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Content Views Pro - Grid & Filter for WP

Content Views Pro - Grid & Filter for WP 7.0

= 7.0 =
* New: [ElementorWidget] Add 11 PRO post layout widgets for the Elementor page builder.
Each widget has powerful query controls, layout controls, and a lot of style controls to customize your output.
* New: [Shortcode] When show terms as output, add option "Get child terms of selected term above" to show subterms of selected term automatically
* Fix: compatible issue with WordPress 6.6
* Other fixes and improvements
= 6.3.1 =
* Fix: Submit/Reset buttons are not shown when set "window.cvp_lf_submit_reset = true" in "Custom JS" field
* Fix: Clicking on custom link in post content does not work correctly when enabling overlay clickable
= =
* Fix: [Shortcode] fix error when importing some patterns (that sets meta fields for other posts) to view shortcode
= 6.2 =
* Improve: huge performance improvement when hiding restricted posts (by membership plugins) from unauthorized users
* Update: [Live filter] when showing Submit/Reset button, make these buttons appear smoothly when changing filters
* Update: [Live filter] escape default text of radio, button, dropdown types; and prefix/suffix text of range slider
* Fix: [Live filter] hierarchy output of Taxonomy filter when term name has special characters
* Other updates and improvements
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 6.1 =
* New: Add the "Overlay Clickable" option to Overlay blocks/layouts
* New: [Block] Add Sticky Post, Title Length, Pagination Load More Text, Author (For Logged In User), and Excerpt options to Blocks
* Fix: Issue of checkboxes order in "Fields Settings" when enable "Show Top Meta"
* Fix: [Block] Heading text disappears when changing option of Live Filter
* Other updates and improvements
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 6.0.1 =
* Fix: appearance of the "Overlay Gradient" setting in the Add/Edit View page with WordPress 6.4
* Update: optimize the custom fields list to improve the loading time in Admin area
= 6.0 =
* New: Add new 12 layouts (with many variants) including Grid 2, List, Overlay 1 - 8, Big Post 1 - 2
* New: Add "Library" to View shortcode to import 75+ ready-to-use patterns/layouts to new/existing View easily
* New: Add new options (Margin, Padding, Border, Border Radius) to elements in the "Style Settings" tab
* New: Add "Hover Effect" options to the thumbnail image
* New: Add "Top Meta" field to show taxonomy/author/date in custom position, which differs from "Meta Fields" position
* Update: Support "Infinite Scroll" and "Load More" pagination styles for Live Filter
* Fix: Make "Replace Layout" work with block themes
* Other fixes and improvements
= 5.16 =
* New: [Block] Add 'Substitute' option for Featured Image in blocks
* New: [Block] Add 'WooCommerce Hot Pick' to show Sale, Best selling, Featured, Top rated ... products in one click
* New: [Block] Add the Timeline Block
* Update: [Block] Add options to remove box-shadow, border between fields in the Pinterest block
* Update: [Block] Add options to exclude current post, password protected posts, children posts
* Update: [Block] Add Social Share buttons to block
* Update: Add Circle style for Social buttons
* Update: [Block] Set default top margin for WooCommerce Price, Add To Cart button in blocks
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 5.15 =
* New: [Block] add "Live Filter" feature to blocks to show taxonomies, custom fields, text search as filtering options in front-end
* New: [Block] add "Filter by Published Date" feature to blocks
* New: [Block] add "Show Advertisement" feature to blocks
* Some small fixes and improvements