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Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks 3.12.11 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks - Gutenberg Blocks

View attachment 589

Stackable Premium NULLED is a plugin that works to supplement and supercharge the new WordPress Editor. It adds essential blocks to Gutenberg’s arsenal and gives you an even easier design experience. It is the ultimate Gutenberg add-on with a growing number of kick-ass blocks and allows you to present messages and start an action with ease.

With modern designs, Stackable blocks are highly versatile and are meant to be...

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Download Stackable Premium v3.5.0 NULLED – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

Version 3.5 - October 3, 2022​

  • New: Various performance improvements
  • New: Smaller plugin filesize
  • New: New exposed window.stk API (undocumented)
  • New: Support for block theme contentSize and wideSize
  • Fixed: Wide and fullwidth blocks sometimes showed centered in the editor
  • Fixed: Column content vertical align did not show up correctly in the editor
  • Fixed: Some block options not showing up in the editor
  • Fixed: Column block’s Content Vertical...

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium v3.6.0 NULLED – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

= 3.6.0 =
[Introducing: New Progress Circle and Progress Bar Blocks](https://wpstackable.com/blog/introducing-new-progress-circle-and-progress-bar-blocks/?utm_source=wp-repo&utm_campaign=readme&utm_medium=link)

* New: Progress Circle and Progress Bar Blocks
* Fixed: You can now select transparent as the color for the 2nd gradient background color #2358

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium v3.6.2 NULLED – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

= 3.6.2 =
* New: (Freemius) Granular opt-out controls
* New: (Freemius) Support for anonymous license activation
* New: (Freemius) New opt-in screen
* New: (Freemius) User IP is no longer sent during opt-in
* New: (Freemius) No data is now sent when skipping the opt-in screen
* New: (Freemius) Admin query strings no longer include a Freemius flag
* New: (Freemius) Better PHP 8 compatibility
* Fixed: Some PHP 8 warning messages with Twenty Twenty Three theme and Dynamic Content #2508...

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium v3.6.3 NULLED – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

= 3.6.3 =
* New: The Table of Contents block can now have a title #2346
* Fixed: In Conditional Display, added support for named and 0 timezones #2530
* Fixed: FontAwesome script loading is now delayed in the editor
* Fixed: Possible error in the Accordion block's icon #2546
* Fixed: Tablet and mobile units are not being followed in the editor #2547
* Fixed: Added missing translation strings #2399 #2402 #2472 #2498 (Thanks DAnn2012)
* Fixed: Table of Contents block now support the...

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium v3.7.1 NULLED – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

= 3.7.1 =
* Fixed: Dynamic Content issue where ACF image fields sometimes did not output correctly
* Fixed: Shape separators were always covering some content in some blocks #2268
* Fixed: Cannot select a color for shape separator layers
* Fixed: Custom roles did not appear in the Conditional Display role picker #2409
* Fixed: Shape separator layer 2 options were not visible
* Fixed: Block error that resulted when using a Display Condition taxonomy that was deleted
* Fixed: CSS...

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium v3.7.2 NULLED – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

= 3.7.2 =
* New: WordPress 6.2 compatibility
* New: Stackable blocks now appear in the new Style Book
* New: Stackable global settings are now available in the Site Editor / FSE
* Fixed: Responsive block settings now working in the Site Editor
* Fixed: Tablet styles sometimes show up in the editor when the screen is small
* Fixed: Reusable blocks performance improvements
* Fixed: Blocksy theme responsive breakpoints conflict
* Change: Removed v2 editor migration helper (it's been 1.5...

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium v3.8.2 NULLED – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

= 3.8.2 =
* Fixed: Dynamic Content sometimes not displaying in the frontend
* Fixed: Dynamic Content backend field picker issues with ACF
* Fixed: Lightbox now works with PerfMatter's Image Lazy Loading option
* Fixed: Lightbox compatibility issues with Twenty Twenty One theme
* Fixed: Feature Grid Column gap option resets

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium v3.10.2 NULLED

= 3.10.2 =
* New: Compatibility with WordPress 6.3
* New: Updated all blocks to use the new Block API Version 3 - now all Stackable blocks can be iframed in the editor. [Learn about the benefits of an iframed editor](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2021/06/29/blocks-in-an-iframed-template-editor/)
* New: Improved editor loading performance #2797
* New: Support for the Navite Group block flexbox options when nesting Stackable blocks #2773 #2774
* Change: The Navigation Panel is now...

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raz0r updated Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks with a new update entry:

Stackable Premium 3.12.11 NULLED

= 3.12.11 =
* New: You can now use YouTube shorts and unlisted Vimeo videos in the Video Popup block
* Fixed: Ordered Icon List block numerals no longer wrap to the next line
* Fixed: Native list block behaviors no longer create Stackable Icon List Item blocks
* Fixed: Clicking WooCommerce add to cart button no longer changes the Tabs block to the first tab
* Fixed: No longer need to have v2 compatibility enabled for the random order option to work in the Posts block
* Fixed: Carousel...

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