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Salient | Creative Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

Salient | Creative Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 16.3.1

v15.0.3 (9/11/22)​


  • Added ability to add additional reusable theme colors through new filter hook "nectar_additional_theme_colors". See documentation here.
  • Added ability to close "Toggle Panels" page builder when set to "accordion"
  • Added Portfolio post type page builder images into RankMath/Yoast SEO sitemap
  • Added "nectar_delay_js_script_list" filter to Delay JS theme option script list for child theme overrides


  • Fixed preview functionality to generate dynamic element CSS correctly on Portfolio post type
  • Fixed "Carousel" page builder > "Flickity" type element pagination control coloring option
  • Fixed Minimal Shadow "Toggle Panels" page builder element style to render shadow correctly when using CSS minfiiation
  • Fixed HTML5 Canvas page header text transition beween particle images in Safari
  • Fixed Delay JavaScript theme option to work correctly with "Testimonial Slider" page builder element
  • Fixed "Testimonial Slider" page builder element star rating alignment
  • Fixed Column page builder element mobile padding "none" option to override selection on Tablet
  • Fixed "Responsive Text" & "Team Member" page builder elements to be translatable in the WPML advanced translation editor
  • Fixed WooCommerce single product gallery thumbnail image size to use new WooCommerce image size "gallery_thumbnail"


  • Updated Salient Core plugin to v1.9.6
  • Updated Salient Shortcodes plugin to v1.5.1
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Reactions: tatar221


  • Fixed Custom "Single Product Image Dimensions" theme option to work with WooCommerce 6.8
  • Fixed dynamic element CSS to correctly generate when adding page builder elements to the WooCommerce product "short description" field
  • Fixed linked elements to not trigger an unintentional click on mobile devices when starting a swipe from the top of the page
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Reactions: tatar221