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RISE - Ultimate Project Manager & CRM System

NULLED RISE - Ultimate Project Manager & CRM System 3.6.1 NULLED

is it possible to have a nulled version of the inventory management plugin for Rise CRM?
Segui os passos de ativação inserindo os números conforme a dica, não ativa, tem outro jeito, alguém pode ajudar, quero testar antes de uma possível compra
I need to update the database from version 3.3 to 3.5.3, does anyone know how to do this? Is there an update script?
I need to update the database from version 3.3 to 3.5.3, does anyone know how to do this? Is there an update script?
Update verzion 3.5.3. script
raz0r updated RISE - Ultimate Project Manager & CRM System with a new update entry:


Version 3.6.1 – 13 March, 2024​

  • [Added] Added GST number in the company settings and applied on invoice, estimate and other places
  • [Fixed] Knowledge base page is not loading
  • [Fixed] Some notifications are not working
  • [Fixed] Wrong currency symbol in the invoice overview widget
  • [Fixed] Some security issues in the client details page
  • [Fixed] Client currency editing error

Read the rest of this update entry...
I need to update the database from version 3.5 to 3.6, does anyone know how to do this? Is there an update script?
Can I update manually?
Can someone explain this please?

Можно ли обновить вручную?
Может ли кто-нибудь объяснить это, пожалуйста?