**v5.6.0** (12 Feb 2024)
[update] Refactor - made the fetching of settings more consistent, and added a new `iconic_woothumbs_set_settings` filter to modify settings on the fly
[update] Block Editor - WooThumbs now renders when using various WC blocks/shortcodes in the editor
[fix] Fullscreen Mode - WC core photoswipe assets are now automatically dequeued to prevent a clash that was causing the gallery modal to fail. Use `add_filter( 'iconic_woothumbs_dequeue_wc_photoswipe_assets', '__return_false' )` to disable this behaviour
[fix] Attribute Images - images will now load even when attribute slugs have been customised
[fix] WPML - separate variation images can now be set for translated product variations
[fix] RTL - enforce LTR for the zoom lens element to prevent an incorrect position on hover