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wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress

wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress 6.6.1

Version 5.2 (Released 26.12.2022)​

New update with new features and bug fixes:
  • Feature: A new light skin – Raspberry Cream.
  • Feature: Use ‘AND’ logic to narrow down your filtering results instead of the only previously available ‘OR’ logic.
  • BugFix: Fixed file location on table save changes.
  • BugFix: Removed empty space below excel-like tables.
  • Other small bug fixes.

Version 5.1 (Released 09.11.2022)​

Update with a couple of new options, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Create tables from Excel or CSV file from any URL.
  • Feature: New option: Include table title in exported Excel file and Copy as well.
  • Improvement: Remove unnecessary characters from SQL queries.
  • Improvement: Update libraries (Datatables, Table Tools, moment.js).
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with the new version of Highcharts for axis min and max values.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with editing when responsive mode is used.
  • Other small bug fixes.

Version 5.0 (Released 26.09.2022)​

New major update with awesome features, some improvements and bug fixes:
  • Feature: New data source type: Nested JSON.
  • Feature: JSON authentication.
  • Feature: Caching data for non-server-side tables (Excel, CSV, Google sheet, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array).
  • Feature: Auto update cache for non server-side tables (Excel, CSV, Google sheet, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array).
  • Feature: Update manual tables: Replace data within an existing table.
  • Feature: Update manual tables: Add data into an existing table.
  • Feature: Update manual tables: Replace the entire table with new data.
  • Improvement: Improved error handling.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with saving CSS rules in a simple table.
  • BugFix: Fixed tab index for Google sheet API in main settings.
  • Other small bug fixes.
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