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Divi Theme
raz0r updated Divi Theme with a new update entry:

Divi Theme v4.22.2

version 4.22.2 ( updated 09-20-2023 )
- Changed Twitter Icon and Twitter references to X.
- Fixed Heading module various style options not applying correctly.
- Improved the reference image retrieval method to allow better support for external images.
- Improved AI Menu positioning in some cases.
- Fixed issue where Background Images added on Columns do not fetch Reference Image automatically.
- Fixed AI quick action submenu position in Wireframe mode.
- Fixed new child item does not...

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raz0r updated Divi Theme with a new update entry:

Divi Theme v4.23.1

version 4.23.1 ( updated 11-06-2023 )
- Fixed an issue where the "Custom CSS" option was incorrectly appended with "CSS" during a search in the settings modal.
- Fixed an issue where the class was not correctly replacing selectors when pseudo elements are involved.
- Fixed a compatibility issue that occurred with WooCommerce Payments and object caching where the page content would not load correctly in DIvi Builder.
- Added ability to convert a library item element type into another...

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raz0r updated Divi Theme with a new update entry:

Divi Theme 4.24.1

version 4.24.1 ( updated 02-14-2024 )
- Fixed a PHP deprecation notice in the Blog module.
- Added integration with AI for retrieving and updating the post settings title, excerpt, and featured image.
- Fixed an issue where the custom CSS tabs were being rendered when there was only one field for custom css.
- Fixed PHP 7.2 compatibility issue with the SplitLibrary.php file.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occurred in very rare cases where the mb_convert_encoding() PHP function was not...

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how to i can import massive json on divi?

i can't view demos whitout upload and test and view :(
a new version sir has been released, it would be excellent if you could add it
raz0r updated Divi Theme with a new update entry:

Divi Theme 4.24.3

version 4.24.3 ( updated 04-02-2024 )
- Fixed several compatibility issues with PHP 8.2.
- Fix deprecated messages when editing existing post with Divi Layout block in WordPress 6.5.
- Fix deprecated messages when adding new post or edit existing post in WordPress 6.5.
- Fixed image refinement issues by correcting endpoint usage and prompt handling.
- Added multiple upscaling and canvas limit to 8192px.

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raz0r updated Divi Theme with a new update entry:

Divi Theme 4.25.1

version 4.25.1 ( updated 05-07-2024 )
- Security Update: Fixed a stored XSS vulnerability that could allow users with the Contributor role or above to execute unfiltered HTML via the Divi Countdown module using encoded HTML saved in the WordPress post editor.
- Security Update: Fixed a stored XSS vulnerability that could allow users with the Contributor role or above to execute unfiltered HTML via the Divi Responsive Content script using encoded HTML saved in the WordPress post...

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