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CheckoutWC 9.1.1 NULLED

Version 8.2.18 - 2023.11.01
  • Improved - Allow the quantity control on bundled items if appropriate.
  • Fix - Fix width of Payment Plugins PayPal button
  • Fix - Fix bug where shipping method showed outdated price when using table rates, or similar. Such as using the plugin Flexible Shipping.
  • Fix - Fix bug where order bumps showed on the side cart even when disabled
  • Fix - Fix WooCommerce Payments express buttons and separator when underlying checkout page is configured with the block checkout
  • Fix - Fix Advanced Coupons styling bugs with Groove theme
  • Fix - CSS fix for Betheme
  • Fix - Fix issue where removing an item in the side cart removed even when clicking ‘cancel’ on confirm dialog
  • Fix - Fix issues with Mercado gateway
  • Fix - Fix Polylang home URL
  • Fix - Prevent fatal error with grouped products
  • Fix - Add our CSS as unremoveable with WP Rocket
  • Dev - Add debug logging to ACR
  • Dev - Make classes on checkoutwc_cart shortcode filterable: checkoutwc_cart_shortcode_additional_classes
  • Dev - Add a filter to allow tracking carts without emails defined: cfw_acr_track_cart_without_emails
  • Dev - Add filter cfw_hide_bump_if_offer_product_in_cart to control whether order bumps are hidden if the offer product is in the cart. Always hides if the bump is already in the cart.
  • Dev - Added actions cfw_after_modal_order_bump_variable_product_form and cfw_after_modal_order_bump_regular_product_form actions
  • Dev - Added action cfw_after_modal_variable_product_form
Version 8.2.17 - 2023.10.12
  • Fix - Fix fatal error from non-existent shipping method
  • Fix - Fix Klarna Payments on the order pay page
  • Dev - Allow a cookie for template previewing
Version 8.2.13 - 2023.09.16
  • Hotfix - Fix potential JavaScript error
Version 8.2.8 - 2023.08.28
  • Fix - Fix bugs introduced by AB testing API that prevented key compatibility modules from loading properly. AB testing now requires using an MU plugin an a new action hook. We updated our example here: https://gist.github.com/clifgriffin/55698eca1956bd14fe1a673a91d7da76
  • Fix - Fix potential fatal error that occurred when removing all highlighted countries
  • Dev - Updated description of WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor to add another caveat
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 8.2.3 - 2023.07.31
  • Fix - Fix WPML translation config for ACR emails
  • Fix - Fix bug that limited the number of pickup locations that could show
  • Fix - Fix fatal error with store policies admin page
  • Dev - Add cfw_fetchify_search_placeholder filter though it doesn’t seem to work. Hopefully we can get this working in the future.
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Reactions: edgars221289
Version 8.1.10 - 2023.06.12
  • Fix - Fix bug that caused shipping method to be set when variations are added to the cart or cart is edited which prevented WooCommerce from changing the shipping method.
  • Fix - Trigger click on payment method input to ensure that gateways looking for click event work. In this case: Payment Plugins PayPal gateway.
  • Fix - Our hacky workaround to save CC fields for Payment Plugins Stripe and Braintree only worked on first refresh. Made it less strict so it works for multiple
  • Fix - Only visually update the review pane when moving to the shipping tab while logged in. (Refresh is neccessary to update names)
  • Fix - Fix Groove theme update animation that caused the updated elements to appear white
  • Fix - Fix layout of suggested products on mobile
  • Fix - Don’t allow ACR coupons to work for lost carts - allows scarcity and time limited offers.
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Reactions: edgars221289
Version 8.1.6 - 2023.06.06
  • New - Added per email option to enable WooCommerce email template for Abandoned Cart Recovery emails.
  • Improved - Added location and type columns to Order Bumps admin table view
  • Fix - Order bumps are now excluded from coupon codes to prevent unintended discounts.
  • Fix - Excluded coupon/promo field on checkout from stored in field persistence cache
  • Fix - Fix cart displaying below order pay form on mobile
  • Fix - Fix CSS bugs with WooCommerce Subscriptions and Groove theme
  • Fix - Fix styling of mobile cart totals and show items link for Groove theme
  • Fix - Fix autozoom on coupon field on mobile
  • Fix - Fix Smarty address validation issues with address_2 and international (non-US) addresses.
  • Fix - In non-checkout contexts (aka the cart), show all of the available shipping methods when Local Pickup is enabled.
  • Fix - Hide ship or pickup method if none of the relevant options are available (Local Pickup)
  • Fix - Fixed PHP notice
  • Fix - Fix bugs with CURCY and order bump prices
  • Fix - Fixed settings export and import to work with 8.0 settings. Note, you cannot import pre-8.0 settings exports.
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Reactions: edgars221289
Version 8.1.2 - 2023.05.17
  • Fix - Fix Free Gifts for WooCommerce modal not loading
  • Fix - Workaround default behavior of Payment Plugins Stripe and Payment Plugins Braintree to prevent CC fields from reloading whenever an AJAX refresh occurs.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 8.0.4 - 2023.05.11
  • Fix - Fix issues with payment gateway accordion not being styled or animating properly. We reverted to using JavaScript for these animations. (Oh well!)
  • Fix - Fixed text getting clipped in the shipping address preview pane
  • Fix - Fixed PHP warning happening on every page load
  • Improved - Fragment updates now leverage requestAnimationFrame which significantly cuts down on repaints and layout shifts.
  • Improved - Loading shimmers are faster, smoother, and render better with order bumps