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Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder 3.19.18 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder - Extend WPBakery Page Builder and add more power to it! (Codecanyon Item ID: 6892199)

View attachment 1878

This plugin adds several premium elements in your WPBakery Page Builder on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure that all the elements are flexible so that they will open limitless possibilities for you, while maintaining simplicity at the core.

This plugin...​

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raz0r updated Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder with a new update entry:

Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder v3.19.15 NULLED

3.19.15 - 13 July 2023
- Improvement: Enhancing security by preventing the exploitation of Shortcode attributes. Props to Patchstack for privately reporting it to our team.
- Improvement: Advanced Carousel - Added correct accessibility ARIA labels for the slider, with proper accessible names.
- Improvement: Counter - Assigned unique ID values to the counter-div.

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A new version of wpbakery page builder 7.0 has been released. Please update.
raz0r updated Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder with a new update entry:

Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder v3.19.16 NULLED

3.19.16 - 24 August 2023
- Improvement: Compatibility with the WordPress version 6.3
- Improvement: Compatibility with the PHP version 8.2
- Improvement: Expandable Section - Keyboard accessibility while navigating through the expandable section.
- Fix: Advanced Carousel - Fixed dot navigation freezing issue during carousel transitions.
- Fix: Fancy text - The default speed of Fancy text rendering slow on the UI.
- Fix: Fancy text - The slide-up effect and break sentences not working...

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raz0r updated Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder with a new update entry:

Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder v3.19.18 NULLED

3.19.18 - 22 September 2023
- Improvement: Added nonce checks to prevent exploitation on Google Map API key settings. Props to Patchstack for privately reporting it to our team.
- Fix: Google Maps - Map marker pop-up window correctly renders HTML text and links.
- Fix: Google Maps - Styling element settings to display the correct Google Map style theme.
- Fix: Content Box - The hover color changes correctly when added with an Expandable section.
- Fix: Advance Tab - Tab color to...

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