• The default language of any content posted is English.
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    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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ZOOlanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro

ZOOlanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro 2.2.16

## Version 2.2.16 - August 13, 2024

### Bug Fixes

- Fixed form checkbox validation
- Fixed RSS source issue with itunes tags
- Fixed Airtable source multiple fields mapping
## Version 2.2.15 - July 12, 2024

### New Features

- Added query filters, Starts/Ends Not With, for Database and CSV sources

### Bug Fixes

- Fixed RSS and XML cache issues
- Fixed form checkbox html5 validation
- Fixed AcyMailing lists paginaton limit
- Fixed YouTube source queries with dates filtering
- Fixed saving of AWS and Cloudflare auth credentials
- Fixed saving of module layouts on custom layout libraries
- Fixed issues when using custom content directory (WordPress)
- Fixed database source eager loading when used in replication context

### Changes

- Changed GeoIP default provider from Akeeba to Regular Labs (Joomla)
- Google Calendar source events displays accordingly to the site tz instead of calendar's

Version 2.2.10 - May 8, 2024​

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed database auth migration
  • Fixed Storage creation regression
  • Fixed fatal error when a Database source table doesn't exist
  • Fixed form option fields validation and support for a zero value


  • Email cloaking will be disabled only when an Email input field present in a form
  • Google Business Profile location time periods are properly merged now plus support More Hours
  • Form email action will warn against using From Email setting (use reply-to instead)
## Version 2.2.0 - January 24, 2024

### New Features

- Added Dynamic Query Arguments 🥳
- Added Google Photos source
- Added Google Calendar source
- Added Mailchimp actions
- Added Airtable source and actions
- Added datemodify source filter globally
## Version 2.1.4 - January 10, 2024

### New Features

- Added optional metadata field to ChartJS data

### Bug Fixes

- Fixed listing sources grouped as Global
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon

Version 2.1.1 - November 22, 2023​

New Features​

  • Added support to vertically resize a composed source editor

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed Database connections
  • Fixed loading myicons collection
  • Fixed resolving composed sources arguments
  • Fixed UI issue affecting Global Queries and Dynamic Options
  • Like
Reactions: packer and zafro

Version 2.1.0 - November 16, 2023​

New Features​

  • Added Composable Sources 🥳
  • Added Joomla 5 compatibility
  • Added YOOtheme Pro 4.2 compatibility
  • Added Database Auth Driver
  • Added Customizer access condition rule
  • Added attribute settings to form elements

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed Instagram Source pagination
  • Fixed Twitter Source My Tweets query
  • Fixed custom oauth apps for Google / YouTube
  • Fixed cache time settings for custom oAuth apps
  • Fixed form options being ignored during an element transform
  • Fixed Related Articles count (Joomla)
  • Fixed support for custom Icon Collections
  • Fixed access conditions dynamic resolving when mapping new fields
  • Fixed User condition rule resolving


  • Reviewed form elements settings configuration
  • Database Sources custom connections migrated to Database Auth
  • Like
Reactions: zafro

Version 2.0.19 - October 26, 2023​

New Features​

  • Added support for multiple instances of form Download action
  • Added control name as meta data to the form source fields list

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed displaying form validation errors even when control output is missing


  • Changed Honeypot validation default message

Version 2.0.18 - October 17, 2023​

New Features​

  • Added Forms Hidden Field advanced tab settings ID, Name, Status, and Transform

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed platform configuration mapping (joomla)
  • Fixed db source filtering when used in a condition rule
  • Fixed Save to Database form action updating empty values that where not set.


  • The Message Form Action does not reset the form anymore, there is a form setting instead