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User Registration Pro + ADDONS

User Registration Pro + ADDONS 4.3.3 NULLED

= 4.3.3 - 19/09/2024 =
* Fix - Addons update notification not being displayed.
* Fix - Select all option not working in checkbox field.
* Fix - Headers sent wrong in password less login email.
* Fix - Continue setup wizard button not working properly.
* Fix - Email translations issue with user registered language in WPML.
* Fix - Conflict with lost password when WooCommerce My Account Page selected in user registration settings.
* Dev - PHP version 8.3 compatibility issue.
* Tweak - Enqueued pro frontend script in footer.
* Tweak - Added skip setup button in continue setup wizard notice.
* Tweak - Added filters to change reset password validation error message.
* Tweak - Changed feature item label from Pro to Personal to avoid confusion.
* Tweak - Install pages notice display only if continue setup wizard notice is skipped.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= - 11/09/2024 =
* Fix - Tooltip icon is not being displayed in Global Settings.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 4.3.0 - 01/08/2024 =
* Feature - Akismet integration.
* Feature - Payment History.
* Feature - Coupon Field.
* Feature - Signature Field.
* Feature - Temporarily disable users.
* Feature - Set exact date for subscription to end.
* Enhance - Files restriction.
* Enhance - Script and styles optimization.
* Enhance - Content restriction on WooCommerce product.
* Dev - Membership addon compatibility.
* Dev - Compatibility for Signature Field.
* Dev - Compatibility for image based captcha.
* Dev - Compatibility temporarily disable users.
* Refactor - Custom plugin notice rendering.
* Tweak - Bulk action notice message in users page.
* Tweak - Cannot delete password field even if auto password generation is enabled.
* Fix - Avoid multiple query for same info.
* Fix - Modules not loading due to ssl issue.
* Fix - Input field validating while conditionally hidden.
* Fix - Elementor Partial content restriction not working.
* Fix - Transaction ID not showing for subscription payment.
* Fix - Login Redirection not working after email confirmation.
* Fix - Not able to login with email provided in username field.
* Fix - Custom taxonomy not restricted properly in Content Rules.
* Fix - Form saved with payment fields even if payment method disabled.
* Fix - Smart Tags related to current page not working in certain emails.
* Fix - Single Filter dismiss option in advanced filter of Frontend Listing.
* Fix - Domain blacklist/whitelist filtering not working on case sensitivity.
* Fix - Sort users based on latest registration in User Registration -> Users Page. - 03/07/2024
  • Remove unnecessary source map from build.
= - 26/04/2024 =
* Tweak - Introduce new hook to modify token expiration duration.
* Fix - Unable to submit form due to TypeError.
* Fix - Divide by zero error on number validation.
* Fix - Undefined property $field_name on function-payments.
* Fix - Required Field error message for conditionally hidden fields.
= 4.1.4 - 12/02/2024
* Feature - Image choice.
* Feature - Deny Smart Tag in Admin Approval.
* Tweak - From address going wrong in some emails.
* Tweak - Docs comments for developer documentation.
* Tweak - Introduce form name smart tag in user registration.
* Tweak - Redirection back to previous page after registration.
* Tweak - Missing awaiting email confirmation filter option in user listing page.
* Tweak - Send user registration email template while sending reset password email from admin area.
* Dev - Compatibility for image choice feature.
* Dev - Compatibility for subscription plan feature.
* Dev - Compatibility for the payment invoice feature.
* Dev - Compatibility for trail period in subscription feature.
* Dev - Compatibility for passwordless login email content modification.
* Fix - Date format for date field.
* Fix - Undefined index post_content.
* Fix - Fatal error in log handler file.
* Fix - 403 Error while activating license.
* Fix - Live user registered notice js error.
* Fix - Remove extra password field value in mail.
* Fix - Translation issue on Users Filter Section.
* Fix - Localized the user added successfully message.
* Fix - Country Field default value none Frontend Issue.
* Fix - Checkbox not updating properly on profile update when all unchecked.
* Fix - HTML tag rendered on the data obtained from WYSIWYG in advanced field.
* Fix - Password, Privacy field and Email change Issue on Profile Details Update.
* Fix - Validation error while profile update if field visibility is applied on fields.
* Fix - Fields select 2 and multi select option not changing instantly in builder setting area.
= 4.1.3 - 02/01/2024
* Enhance - Smart tags parseable endpoint content.
* Tweak - Trigger addons update from Pro.
* Tweak - Default form fields re arrangement.
* Tweak - Enable Email suggestion option added.
* Tweak - Pending users meta query optimization.
* Tweak - Parse approval link smart tag properly.
* Tweak - Manual user counting replaced with SQL query.
* Tweak - Added New option None in the default of country field.
* Tweak - Escape and made the Approve now text translation ready.
* Fix - Support decimal value in number field.
* Fix - Role based redirect after logout issue.
* Fix - Select field option not changing instantly.
* Fix - Lost password page redirecting to login page.
* Fix - Send email change confirmation with templates.
* Fix - Placeholder is not working in the country field.
* Fix - Email not sent when stripe conditionally hidden.
* Fix - Welcome email sent when profile details updated by admin.
* Fix - Privacy Tab showing 'Update Privacy' button without need.
* Dev - Deprecated ur_has_date_field function.
* Dev - Trigger hook for redirect after logout.
* Dev - Added filter hook to modify find myaccount shortcode in page.
* Dev - Deprecated user_registration_before_edit_profile_form action hook.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 4.1.1 - 10/11/2023
* Tweak - Dashboard content made accessible through action hook.
* Tweak - Compatibility with newly introduced ThemeGrill Agency Plan.
* Tweak - Conversational Forms addon details added in extension page.
* Tweak - Added action hook to handle functionalites after form duplication.
* Dev - Properly parse and send username in ajax response of form submit.
* Fix - Lock on the one time draggable field not removed while removing the field.
= 4.1.0 - 13/10/2023
* Refactor - Handle user approval status properly.
* Feature - Custom captcha field.
* Feature - Test captcha from settings.
* Feature - Profile details updated email to user.
* Feature - Edit form button in form preview window.
* Feature - Own users menu and listing for user management.
* Feature - User Registration menu added in admin menu bar.
* Feature - Block users with specific email from registering.
* Enhance - Error logging mechanism in status menu.
* Enhance - Send data to custom url on profile details change.
* Enhance - Remember and retrieve the collapse state of settings menu.
* Enhance - Accept page slug as redirect_url parameter value in login or my account shortcode.
* Enhance - Send user approval Link in email in admin approval after email confirmation login option.
* Dev - Compatibility for custom captcha field.
* Dev - Compatibility for custom user listing area.
* Dev - Compatibility for Conversational Forms addon.
* Dev - Introduced new hooks to modify email header.
* Dev - Merge two duplicate methods on form validation.
* Dev - jQuery validation library updated to latest version.
* Dev - Compatibility for the fix of Lock addon field if integration not set.
* Dev - Compatibility for form fields integration on woo commerce product page.
* Tweak - Save the user IP on the user meta.
* Tweak - Onboarding last page design changes.
* Tweak - Add filter to change profile picture upload directory.
* Tweak - Add filter to modify invalid username or email error message.
* Fix - Admin email not being delivered.
* Fix - Case sensitiveness bypassing blacklisted email.
* Fix - Fatal error on concurrent login.
* Fix - Delete account email not disabled.
* Fix - Redirection issue after stripe payment.
* Fix - User email changed email not in proper format.
* Fix - Wrong escaping done in redirect_url parameter.
* Fix - Grammatical typo for unique validation message.
* Fix - Send password reset not working on prevent core login.
* Fix - Select All button not working while adding popups as menu.
* Fix - Select All button not working while adding endpoints as menu.
* Fix - WPML compatibilty for validation message for duplicate added.
* Fix - Cannot modify header issue while performing actions in popup settings.
* Fix - Delete profile picture file from directory when removed while updating profile.