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Zion Builder Pro

Zion Builder Pro 3.6.8 NULLED

= 3.6.8 2023-23-07 =
Added: Ability to set custom css to css classes
Added: Element display condition to show/hide the element if the active query has additional pages
Added: option for the repeater to query based on the post author
Improved: post terms repeater field. This now shows all the taxonomies instead of just the ones related to the current post.
Improved: Repeaters performance in both the editor and rendered page
Improved: Allow wrapping text with span elements for text and heading
Fixed: element display condition "Number of posts" not working properly
Fixed: URL parameter element condition not working in certain conditions
Fixed active item not highlighted properly inside tree view if the element is also a repeater provider/consumer
Fixed nested repeaters doesn't render the proper dynamic data
Fixed mobile menu flickers on page load
Fixed background image blend mode doesn't work with gradient background inside a repeater
Fixed php notice related to dynamic data
Fixed mega menu labels not working if they contain backslashes
Fixed mega menu labels don't work with Cyrillic alphabet
Fixed mini cart doesn't display contents with latest WooCommerce version
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Reactions: Viktor341
= 3.6.2 2023-30-01 =
Fixed: Icon list text doesn't work with dynamic data ( https://feedback.zionbuilder.io/b/5...icon-list-options-for-single-postdynamic-data )
Fixed: Cannot select specific pages inside theme builder rules
= 3.5.0 2022-15-11 =
Added: icons and specific colors for repeater providers and consumers in element toolbox and tree view panels
Added: WooCommerce thank you element
Added: WooCommerce store notices element
Added: WooCommerce mini cart element
Added: Ability to style the thank you page with theme builder
Added: Additional style options for WooCommerce Product reviews form element
Added: Additional style options for WooCommerce cart product element
Improved: Compatibility between custom code element and some server configuration
Added: Sale price style options for Product price element
Improvement: Disable slider builder auto play inside editor
Fixed: Mega menu display center not working
Fixed: Pagination previous and next links are reversed
Fixed: Mobile menu breakpoint trigger not working in editor mode
Fixed: Background image not set for single page templates if dynamic image is used
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Reactions: tatar221