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ShopLentor Pro - WooCommerce Page Builder Elementor Addon

ShopLentor Pro - WooCommerce Page Builder Elementor Addon 2.4.7 NULLED

WooLentor Pro : 2.1.6 & WooLentor Free : 2.5.7 (March 13, 2023)​

  1. Added : Background color option in promo banner block.
  2. Added : Title, Subtitle banner area Dimension control option in promo banner block.
  3. Solved : Product adding issue with Compare table listing mode.
  4. Solved : Pop Up image repetition issue in advanced product image addon. (Pro)
  5. Solved : Placeholder text translate issue in WL:Coupon Form addon. (Pro)
  6. Solved : Elementor no gap column wrapper extra space render issue with Email Customiser Module. (Pro)
  7. Solved : Currency position issue in product filter module price range slider. (Pro)
  8. Solved : Size Chart Display issue with multiple product category. (Pro)
  9. Compatibility : With latest WooComemrce and Latest Elelementor version.

WooLentor Pro : 2.1.5 & WooLentor Free : 2.5.6 (February 26, 2023)​

  • Added : Content Alignment option in Product rating block.
  • Added : Price Alignment option in Product Price block.
  • Added : Alignment option in Product stock block.
  • Added : Alignment option in Product Meta block.
  • Added : Increase style option for coupon form in Cart table block. (Pro)
  • Added : Background color control option has been added in cart total block. (Pro)
  • Solved : Border CSS generate issue in product add to cart block.
  • Solved : CSS Generate issue in editor mode for product tabs block.
  • Solved : Toggle control component style issue in Related product addon.
  • Solved : Cart and Shipping step navigation hide issue for mobile device in Shopify like checkout module.

WooLentor Pro : 2.1.2 & WooLentor Free : 2.5.3 (January 08, 2023)​

  • Added : Hidden item showing option in Universal Product layout.
  • Added : Out Of Stock item hide / show option in Universal Product layout.
  • Added : Recently Viewed Product Gutenberg Block.
  • Solved : Number of item showing issue in category grid block.
  • Added: Option to make children term collapsible in Product Filter module.(Pro)
  • Moved: Term color option into term edit page to avoid loading issue in Product Filter module.(Pro)
  • Moved: Term image option into term edit page to avoid loading issue in Product Filter module.(Pro)
  • Solved: Duplicate control ID issue in Email Customizer.(Pro)
  • Solved: Discount product showing issue in Order Bump Module.(Pro)
  • Like
Reactions: openzone

WooLentor Pro : 2.1.1 & WooLentor Free : 2.5.2 (December 27, 2022)​

  1. Added : Title background Color change option has been added in category grid addon.
  2. Added : Aria Label attribute added in all quick-view anchor tag.
  3. Added : Custom Endpoint Option in My Account Block.(Pro)
  4. Solved : RTL Slider Activation issue in Advanced Thumbnails Addon.(Pro)
  5. Solved : Checkout page Quantity field text update issue.(Pro)
  6. Solved : Template data Import issue has been fixed.
  7. Solved : Template Builder width fetching issue.
  8. Solved : Custom payment Button showing issue in cart page with WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin.
  9. Solved : All Category showing issue in category grid block.
  10. Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version.
  11. Compatibility With latest Elementor Version.

WooLentor Pro : 2.0.7 & WooLentor Free : 2.4.8 (November 13, 2022)​

  1. Solved : Single product add to cart issue with single product add to cart module.
  2. Solved : Currency space fetching issue in Filter module.
  3. Solved : Product Filter non taxonomy select warning.
  4. Compatible: Multi Language supported.
  5. Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version.
  6. Compatibility with the latest WordPress version.
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Reactions: tatar221

WooLentor Pro : 2.0.6 & WooLentor Free : 2.4.7 (November 6, 2022)​

  1. Solved : Issue in showing recommended extensions for php7.
  2. Solved : Issue with the display of wishlist and compare icon in product grid block.
  3. Solved : Anchor tag link validation issue in QuickView button.
  4. Solved : Width control issue in the horizontal filter addon element.
  5. Solved : Redirection issue of the filter addon in the Elementor editor mode.
  6. Solved : Compatibility issue of the "Single Product Ajax Add to Cart" module with third-party plugin.
  7. Solved : Issue with the overriding of outdated templates.
  8. Solved : Checkout page checkbox style issue.(Pro)
  9. Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version.
  10. Compatibility with the latest WordPress version.
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Reactions: tatar221