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WP-Optimize Premium

WP-Optimize Premium 3.6.0 NULLED

= 3.2.21 - 18/Oct/2023 =
* FIX: Prevent PHP fatal error when updating from older versions of WP-Optimize
= 3.2.20 - 16/Oct/2023 =

* FIX: WebP - Performance issue because of possible infinite loop
* FIX: Cache purging occurred prior to the cache lifespan expiration
* FIX: Premium - Smush - Do not consider images in trashed posts as unused
* TWEAK - Remove extra slash from plugin asset urls and paths
* TWEAK: Image - Add a tooltip next to the restore button on the edit media screen
* TWEAK: Premium - Prevent PHP deprecated warning when generating variations from attributes for new WooCommerce variable products
* TWEAK: Premium - Purge cache when the `Variation Swatches for WooCommerce` plugin settings get updated
* TWEAK: Premium - Settings - Style improvement for the `Purge cache permissions` select2 box
* TWEAK: Recognise LearnDash plugin tables in database optimization
* TWEAK: Remove empty `uploads/.htaccess` file and remaining cron events
* TWEAK: Smush - Disable server info in smush logs by default
* TWEAK: Smush - Resolve double log entries when compressing a single image from the media library metabox
* TWEAK: Prevent unwanted PHP notice upon update
= 3.2.19 - 15/Sep/2023 =

* FIX: Cache - Relevant caches are now purged upon updating homepage display settings and posts per page settings
* FIX: Minify - Multiline content inside textareas break after exporting and importing settings
* FIX: Smush - Images are not compressed with default (image quality = 100) settings
* FIX: Premium - Cache - Caching stops working when WordPress salt keys contain backslash (\) character
* FIX: Premium - User per role cache not working when tables do not have `wp` prefix
* FIX: Premium - When lazy loading is enabled, the picture tag in initial viewport is not visible
* TWEAK: Fixed date format and timezone in the cache last modification comment according to the site configuration
* TWEAK: Fixed spelling errors in the repository
* TWEAK: Minify - The process of purging cache for 3rd party caching solutions now works properly when multiple other solutions are present
* TWEAK: Premium - Lazy load - Added Jetpack, Optimole, Rocket Lazy Load, and Smush (WPMU Dev) plugins to the incompatibility notice
* TWEAK: Prevent PHP warning upon installing themes from the WordPress repository
* TWEAK: Update the composer package yahnis-elsts/plugin-update-checker for PHP 8.2 compatibility
= 3.2.18 - 11/Aug/2023 =
* FIX: A bug in the v3.2.17 release that caused certain database optimization buttons to be disabled has been fixed
* TWEAK: Reset WebP serving method upon updating to version 3.2.18
= 3.2.17 - 08/Aug/2023 =

* FIX: Automatically compress newly-added images feature now works on multisite in case of attachment ID is the same in both sites
* FIX: Minify - No separate try-catch blocks for same handle
* FIX: Premium - Unused Images - Recognise Elementor Carousel, Slides, Flip Box, and Site logo widget images
* FIX: Premium - Prevent memory exhausted PHP fatal error when using unused images feature with Elementor
* TWEAK: External links will open in new tab/window
* TWEAK: Remove `htaccess-capability-tester` dependency
* TWEAK: Remove residue folders in `uploads/wpo`
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.2.15 - 09/May/2023 =

* FEATURE: Premium - Cache - Added compatibility with the "WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency" plugin's multi-currency feature
* FIX: Premium - Above the folder elements should not be loaded lazily
* FIX: Prevents minify cache invalidation when asset version is changed but content is same
* FIX: Prevent PHP 8 uncaught exception `TypeError` when using CloudFlare
* FIX: Add logging destination UI
* FIX: Premium - Cache - Prevents a PHP fatal error that occurs when user cache is enabled on sites running on MariaDB with a version prefix of '5.5.5-' and PHP versions prior to 8.0
* FIX: Serving WebP images only to supported browsers wasn't working properly when page caching is enabled
* FIX: Minify - `inherit` Google fonts method is not working
* TWEAK: Prevent PHP deprecation notice when purging minify cache
* TWEAK: Cache - Prevent PHP warning when deleting cache
* TWEAK: Suppress PHP notice when cannot write to .htaccess file
* TWEAK: Add user capability check for smush task manager ajax handling method
* TWEAK: Minify - Do not send cache control and last modified headers if already present
* TWEAK: Smush - clean up log entries
* TWEAK: Correctly handle XX and T1 country codes in Cloudflare's IP country header
* REFACTOR: Separate classes for activation, deactivation and uninstall actions
= 3.2.14 - 30/Mar/2023 =

* FIX: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 when using PHP 8.x
* FIX: Divi builder's edit mode when WebP serving is using the "alter HTML" method
* FIX: Premium - Unused images feature - improve compatibility with Beaver Builder and its addons
* FIX: Cache - Page caching wasn't working on the IIS webserver
* TWEAK: Update seasonal notices
* TWEAK: Prevent deprecation notices in PHP 8.2+
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.2.13 - 13/Mar/2023 =

* FEATURE: WebP - Ability to convert to webp format from media library
* FIX: Prevent PHP warning when minify-log files are missing or corrupted, also added appropriate error message
* FIX: Delete webp files and uncompressed file when media is deleted
* FIX: Polylang compatibility - now upon updating any post, caches for all translated languages are cleared
* FIX: Prevent adding unsupported media types to the smush task list
* FIX: WebP - Unsupported formats throws a fatal error
* FIX: Compress image UI for webp images
* FIX: Premium - WebP Images are marked as unused images
* FIX: Resolved an issue where Beaver Builder's edit mode was not functioning properly when WebP conversion was enabled
* FIX: Prevent creating multiple cache directories for URLs that contain non-English characters
* TWEAK: Preload allowed time difference is set to be the same as max execution time
* TWEAK: Premium - Unused images feature - Add compatibility with Yoast SEO social images
* TWEAK: Prevent jQuery deprecation notices
* SECURITY: Fixed a non-persistent XSS vulnerability that could occur on certain servers when the WebP conversion option was enabled. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the victim's browser by tricking them into clicking on a specially crafted link. Thanks to Paolo Elia for reporting this.
= 3.2.12 - 06/Feb/2023 =
* FIX: Empty query string updates cache
* FIX: Cache - Purge cache after string translation update in WPML
* FIX: Cache - Preload stuck and fails to complete
* FIX: Prevent PHP warning when `.htaccess` files don't have write permission
* FIX: Premium – Fixed compatibility issue with WP Hide plugin
* FIX: Minify - Less than 20KB stylesheets loading order
* TWEAK: Add cron event only if clear backup images is enabled
* TWEAK: Cache - Use WordPress GMT offset for cache comment
* TWEAK: Only allow image types that can be compressed
* TWEAK: Cached page is not served for sites that have own directory for WordPress files