2 =
- Update: when showing taxonomy terms as live filter options, able to hide taxonomy terms which current user doesn't have access to (restricted by "Restrict Content Pro" plugin)
- Update: add option to enable line breaks when showing custom field value
- Update: improve compatibility with the "Group" field of Advanced Custom Fields plugin
- Update: improve compatibility with some lazy load plugins (A3, Smush)
- Other fixes and improvements
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Reactions: tatar221
= 5.9.1 =
- New: able to translate dynamic texts (input fields in View settings) by WPML, Polylang plugins
- Fix: compatibility issue with The Event Calendar 6.0.0 when sorting events by start/end date
- Fix: images's width issue when enabling both same size and overlay features in Safari browser
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Reactions: tatar221
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- Fix: prevent conflict with event handlers attached to the 'load' event of window
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Reactions: tatar221