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Slider Revolution - Most Popular WordPress Slider Plugin

Slider Revolution - Most Popular WordPress Slider Plugin 6.7.19 NULLED

Version 6.6.10 (25th January 2023)​


  • Carousel is broken due to regression in 6.6.9

Version 6.6.9 (25th January 2023)​


  • background=1 and background=0 Vimeo attributes get written twice if customers added these values manually
  • updating from v5 can cause an hover PHP error in PHP 8.x
  • Elementor deprecation messages appear
  • Gradient background effect does not work on small devices
  • Carousel skips slides when changing slides with navigation
  • Scroll based animations sometimes loose layer visibility on browser tab blur/focus
  • Carousel wheel navigation doesn’t work if snap is set to off

Version 6.6.8 (21st December 2022)​

New Features​

  • Added Copy to Clipboard (Alt + Shift + C) and Paste from Clipboard (Alt + Shift + V) to be able to copy layers, groups, rows between modules in different tabs
  • Added a new HTML tag “label” and its attribute “label for”
  • Video pause on slide change: Layer videos now have a new option for carousel slider to pause video layers on inactive slides even when they are visible
  • New parallax feature for carousel, now parallax layers will move based on carousel movement. The use is triggered by the “Drag & Mouse Move” option under mouse interaction in the parallax settings.


  • Shape background image management is now also available in the layer content for a better understanding
  • Double click on shape with an background image will open the last used image library for that shape
  • Layer targets (in actions and label for dropdown) will show the correct layer hierarchy with spacings and search boxes


  • HTML5 video looping in background causes fullscreen mode to exit.
  • SFX block mask does not work correctly on safari if translate Z is used
  • Groups in columns did not respect the order of layers
  • Carousel slides popup into the place if carousel has 3 slides.
  • Regression in update 6.6.7 causes BG videos to not play sometimes in carousel
  • Groups in columns did not respect the order of layers
  • Groups in columns set to absolute will not align well
  • Modal closes after any video in background completes a loop due to conflict.
  • Carousel visibility option for layers “Always visible on Carousel” disappears.
  • Block Scroll option does not work as expected on mobile.
  • Vimeo video speed option doesn’t work on background video.
  • Attempting to change image via double click on shape layer results in error
  • Horizontal swipe gets triggered on iOS while swiping vertically

Version 6.6.7 (17th November 2022)​

New Features​

  • New event: “Any Modal Opens” added to custom JS portfolio
  • New method: “revGoToFrame” added to custom JS portfolio


  • Added a lot more logic to the Google Fonts caching system


  • Deep linking isn’t working on carousel slider
  • Some slides in the carousel are flashing into the position instead of animating in from the side
  • Global static layer settings for in and out animation are buggy in carousel
  • Particles AddOn effect doesn’t render on the first slide in carousel
  • Sometimes layers disappear in a carousel when the ‘Visible Layers’ option is set to ‘Always on all slide’
  • WooCommerce {{wc_stock}} meta does not show the total stock of all child products
  • Auto slide rotation sometimes ends with js failure if browser is not focused
  • Backend: Copying row layer with layers in it and pasting it it in Global Layers fails with console errors
  • Precaching Google Fonts locally fail to load fonts on some environment
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Reactions: tatar221

Version 6.6.5 (25th October 2022)​


  • Added Full Inset as covermode. This will help to set spaces throug 4 device levels in any direction within a group when a layer is absolute positioned


  • Videos autoplay on mobile even though autoplay is set to ‘Skip 1st Time Slide’
  • In carousel modules, static layers don’t animate in and out on the correct slides
  • RTL layers in column do not align to the left/right since version 6.6.0
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Reactions: tatar221

Version 6.6.4 NULLED (19th October 2022)​


  • The Cluster: This update comes with support for a new AddOn that will add amazing cluster particles effects to layers
  • CrossOrigin Video: Added new button for HTML5 background videos to support videos from third party sites. If you are getting CORS erros in console while using third party video as background, enable the new option
  • Modified error messages if a slider does not have a slide to show


  • Looped and masked layers in the Before After AddOn environment breaks after 6.6.0
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Reactions: tatar221

Version 6.6.3 (7th October 2022)​


  • Dropped IE11 support as WordPress has stoppped supporting it since august 2021 and it holds back development.


  • RTL environment calculate bad positions for layers since version 6.6.0
  • Fixed errors on IE11 due to update 6.6.0
  • CSTRETCH is not a function error in backend overview page
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Reactions: tatar221 and Evan

Version 6.6.2 NULLED (7th October 2022)​


  • Video Layers with border radius show a white border since version 6.6.0
  • Text Layers with % based size or auto width calculated and positioned wrong in frontend
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Reactions: tatar221

Version 6.6.1 NULLED (6th October 2022)​


  • 6.6.0 Regression: Old cached version of rbtools was loading with new update
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Reactions: tatar221 and Evan