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WP-Optimize Premium

WP-Optimize Premium 3.3.2 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

WP-Optimize Premium - Makes your site fast and efficient. It cleans the database, compresses images and caches pages.

View attachment 1744

Our newly-launched WP-Optimize Premium NULLED version offers users a range of enhancements and extended features that make a good thing even better.

By cleaning up your WordPress databases, compressing your image and caching your pages and posts, WP-Optimize Premium ensures that your websites are ultimately lean, fast, neat, stable and robust. Main features:

Multisite support: WP-Optimize Premium will optimize...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

Download WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.9 NULLED

= 3.2.9 - 05/Oct/2022 =
* FEATURE: Import and export settings
* FIX: Avoid infinite loop while using unused images export csv
* FIX: Scheduled cache preloading issue
* FIX: WebP testing making unnecessary background HTTP checks
* FIX: Google fonts compatibility with The7 theme
* FIX: Prevent console error for undefined `wp_optimize` for smush scripts
* TWEAK: Avoid PHP warnings on cache cleanup
* FIX: Ability to disable webp serving while caching is on
* TWEAK: Reset webp conversion...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.10 NULLED

= 3.2.10 - 28/Nov/2022 =

* FIX: Prevent php warning and increase SendInBlue `mailin` plugin compatibility
* FIX: Avoid screen juggling while selecting optimizations from dropdown in scheduled clean up
* FIX: Prevent cache purge upon deactivation using filter
* FIX: Cache purge ability of all registered user
* FIX: Recognise WooCommerce product category images as used images
* FIX: Multisite support in `cached-file-log.php` template
* TWEAK: Improve Optimization Schedule UI
* TWEAK...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.12 NULLED

= 3.2.12 - 06/Feb/2023 =
* FIX: Empty query string updates cache
* FIX: Cache - Purge cache after string translation update in WPML
* FIX: Cache - Preload stuck and fails to complete
* FIX: Prevent PHP warning when `.htaccess` files don't have write permission
* FIX: Premium – Fixed compatibility issue with WP Hide plugin
* FIX: Minify - Less than 20KB stylesheets loading order
* TWEAK: Add cron event only if clear backup images is enabled
* TWEAK: Cache - Use WordPress GMT offset for...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.13 NULLED

= 3.2.13 - 13/Mar/2023 =

* FEATURE: WebP - Ability to convert to webp format from media library
* FIX: Prevent PHP warning when minify-log files are missing or corrupted, also added appropriate error message
* FIX: Delete webp files and uncompressed file when media is deleted
* FIX: Polylang compatibility - now upon updating any post, caches for all translated languages are cleared
* FIX: Prevent adding unsupported media types to the smush task list
* FIX: WebP - Unsupported formats...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.14 NULLED

= 3.2.14 - 30/Mar/2023 =

* FIX: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 when using PHP 8.x
* FIX: Divi builder's edit mode when WebP serving is using the "alter HTML" method
* FIX: Premium - Unused images feature - improve compatibility with Beaver Builder and its addons
* FIX: Cache - Page caching wasn't working on the IIS webserver
* TWEAK: Update seasonal notices
* TWEAK: Prevent deprecation notices in PHP 8.2+

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.15 NULLED

= 3.2.15 - 09/May/2023 =

* FEATURE: Premium - Cache - Added compatibility with the "WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency" plugin's multi-currency feature
* FIX: Premium - Above the folder elements should not be loaded lazily
* FIX: Prevents minify cache invalidation when asset version is changed but content is same
* FIX: Prevent PHP 8 uncaught exception `TypeError` when using CloudFlare
* FIX: Add logging destination UI
* FIX: Premium - Cache - Prevents a PHP fatal error that...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.17 NULLED

= 3.2.17 - 08/Aug/2023 =

* FIX: Automatically compress newly-added images feature now works on multisite in case of attachment ID is the same in both sites
* FIX: Minify - No separate try-catch blocks for same handle
* FIX: Premium - Unused Images - Recognise Elementor Carousel, Slides, Flip Box, and Site logo widget images
* FIX: Premium - Prevent memory exhausted PHP fatal error when using unused images feature with Elementor
* TWEAK: External links will open in new tab/window

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.19 NULLED

= 3.2.19 - 15/Sep/2023 =

* FIX: Cache - Relevant caches are now purged upon updating homepage display settings and posts per page settings
* FIX: Minify - Multiline content inside textareas break after exporting and importing settings
* FIX: Smush - Images are not compressed with default (image quality = 100) settings
* FIX: Premium - Cache - Caching stops working when WordPress salt keys contain backslash (\) character
* FIX: Premium - User per role cache not working when tables do...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.20 NULLED

= 3.2.20 - 16/Oct/2023 =

* FIX: WebP - Performance issue because of possible infinite loop
* FIX: Cache purging occurred prior to the cache lifespan expiration
* FIX: Premium - Smush - Do not consider images in trashed posts as unused
* TWEAK - Remove extra slash from plugin asset urls and paths
* TWEAK: Image - Add a tooltip next to the restore button on the edit media screen
* TWEAK: Premium - Prevent PHP deprecated warning when generating variations from attributes for new...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium v3.2.22 NULLED

= 3.2.22 - 23/Nov/2023 =

* TWEAK: Cache - Show a notice in the admin if the config file is missing and caching is enabled
* TWEAK: Added support for new emoji styles related hooks introduced in WordPress 6.4
* TWEAK: Database - Fix "Optimize database tables" stuck loading state
* TWEAK: Premium - Cache - Style improvement for the select2 box from advanced cache settings
* TWEAK: Premium - Images - Fix issues with avif images in the unused images feature
* REFACTOR: Wrapping most of...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium 3.3.0 NULLED

= 3.3.0 - 31/Jan/2024 =

* FEATURE: Premium - Ability to preload and purge caches from individual post/page
* FIX: Premium - Unused Images - Recognise Elementor's Container, and Section widget background images
* FIX: Avoid having repeated minified scripts in the same bundle, it breaks the code in some specific cases
* FIX: Cache - TranslatePress compatibility - Post updates purges cache for all related translated languages
* FIX: Only try to parse canonical URLs if there is a path or...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium 3.3.1 NULLED

= 3.3.1 - 06/Mar/2024 =

* FIX: Cache - Compatibility issue with Jetpack's infinity scroll feature
* FIX: Cache - Don't cache activity stream (ActivityPub plugin compatibility)
* FIX: Cache - Page not cached comment is added to `robots.txt`
* TWEAK: Fix PHP warnings when server variables are not available
* TWEAK: Fix Unexpected response alert and PHP warning when cache preloading is triggered manually
* TWEAK: Migrate from setInterval to WP heartbeat API to refresh information about...

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raz0r updated WP-Optimize Premium with a new update entry:

WP-Optimize Premium 3.3.2 NULLED

= 3.3.2 - 16/Apr/2024 =

* FIX: Ensure the admin bar is not cached when caching is enabled for both logged-in and guest users
* REFACTOR: Remove unused code
* TWEAK: Cache - Prevent sitemaps being cached
* TWEAK: Display a notice when static browser cache is enabled but not working
* TWEAK: Premium - Added "Lost your password?" link on plugin's page
* TWEAK: Premium - Unused images - Detect Elementor's 'Video' widget's image
* TWEAK: Recognise Rank Math plugin tables as used in...

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