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WP Rentals - Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme

WP Rentals - Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme 3.12.2 NULLED

Version 3.12.2 - July 2024
Update for specific hostings that show Call to undefined function wprentals_add_pins_icons in Cpanel
Fix: Processing when Sending message via inbox, My Reservations and My Bookings
Update: dashboard media css for mobile display of all in one calendar
Update – Elementor free to 3.22.3
Updated: Revolution Slider to 6.7.15
Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 7.7.2
Updated: Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder to 3.19.21
Update: WpRentals Core Functionality plugin to version 3.12.2

Version 3.11.2 – October 2023​

Update: control.js for calendar language. Clear browser cache to see the correct language.

Version 3.11.0 – September 2023​


  • Check you update the WpRentals theme + WpRentals Core functionality plugin. Follow the notice or update the plugins from Appearance -> Install Plugins
  • Clear Browser Cache after update. If you use other cache solution, clear cache from plugins, server or CDN.
What what is new in this video –

New – license verification by domain. All clients must add their license. Please check this help https://help.wprentals.org/article/where-is-my-purchase-code/

New demo for solo owners – https://solo3.wprentals.org/

New demo for solo owners – https://solo4.wprentals.org/

New: Additional options to manage property overview section design.

New: Support for SVG icons in custom overview property section

New: Sync guest display option in Owner Contact form (dropdown or advanced selection with Adult, Child and Infant)

New: Sync the search parameters for check-in, check-out and guest with the Contact Owner form check-in, check-out and guest fields

New: Field for Trip Details email (private owner notes) useful for details such as key lock code or any other private info user must know. This field is Edit in Edit Property form in Owner dashboard.

New: Send an email reminder to guest to review property after confirm booking end date.

New: Manage email reminder from wp-admin – Email Management

New: Terms and Conditions checkbox for booking form. Can be turned on/off from theme options.

Update: Grid for category widget number of categories displayed

Update: Update email function.

Update: X Twitter icon to new branding

Update: Google and Facebook login colors to new branding guidelines

Update: Reset search form values when using back action in browser

Update: Use Login and Register modals with Elementor buttons. Help https://help.wprentals.org/article/create-custom-login-register-buttons-in-elementor/

Update: Property disclaimer text editor added in Theme Options

Update: AED as currency

Update: Recent items with filters shortcode properties order to be featured first and by post id next

Update: Google Maps mobile behavior (use double fingers to manage map zoom)

Update: PHP 8.1 compatibility for Stripe and other deprecated messages

Update: When owner cancels confirmed booking, invoice from wp-admin keeps booking dates

Update: Sync Categories Custom Labels with the mandatory text

Fix: Search in My Reviews page

Fix: Translation for Trip Details email date and YES/NO values

Fix: Login shortcode redirect not syncing with theme options redirect URL settings

Fix: All In One calendar modal display and custom price select.

Fix: Image gallery now showing when using ajax filters in half map layout

Fix: Warnings in Categories display shortcode after demo import

Fix: Stripe payments with decimals

Fix: Twilio SMS non sending initial confirmation SMS

Update: style.css, my_media.css

Updated wprentals.po and wprentals-core.po

Update: WpRentals Core Functionality plugin to version 3.11.0

Update: WpRentals Elementor plugin to version 3.11.0

Update: Revolution slider to 6.6.16

Update: WPBakery Page Builder to 7.0

Update: Ultimate addons for bakery to 3.19.18

Update: Elementor Free to 3.16.4
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH

Version 3.10.2 – June 2023​

Fix – Bedrooms not keeping saved values in edit listing page after save.

Version 3.10.0 – June 2023​

Watch this video to see what is new – https://youtu.be/cnWLFlw8ttU

New demo for single owner / single property – https://solo2.wprentals.org/

New demo – https://paphos.wprentals.org/

New – My Reviews pages in User Dashboard. Shows all reviews from owner properties

New – Reply review option. Owner can send 1 reply to each review from My Reviews. Reviews can be edited by Admin only.

New – Email notification for owner when a new review is added and email notification for user when owner replies review. Each notification is managed from Email Management.

New – Card unit type 4 – demo https://paphos.wprentals.org/

New – Property layout type 5 – demo https://paphos.wprentals.org/properties/funchal-bungalow/

New – Added button to contact user from My Bookings page

New – Limit places to 1 country , of your choosing, for Google Places / Open Street Places.

New – Default order management for search results page – in theme options.

New – Separate controls for booked dates background color / font color. They must be set from Theme Options after theme update.

New – Blog card design option for blog list

New – Updated categories list shortcode for elementor with design type variation

Update – Added JOST to google fonts

Update – recent items shortcode and shortcode with filters to show more properties in row.

Update – Padding control for Single Booking Shortcode for Elementor

Update – Styling for Single Property Availability Calendar shortcode for Elementor

Update – Mobile menu in open mode

Update – Custom colors and fonts

Updated – show more user name in all in one calendar – booking tooltip

Update – separate bookings in all n one calendar when check-in and check-out is on the same date

Update – sync blog post date with WordPress general date settings

Fix – Google Maps buttons on single property page

Fix – center google maps hidden map location on mobile phones

Fix – currency in recent items with filter shortcode

Fix – Using %website_url in email subject

Fix – Using greek characters in types of beds list

Fix – 8.1 warnings

Update: style.css, my_media.css

Updated wprentals.po and wprentals-core.po

Update: WpRentals Core Functionality plugin to version 3.10.0

Update: WpRentals Elementor plugin to version 3.10.0

Update: Revolution slider to 6.6.13

Update: WPBakery Page Builder to 6.13.0

Update: Elementor Free to 3.13.4

Version 3.9.0 – Mach 2023​

Watch this video to see what is new –

NEW – New 6 demo pages in Main Demo https://main.wprentals.org/

NEW – Sticky Sidebar option for listing pages

NEW – Email HTML management (set colors, logo, default text for all emails)

NEW – Footer Columns layout management ( 6 layout options)

NEW – Font Management in Theme Options

NEW – New sort options in standard list filters

NEW: WhatsApp, Tiktok and Telegram social links in social widgets and contact page (floating sidebar)

NEW – Whatsapp Share in listing page and blog post page

NEW – Trip Details email separate section. On/OFF control to send the trip details email

NEW – Logo height and width control

NEW – Mobile menu colors control

NEW – Number of minim nights on/off control for Availability Calendar in listing page

NEW – Use WooCommerce to pay for membership based subscription (does not apply to recurring payments)

NEW – Add Disclaimer text in all listings

NEW – Similar listings control in Theme Options

NEW – Add Mobile in contact form for not logged in users (yes/no control)

Update – Pagination in inbox page

Update – Booking Request Cancelled email includes variable for user username and user email

Update – New Booking Request email include variable for Booking ID

Update – Stripe API

Update – Stripe API for 3DS payments (recurring 3rd payments will send an email notification to user for him to approve the recurring payment from the card app)

Update – Elementor widgets functions to solve deprecated messages

Update – for 3rd party plugins conflict for Stripe payments, we added a check to avoid showing the error until the 3rd party plugin is disabled

Fix – Save mattterport virtual tour with ‘

Fix – Hide My Subscription page from Mobile User menu if membership submission is disabled

Fix – Featured label showing on image with listing layout type 4

Fix – User Mobile menu not closing from user icon correctly

Fix – Translate labels for Trip Details section, Contact Form Builder email, Sub-total text

Update: style.css, my_media.css

Updated wprentals.po and wprentals-core.po

Update: WpRentals Core Functionality plugin to version 3.9

Update: WpRentals Elementor plugin to version 3.9

Update: Revolution slider to 6.6.11

Update: Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder to version 3.19.14

Update: Elementor Free to 3.11.2