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Soledad - Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WP Theme

Soledad - Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog & WooCommerce WP Theme 8.5.0 NULLED

Update Soledad Version 8.3.6 – June 13th, 2023
  • Featured Added:Exclusive “Penci Bookmark & Follow” plugin. With many features:
    • Enable readers to follow posts and authors of their choice.
    • It can be activated for both non-logged-in and logged-in users.
    • Send email notification for following users
    • Dashboard to control all informations related to Bookmark & follow
    If you want to use there features, let’s install this plugin via Appearance > Install Plugin.
  • Featured Added: Allow for adding multiple reviews within a single post, along with a star rating style. To access these new features, let’s update the “Penci Reviews” plugin via Appearance > Install Plugins.
  • Featured Added: Show author avatar on the post layouts/single post pages behind the author name. You can enable it via Customize > General Settings > Author Avatar Settings
  • Fix: Problems with the Instagram – which are caused by recent changes to their API.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.3.5 – May 23th, 2023
  • Featured Added:3 new great demos:Please update the theme & update the plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to version 4.5 to get it. The templates of there demos already added to Cloud Templates Library also.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
  • Like
Reactions: bugrist
Update Soledad Version 8.3.4 – April 29th, 2023
  • Featured Added: Post Comment Ratings – enable reviews for WordPress comments. You can enable it via Customize > Single Posts > Comments Form > Enable Comment Ratings.
  • Featured Added: A new gallery style is now available: Slider with Thumbnails. This style is ideal for galleries with many images, as it provides a better way to showcase them..
  • Featured Added: Custom Sidebar Manager – you can add/remove and control the custom sidebars via Dashboard > Soledad > Sidebar Manager.
  • Featured Added: There are now options to reset, import, and export customizer data. This feature is particularly useful if you need to transfer your customization data to another website or create a backup. You can see it on the Appearance > Customizer page – at the bottom left.
  • Featured Added: We have added many new options to generate images using AI Image Generate, including Midjourney, Open Journey, Stable Diffusion, Text to Pokemon, VAE, Anything, and text2image. You can find these new options under the “Image AI Engine” tab on the Soledad > AI Image Generate page. This feature can also be used to generate featured images when using AI to write your post content. Please update the plugin “Penci AI SmartContent Creator” to version 1.1 to get it.
  • Improve: Some minor issues with import demo data. Please update the plugin “Penci Soledad Demo Importer” to get it.
  • Update: Plugin “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” to version 5.5 – improve the lazyload of Youtube/Vimeo videos.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.3.3 – April 7th, 2023
  • Featured Added: Add new plugin “Penci AI SmartContent Creator” – It’s a exclusive plugin from us. This plugin can assist you in creating articles and blog posts, as well as generating AI-based images. Additionally, it can suggest topic ideas and optimize keywords to save you time and improve the quality of your content. It is a must-have tool for content creation. this video tutorial
  • Featured Added: Sync views count from Jetpack plugin – new options to get views count from Jetpack when Jetpack plugin is activated.
  • Featured Added: New options for “Posts Page” ( from Settings > Reading > Posts Page ) – you can check the settings via Customize > General > Posts Page Settings.
  • Featured Added: Set different header for Woocommerce Pages works fine now.
  • Improve: Compatible with “Total Poll Lite” plugin.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.3.2 – March 14th, 2023
  • Featured Added: Add new plugin “Penci RSS Aggregator” – It’s a exclusive plugin from us to helping you curate content, autoblog, import and display unlimited RSS feeds within a few minutes. Please check more details on this video tutorial
  • Featured Added: Add new plugin “Penci Podcast” – It’s a exclusive plugin from us. This plugin enables you to develop a top-notch podcast website with a wide range of features. Please check more details on this video tutorial
  • Featured Added: Option trusted user role to make the posts auto publish when user submit posts via front-end. Please update the plugin “Penci Frontend Submission” to get this feature.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.3.1 – February 06th, 2023
  • Featured Added: Built-in & easy to setup Google Search replace with default Search page from WordPress via Customize > General > Search Settings > Google Search Result
  • Featured Added: Option for custom Mobile Logo Image via Customize > Logo & Header > Logo > Upload Logo for Mobile
  • Featured Added: Archive Posts Sorter Dropdown
  • Featured Added: New: Patreon Widget
  • Featured Added: New: BuyMeACoffee Widget
  • Featured Added: Elementor shadow options for featured images ( Apply for widgets: “Penci Big Grid”, “Penci Latest Posts”, “Penci Featured Cat”, “Penci Small Lists” )
  • Featured Added: Dashboard for Penci Pay Writer, you can easy to control the author’s performance & pay for selected authors in this page also. Please update “Penci Pay Writer” to version 1.1 to get all new features.
  • Improve: Elementor Ajax Query supports All Post Types.
  • Improve: Some problems with viewing media library.
  • Improve: Some problems with “Penci Paywall” & “Penci Frontend Submision” – please update those 2 plugins to the version 1.1.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Big Update Soledad Version 8.3.0 – January 11th, 2023
  • Featured Added: Penci Paywall plugin – A plugin to help you restrict access to your premium content and monetize it via paid subscriptions. You can check more on this video tutorial
  • Featured Added: Penci FrontEnd Submission plugin – A plugin to help your readers can submit posts to your website via Front-end. You can also setup the system pay for submit posts to your website. You can check more on this video tutorial
  • Featured Added: Penci Pay Writer plugin – A plugin to help your readers can pay for your authors. You can check more on this video tutorial
  • Featured Added: Custom text selector color/background color via Appearance > Customize > General > Colors > Selector Background Color & Selector Text Color
  • Featured Added: Custom post title for single post. So, you can show title of posts on the layouts & on single post pages is different.
  • Featured Added: Option to select the category text color & background color. Please check it via Posts > Categories > edit a category and scroll down.
  • Featured Added: AdBlocker Detector via Appearance > Customize > Ad Blocker Detector
  • Featured Added: Floating ads banner on the left & right of container – You can check the option via Soledad > Ads Manager > Float Banner Left/Right
  • Improve: WooCommerce Templates outdate problems.
  • Improve: Some problems with the latest version of Elementor.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.2.9 – November 14th, 2022
  • Featured Added: New option to auto estimate reading time based on the post content via Customize > General > General Settings > Estimate Reading Time base Post Content
  • Featured Added: New option to adjust the reading words per minute when you enable “Estimate Reading Time base Post Content” via Customize > General > General Settings > Reading Time: Words Per Minute
  • Featured Added: New option to auto get featured image from your post content – If a post doesn’t exists a featured image – it will be grab the first image inside your post content and set it’s featured image. This option apply for video posts format ( Youtube, Vimeo ) also, will take the featured image from Youtube or Vimeo videos.
  • Featured Added: New widget for Elementor and WPBakery “Pencil Animated Headline” – a new design to help you can build more impress headings.
  • Improve: Improve the conditions for showing the promote popup, please check the options for it via Customize > Promote Popup
  • Improve: We’ve improved the website Accessibility & SEO based on the new rules from Google. You can see the improvement when testing your website on Google PageSpeed.
  • Improve: Some minor issues.
Update Soledad Version 8.2.7 – October 4th, 2022
  • Featured Added: Support plugin Co-Authors Plus – allows you to assign multiple authors to a posts.
  • Featured Added: Option to disable the Plus button for social sharing – in case the buttons too long, it will drop to a new line if you disable the plus button. Please check the option for it via Customize > Single Posts > General
  • Featured Added: New “Penci Soledad Migration Data” plugin – it’s a plugin to help you migration data from other WordPress Themes into Soledad Theme. Supports WordPress Themes: Newspaper, Jnews, Jannah, Sahifa, Newsmag, Publisher, SmartMag, Bimber, Solopine’s Themes.
  • Update: Plugin “Penci Shortcodes & Performance” to version 5.3
  • Improve: Some minor issues.