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Permalink Manager Pro

Permalink Manager Pro NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Permalink Manager Pro - Advanced plugin that allows to set-up custom permalinks

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Permalink Manager Pro NULLED is a WordPress Permalink Manager With Game-Changing Versatility. Built from the ground up with optimization in mind, Permalink Manager is a URL editor that comes with game-changing versatility. Our suite of tools is designed to take the headache out of permalink management.

Effortlessly edit the addresses of your posts, pages, categories and tags. Integrate seamlessly with WooCommerce, and...

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.20 NULLED

= 2.2.20 (October 10, 2022) =
* Fix - The URLs with duplicated slashes (eg. example.com/sample-page////) are now handled correctly and forwarded to the canonical URL.
* Fix - The redirect problem was resolved with WPForo versions after 2.0.1
* Dev - Improved compatibility with the WP All Import plugin functions
* Dev - Improved compatibility with Polylang plugin
* Dev - Better support for ACF Relationship fields
* Dev - The plugin no longer (by default) supports custom post types &...

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Permalink Manager Pro v2.3.0 NULLED

= 2.3.0 (December 14, 2022) =
* Dev - For improved readability, the plugin's code has been reformatted and more comments have been added to match WordPress PHP Coding Standards
* Dev - To simplify the codebase, redundant functions and variables were removed
* Fix - The post/term titles in Bulk URI Editor are protected from XSS (Cross-site scripting) attacks by sanitizing the displayed titles
* Fix - Improved compatibility with Groundhogg plugin
* Fix - Improved compatibility with...

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Permalink Manager Pro v2.3.1 NULLED

= 2.3.1 (February 13, 2022) =
* Dev - Bulk tools ("Regenerate/Reset" and "Find & replace") and "Quick Edit" code was refactored
* Dev - Minor code improvements
* Dev - New filter field - 'permalink_manager_ate_uri_editor'
* Dev - Improved compatibility with WPML's Advanced Translation Editor
* Fix - The /feed/ endpoint returns 404 error if 'feeds' in rewrite property of requested post type object is set to false
* Fix - The canonical redirect is no longer forced for LearnPress...

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.0 NULLED

= 2.4.0 (April 12, 2023) =
* Dev - Improved custom permalink detection function
* Dev - Minor code improvements for the breadcrumbs filter function
* Dev - Minor CSS changes
* Dev - New filter added - 'permalink_manager_excluded_element_id'
* Dev - New filter added - 'permalink_manager_duplicate_uri_policy'
* Dev - Now users may select in "WPML/Polylang fix language mismatch" settings field between loading translation or triggering the canonical redirect to the detected item
* Dev -...

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.1 NULLED

= 2.4.1 (May 22, 2023) =
* Dev - The function that adds the "Permalink Manager" button via 'get_sample_permalink_html' filter has been updated
* Dev - The function that controls permalink trailing slashes has been refactored and improved
* Dev - When WPML is enabled, Permalink Manager uses "term_taxonomy_id" instead of "term_id" for language mismatch functions to avoid compatibility issues
* Dev - To avoid problems with other 3rd party plugins, the function that places the "Permalink...

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.1.2 NULLED

= (June 28, 2023) =
* Dev - Draft posts no longer automatically generate custom permalinks, but users may set them manually if necessary, or they will be generated when the post is published
* Fix - Duplicated REST API calls from Gutenberg JS functions are now ignored when custom permalinks are generated
* Fix - The 'High-Performance order storage (COT)' declaration for the WooCommerce has been fixed

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Changelog Permalink Manager Pro 2.4.2 NULLED

= 2.4.2 =
* Fix - The Permalink_Manager_Helper_Functions::replace_empty_placeholder_tags() no longer decodes invalid ASCII characters
* Fix - The old slug ("_wp_old_slug") is now saved correctly in Block Editor (Gutenberg)
* Dev - New 'permalink_manager_sanitize_title' filter is added
* Dev - Duplicated dashes are now removed from default permalinks unless "Strip special characters" is disabled in the plugin settings

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Permalink Manager Pro 2.4.3 NULLED

= 2.4.3 (February 6, 2024) =
* Fix - Code refactoring and optimization
* Fix - Minor improvements for RankMath redirection hooks
* Enhancement - Improvements for "Force 404 on non-existing pagination pages" functionality
* Enhancement - The "Regenerate/reset" & "Find/replace" now can be used in preview mode without saving the changes
* Dev - New filter hooks - "permalink_manager_pre_update_post_uri" & "permalink_manager_pre_update_term_uri"
* Dev - Support for translated "page"...

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raz0r updated Permalink Manager Pro with a new update entry:

Permalink Manager Pro NULLED

= (May 16, 2024) =
* Dev - Optimization of "Permalink_Manager_Core_Functions::fix_pagination_pages"
* Dev - The canonical redirect function has been improved to fully handle the "/page/1" and "/1/" endpoints as well as the "p", "page_id", and "name" query parameters in URLs
* Fix - The plugin may save the native slug for "draft" posts and pages even if WordPress has not generated it yet
* Fix - "Customize URL" in the admin toolbar works now correctly also for categories, and...

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