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CheckoutWC 9.1.1 NULLED

Version 7.10.8 - 2023.04.25
  • Fix - Fix bug with UK translations that caused 'Street address' to be rendered as 'Gata'
  • Fix - Harden up side cart styles to prevent theme conflicts
  • Fix - Fix Order Bump compatibility with WooCommerce Price Based on Country
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 7.10.5 - 2023.04.03
  • New - Basic plan holders now can access Google / Fetchify Address Autocomplete, Smarty Address Validation, Trust Badges, Cart Editing at Checkout, and International Phone Input
Version 7.10.4 - 2023.03.28
  • Fix - Fix bug that prevented free shipping progress bar threshold from being converted to different currencies.
Version 7.10.3 - 2023.03.23
  • Improved - Add button stylings for WP Swings RMA / Refund plugin
  • Fix - Fix edgewise where plugins enqueue select2 instead of selectWoo
  • Fix - Add protection against duplicated "(optional)" appendix to field labels
  • Fix - Show the address line 2 field after Fetchify fills in the address.
  • Fix - Fix buy now button redirect issue with 'Direct checkout, Add to cart redirect, Quick purchase button, Buy now button, Quick View button for WooCommerce' plugin
  • Fix - Add new filtered priority to WooCommerce EU UK VAT Compliance Premium compat class to make sure we interact with the filters correctly
  • Fix - If the address fields are customized such that the fetchify search field doesn't appear, use address 1 instead.
  • Fix - Fix glitch with PayPal for WooCommerce / Amazon Pay that prevented login modal from working
  • Fix - Fix issue with Coderockz delivery plugin caused by the plugin loading it's own version of selectWoo (which is our job!)
  • Fix - Fix bug that prevented mini cart buttons from loading when 'Enable Payment Buttons' was enabled on the Side Cart
  • Fix - Fix possible error with Square compat class when square fields aren’t on the page (because of conditional payments plugin) that prevents other things from happening.
  • Fix - Adjust trust badges CSS to make sure they are equal width
  • Fix - When removing discounts from free shipping bar threshold, handle taxes correctly
  • Dev - Add cfw_smarty_address_validation_address filter to smarty to let devs manipulate how data is sent to Smarty
Version 7.10.1 - 2023.03.02
  • Hotfix - Fix possible (though unlikely) fatal error with Klarna Payments
  • Hotfix - Fix CSS glitch with one page checkout
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 7.9.0 - 2023.02.18
  • Improved - Switched from wc-ajax=update_checkout to wc-ajax=update_order_review - this aligns our AJAX refresh with core's and handles edge cases where plugins look at the URL to determine the type of request happening (generally an anti-pattern). It also works properly when CheckoutWC is bypassed or disabled.
  • Fix - Smarty address validation now works with the One Page Checkout option
  • Fix - Fix issue where temporary alerts weren't cleared on subsequent AJAX refreshes unless there were new alerts to show.
  • Dev - Added messages to the update_order_review response package because it's in Woo core and some plugins like to use it
  • Dev - Fixed HPOS incompatibilities in our stat collection class.
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 7.8.7 - 2022.12.29
  • Fix - Fix password reset modal bug that prevented reset from succeeding.
  • Fix - Fix CFW_AUTO_ACTIVATE_LICENSE constant feature.
  • Fix - Speed up the timing of the shadow root removal on the Amazon button to reduce flash of old button
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 7.8.3 - 2022.11.29
  • Hotfix - Fix bug that caused mobile payment icon CSS to output at the top of the page.
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 7.7.2 - 2022.10.18
  • Hotfix - Fix bug that prevented saving scripts to the database. Do not save your settings until you have updated to 7.7.2 to prevent data loss.
  • Dev - Added cfw_copy_pickup_details_to_order_notes filter to enable sending pickup information to order notes field.
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Reactions: tatar221