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Yoast WordPress SEO Premium - #1 WordPress SEO plugin

Yoast WordPress SEO Premium - #1 WordPress SEO plugin 23.5 NULLED

In Yoast SEO Premium 19.2, we’re introducing a new inclusive language analysis. This will help you get feedback on words that might exclude part of your audience and get inclusive alternatives. This is a beta launch and is only available in English for now. Plus, it is opt-in. Try it out! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO Premium 19.2 in our release post in English or our release post in Spanish!

  • NEW: Adds the inclusive language analysis for English as a beta feature. Get suggestions on how to improve non-inclusive phrases, to make your content appeal to a larger audience.
  • Adds emoji suggestions to our replacevar editors, to make it possible to search emojis by typing a :.
  • Prevents front-end-inspector hash from being added to the URL when toggling the front-end inspector.
  • Fixes a performance issue for the internal linking suggestions on very large sites.
  • Fixes a bug where the prompt to connect Zapier in the post edit page would point to the old Integrations page.
  • Bumps the minimum required Free version to 19.6.
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Yoast SEO Premium 19.1 is out today! We’re introducing another new feature in this release: the front-end SEO Inspector. It’s a tool that lets you check your SEO settings and metadata, right from the front-end of your website. Try it out! And read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO Premium 19.1 in our release post in English or our release post in Spanish!

  • Adds the new front-end SEO inspector to Yoast SEO. Browse your website on the front-end and see at a glance the Yoast SEO analyses scores and Schema output of your posts and pages.
  • Adds an edit button next to certain assessments when they show an orange or red bullet. Clicking the icon takes you to the field that needs to be edited in order to turn the bullet green (e.g. the keyphrase input field for the Keyphrase length assessment). The buttons are also added to the related keyphrase analysis.
  • Excludes the Table of Contents block from the SEO and readability analysis.
  • Replaces the Zapier icon with the Yoast icon in the Classic editor publish widget.
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