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Vuero - VueJS 3 Admin and Webapp UI Kit

Vuero - VueJS 3 Admin and Webapp UI Kit 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 - May 10, 2024


- use css colors 5 features, remove generated hsl css variables via scss
- auth: create useUserToken to use localstorage when client only and cookie with SSR
- server: simplify ssr and ssg with vite runtime api, remove optional vite plugins
- replace view-wapper pinia store with vuero-context plugin and composable
- darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition
- darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition
- layouts: remove navbar-dropdown layout, now included in navbar
- layouts: rework navbar layout to allow customization
- layouts: rework navsearch layout to allow customization
- layouts: rework sideblock layout to allow customization
- layouts: rework sidebar layout to allow customization

- Features

- add Client quickstarter
- add Dockerfile and docker compose for each quickstarters
- add Electron quickstarter
- add landing layout
- add Nuxt quickstarter
- add src/composables, src/stores, and src/utils to auto import directories
- add SSR quickstarter
- add VDarkmodeSwitch component
- add VLink component to handle external links
- base: add end props to vdropdown
- configuration for max content size on layouts
- create useTinySlider composable
- demo: add background grid effect
- demo: add hello world server api route
- demo: use focus trap and teleport in panels
- enable new vue devtools
- replace deprecated purge-icon with iconify-icon webcomponent
- replace simplebar with native css scrollbars
- ssr: render app as stream + add cache header plugin example
- update unplugin router data loader
- use css colors 5 features, remove generated hsl css variables via scss
- use fontsource variables font
- use VLink in layout components
- VPageContentWrapper: add size property

- Bug Fixes

- a11y: bind enter instead of space key for default actions
- add overlay when mobile nav is open
- apexcharts: line colors in darkmode
- avatar stack darkmode
- demo: markdown to vue ssr prerender + hmr
- demo: update date picker range notation
- demo: use freepik image in product widget
- demo: use VCheckbox in inbox message list
- demo: use VTabs component in pages and panels
- plugins: eager load plugins to prevent hmr issues
- purge-comment: avoid removing vue core comments
- quickstarter: add missing illustration
- quickstarter: add missing webp files
- remove unnecessary import + lazy load billboard and tiny slider only on client
- remove unused scss
- remove unused useSidebar store
- remove usage of shamefully hoist
- replace demo photo with remote images
- ssr: hydration issues with teleport, darkmode, and id
- use VIcon component to use any icon provider
- VAnimatedCheckbox: compare raw objects
- VCollapseLinks: display content on mounted if contains active link

- Refactors

- auth: create useUserToken to use localstorage when client only and cookie with SSR
- darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition
- darkmode: replace pinia store with plugin and composable + use native view transition
- layouts!: remove `src/layouts` from components auto load dirs
- layouts: remove navbar-dropdown layout, now included in navbar
- layouts: rework auth layout, embed styles
- layouts: rework minimal layout, embed styles
- layouts: rework navbar layout to allow customization
- layouts: rework navsearch layout to allow customization
- layouts: rework sidebar layout to allow customization
- layouts: rework sideblock layout to allow customization
- move project to mono repo
- replace view-wapper pinia store with vuero-context plugin and composable
- server: simplify ssr and ssg with vite runtime api, remove optional vite plugins
Version 2.7.0 - May 07, 2023

- Features

- add datatables, fix v-calendar latest styles, close #209 (ceb6e75)
- add RTL support (854122e)
- i18n: set lang and dir attributes (adb7f2f)
- rework landing page (138db17)

- Bug Fixes

- add elevated prop to vbutton docs, remove elevated prop from icon button, close #207 (5dc5da1)
- animated-checkbox: display inner circle as inline-block (069f074), closes #204
- banking dashboard followers display (f5abf09), closes #190
- chart colors (e136f54)
- charts and illustration colors (fc0faa6)
- chat, datatable, layout bugs (8a3b45d)
- flight dashboard checkboxes close #191 (7bd5cbf)
- icon button size, close #206 (50e548f)
- cons: line icons element playground (b681f96), closes #208
- light button colors in dark mode (fd93e17)
- notyf green color (83845f3)

- Performance Improvements

- upgrade to vite 4.3 and use sass embedded (52e1466)
2.6.1 (2023-01-24)
Bug Fixes

  • doc: non displayed slots (4277e08)
  • import icons vendors (a80d11e)
  • v-datepicker: add missing client-only (cdf4c82)
  • v-datepicker: use native input in slot in order to bind events (688643e), closes #186
  • v-field: correctly display label when using addons (b6ede0f), closes #152
Version 2.6.0 - Jan 01, 2023


- add stay-focus helper and enable it on documentation
- convert project to module + migrate doc to rehype and shiki
- i18n: extract translations from components to file, better i18n-ally integration
- i18n: migrate to unplugin-vue-i18n
- ssr: improve server rendering compatibility
- v-action: add to props so component can be used as router link
- v-markdown-editor: add accessible component to edit markdown
- v-markdown-preview: add component to render markdown with remark and shiki
- v-photos-swipe: upgrade to photoswipe v5
- v-textarea: add autogrow property

Bug Fixes
- darkmode: detect color scheme before app start
- demo-data: convert to demo data to composable to avoid cross state pollution
- router: blank pages on redirect
- styles: global styles regressions
- use-wizard: move store to composable using provide/inject
- v-action: improve interactivity styles
- v-snack: remove nested v-tabs
- v-tabs: display first tab if none selected by default
- v-tabs: emited value typing to any
- v-tabs: prevent tab link action
- v-tooltip: update tooltip when bindings changes
Version 2.4.0 - Sep 12, 2022

- Features

- add example of router data loader (experimental feature)
- Add roadmap UI
- add vite auto-import plugin
- cypress: create tests suites examples, with CI, upgrade to v10
- fix login page top logo
- improve user session plugin / router guard
- pre compress images, add optin MINIFY_IMAGES build option, closes #151
- router: add scroll behavior between routes
- router: replace vite-plugin-pages with official unplugin-vue-route (typed router)
- ssr: add experimental server side rendering support
- upgrade vite to v3.x
- use pnpm as default package manager, add npmrc so npm and yarn are iso
- v-checkbox: add value property to match native behaviour, closes #154
- v-dropdown: add option parameters for useDropdown composable, can disable clickOuside
- v-i-mask-input: expose inputMask instance

- Bug Fixes

- flex-table-wrapper: expose wrapperState to be used in parent scope
- ignore zone.identifier files, closes #148
- remove 404 slug added in url on page not found
- remove 404 slug added in url on page not found in quickstarter
- remove global dragula hack on kanban app and lazy load lib
- remove vite-imagetools to speedup build, pre optimize images instead
- use RouteLocationAsString instead of RouteLocationRaw
- use VBlock to load styles
- v-button: inherit class string attributes (a8be6cf)
- v-file-pond: expose FilePond and HTMLInputFile to be used in parent scope, closes #178
- v-input: allow to use bulma size modifiers
- v-switch-segment: emit value from internal VInput component