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WP Staging Pro

WP Staging Pro 5.7.1 NULLED

4.6.0 Release January 31, 2023
  • New: Button to edit backup schedules #2042
  • Enh: Add filter `wpstg_login_form_logo` to change logo image on login page for staging site #2076
  • Enh: Clarify that maximum backup retention limit on the create backup modal is only for local hosted backup files #2085
  • Enh: If issue is reported via email using the REPORT ISSUE button, send the license key #2087
  • Enh: Show Google Drive backup account information on the plugin’s Google Drive backup settings page #2091
  • Enh: Change some words to be more consistent #2099
  • Enh: Add link to docs article into error message if license key can not be activated #2100
  • Enh: Cleanup and remove backend/views/notices/poll.php and all related code #2107
  • Enh: Remove backend/views/notices/poll.php and all related code #2107
  • Enh: Hide license key for privacy reasons when plugin is used by agencies on client websites #2118
  • Enh: Add a cancel button to stop the pushing process #2101
  • Fix: Ensure that functions in wp-staging-optimizer.php are declared only one time #2079
  • Fix: Remove some php’s deprecation warnings for php 8.x #2078
  • Fix: Added upload_path in system info #2024
  • Fix: Improve detection if WordPress is installed in subdirectory. If home URL and site URL are different the cloned staging site URLs are sometimes incorrect. #2068
  • Fix: Remove error in search & replace of serialized data due to strict types during staging PUSH on PHP 8.1 and higher version. #2065
  • Fix: Remove warning “Undefined index: networkClone in single-overview.php line: 54” #2097
  • Dev: Downgrade phpcs composer modules to fix xss tests #2105
  • Dev: Write the version of the plugin into the header of wpstg.js when creating the dist package with make dev_dist #2095
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 4.5.0 =
* New: Optional feature to split backup files by type (plugins, media, themes) and maximum file size. Use filter `wpstg.backup.isMultipartBackup` to activate this option. Use `wpstg.backup.maxMultipartBackupSize` filter to adjust maximum file size for split backup, default is 2GB #1804
* New: Add filter `wpstg.remoteStorages.chunkSize` (in bytes) to change chunk size of backups upload to remote storages #2047
* New: Add filter `wpstg.remoteStorages.delayBetweenRequests` (in milliseconds) to add delay between requests to upload chunks to remote storages #1997
* New: Add filter `wpstg.backup.tables.non-prefixed` to allow backup and restore of non WordPress prefixed tables #2018
* New: Add option to download backup log files via ACTIONS > Log File #2025
* New: Send mail report if unable to upload backup to remote storage(s) during automated backup #2025
* Enh: Dont show recommendation message on using the same MySQL/MariaDB version while restoring if already the same MySQL/MariaDB version #1997
* Enh: Preserve remote storages options during clone update. #2004
* Fix: Store taskQueue in jobDataDto instead of a separate file #1997
* Fix: Added upload_path in system info #2024
* Fix: BINARY and NULL were not correctly search replaced if restoring the backup on the same site #2043
* Fix: Correct database server type and MySQL/MariaDB version in System Info Tab #2043
* Fix: Exclude filters in the UI for the staging site now allow adding dot `.` for extension, file and folder exclusion rules #2053
* Fix: Issue during cleaning of other files in wp-content directory when actual uploads directory is not direct child of wp-content directory #2041
* Fix: UPLOAD path was not correctly search replaced if source and destination site had a different relative upload path #2041
* Fix: Importing a multisite backup with domains as network sites created wrong URLs for network sites if backup is restored into a multisite where network sites are subdirectories #2038
* Fix: Allow database creation during push if multisite and mainsite #2032
* Fix: Preserve scheduled backup plans during push #2032
* Fix: Stop uploading backup to remote storage(s) after failure on certain amount of retries #2025
* Fix: Dont copy google drive option during new or reset clone. This will make sure both sites will have different Refresh token. So revoking refresh token on one site doesn't break uploading process for the other #2004
* Fix: Fix php warning when null is passed as argument to trim function #2059
* Fix: Improve admin notice when JETPACK_STAGING_MODE is active on staging site #2014
* Dev: Bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.0.8 in /src/assets #2007
* Dev: Make extra_hosts section in docker DRY #2070
* Dev: Split webdriver tests to speed up running and allow parallel execution of them #2057
* Dev: Improve login page authentication message #2058 #2072
= 4.4.0 =
* New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.1.1
* New: Add support for uploading backups to DigitalOcean Spaces, Wasabi and other S3 compatible storages #1966
* Enh: Allow backup upload to Amazon S3 when bucket has Lock Object and retention enabled #1973
* Enh: Show warning if test connection to backup storage provider fails during save settings #1965
* Enh: Show warning if there are more than 4 overdue backup cron jobs #1986
* Enh: Show message if unable to pre-scan directories before cloning #1993
* Fix: Under rare circumstances a fatal error is thrown during backup if scheduled time is NULL
* Fix: `SSL` and `Passive` checkboxes were not considered during FTP backup storage test connection #1965
* Fix: Fatal error when set_time_limit() has been disabled by the hosting provider #1977
* Fix: Preserve backup cloud storage provider settings when pushing and improve Google Drive backup authentication #1999
* Dev: Deprecated heredoc syntax for variables. Fix unit tests for php 8.2RC #1975
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Reactions: tatar221
WP Staging Pro Changelog
= 4.3.2 =

* New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.1 #
* Fix: Could not delete oldest backup from (S)FTP cloud storage provider if FTP location was set in FTP settings #1953
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Reactions: tatar221
4.2.14 Release September 17, 2022
  • * Fix: Error when pushing a staging site and all folders are unselected #1883
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Reactions: tatar221
  • Fix: Does not sanitise and escape some of its backup settings, which could allow high privilege users such as admin to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks (XSS) even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example in multisite setup) #1825
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Reactions: tatar221