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Marketbob - Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace

NULLED Marketbob - Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace 2.0 NULLED

raz0r updated Marketbob - Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace with a new update entry:

Marketbob - Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace 2.0 NULLED

Version 2.0
[NEW] Premium subscriptions added
[NEW] Premium Plans (weekly, monthly, yearly, lifetime) added
[NEW] Premium items license certificate added
[NEW] Premium subscription status email notifications added
[NEW] Premium membership badge added
[NEW] Author badge for having an item in premium added
[NEW] Author earns a percentage from the premium subscriptions option added
[NEW] Item premium badge added
[NEW] Home page premium items section added
[NEW] Search and filter by...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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