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Custom Twitter Feeds Pro [Closed and Deleted (Maybe waiting for Approve]

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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro - Customizable Twitter feeds for your website

View attachment 1186

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro NULLED | Seamlessly integrate Twitter content into your website​

Save Time​

Don’t have time to post updates on your site all the time? Save time and increase efficiency by posting new content to Twitter and automatically displaying it on your website.

Get More Followers​

Increase engagement between you and your Twitter followers. Increase...

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raz0r updated Custom Twitter Feeds Pro with a new update entry:

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro v2.0.4 NULLED

= 2.0.4 =
* Fix: Updated our integration with Complianz GDPR consent plugin to apply changes to the feed when consent is given.
* Fix: In some circumstances GIFs and some images in the feed were being served from Twitter's CDN when GDPR features were active.
* Fix: User Timeline feeds would not show retweets even when enabled. This is also fixed for the Social Wall integration.

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raz0r updated Custom Twitter Feeds Pro with a new update entry:

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro v2.2.2 NULLED

= 2.2.2 =
* Fix: Fixed quote tweets and retweeted tweets showing up twice in a user timeline feed.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where tweets would show the link for a Twitter card above the Twitter card.
* Fix: Added better error reporting so issues connecting with the new Twitter API would have better instructions.
* Fix: Fixed PHP errors related to using a legacy feed.
* Fix: Fixed several issues preventing legacy feeds from working properly.
* Fix: Prevented a connected account from...

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raz0r updated Custom Twitter Feeds Pro with a new update entry:

Custom Twitter Feeds Pro v2.2.3 NULLED

= 2.2.3 =
* Tweak: Promoted tweets (tweets that do not fit the feed source) are automatically removed for feeds that contain only hashtags. Search feeds may still contain promoted tweets. Clear your cache on the "Settings" page to update existing feeds with this change.
* Fix: Fixed a fatal PHP error that would occur when the WordPress object cache would store tweet data is the incorrect data type.
* Fix: Fixed a fatal PHP error that would occur when a few specific errors from the...

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