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WooCommerce Google Product Feed

WooCommerce Google Product Feed 11.0.11

2024.07.09 - version 11.0.11
* Fix: "Individual use" coupons are no longer excluded from the promotion feed
* Fix: Empty promotion ID tags are no longer included in the product feed
* Update: Improved auto-generated promotion titles
* New: Ability to set custom promotion titles in the promotion feed
2023.10.02 - version 10.11.0
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 8.2
* New: Allow WooCommerce add-to-cart URLs to work with product IDs from the feed
* Change: Various performance optimisations
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
2023.07.05 - version 10.10.4
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 7.9
* Change: Internal cleanup to remove unused code
* Fix: Resolve issue where warning could be thrown on PHP 8.2 and later
2023.03.06 - version 10.9.0
* New: Support for High Performance Order Storage
* Change: Improve information about category restrictions in status report
* Change: Improve information available on product queries in debug mode
* Fix: No longer throw warnings if Currency Switcher integration is active
* Fix: Resolve issue where Currency Switcher integration could be incorrectly triggered by presence of some other extensions
* Fix: Resolve issue where some structured data elements weren't added for Bundled products
2023.01.05 - version 10.8.2
* Change: WooCommerce 7.3 compatibility
* Fix: Resolve issue where multiple short titles could be output against spec
* Fix: Resolve issue where warnings could be generated with certain ACF taxonomy mappings
* Fix: Resolve issue where some analytics multicurrency reports would error
2022.11.21 - version 10.8.0
* New: Integration with Measurement Price Calculator extension
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Reactions: tatar221
*** WooCommerce Google Product Feed Changelog ***

2022.09.28 - version 10.7.6
* Change: Disable query monitor during feed generation if it is active
* Change: WooCommerce 7.0 compatibility
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Reactions: tatar221