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WhatsApp Chat PRO by QuadLayers

WhatsApp Chat PRO by QuadLayers 7.3.0 NULLED


WhatsApp Chat PRO by QuadLayers​

Do you want to improve your customer service? Social Chat allows your users to start a conversation from your website directly to your WhatsApp phone number with one click.​

Multiple team member accounts​

Social Chat allows you to include unlimited agent accounts with their names and labels to provide users with direct contact with the different support areas of your site.

Chatbox interface for each agent​

With Social Chat for WordPress, you can include a chatbox for each agent where users can type their first message directly to the WhatsApp number.
When your visitors click the send button, they will be redirected to the WhatsApp web or app depending on the device they’re using.

Custom welcome message​

Create a preset welcome message for each agent that will be displayed on the chatbox.

Custom user's message to agent​

Preset different custom messages to send to each agent and role available.

Users’ first message​

Allow users to type their messages freely before sending them to the agent's WhatsApp.

Customize colors and layout settings​

Modify the colors to match your site's look and feel and customize the text to display your users' language through the WordPress live customizer interface.

40+ custom icons​

Social Chat allows you to choose between 40+ icons to include in your contact button.
7.3.0 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Social Chat PRO 7.3.0 NULLED

    = 7.3.0 = * New. Refactor
  2. Social Chat PRO 7.2.4 NULLED

    Changelog didn't updated
  3. Changelog Social Chat PRO 7.1.2

    = 7.1.2 = * Fix mobile show/hide

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