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Salient | Creative Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

Salient | Creative Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 16.3.1

v16.3.1 (7/22/24)​


  • Added WooCommerce 9.1.x compatibility
  • Added ability to render shortcodes in secondary header navigation


  • Fixed WooCommerce mini cart quantity selection when using individually sold products
  • Fixed scroll opacity effect in "Split Line Heading" element when multiple are used in same row
  • Fixed "Delay JavaScript Execution" theme option when using core WPBakery post grid
  • Fixed Global Sections to correctly render CSS from design option tab in WpBakery elements
  • Fixed "Filter" screen reader text to only display when sortable is active on post grid


  • Updated Salient Core to v 2.1.1

v16.2.0 (3/25/24)​


  • Added WPBakery SEO functionality
  • Added Functionality for "Single Image" page builder element to display preview images in backend editor
  • Added Aria label options for "Single Image" page builder element
  • Added New filters "nectar_simple_dropdown_ocm_location" and "nectar_post_header_hentry_class"
  • Added Fallback rendering of Global Sections when Salient theme is not active
  • Added Forced Aspect Ratio option to "Image Gallery" > Nectar Slider
  • Added New options Render tag options for Nectar Slider heading field


  • Fixed WooCommerce "Layered Navigation" widget to start open on mobile
  • Fixed Delay JavaScript Execution performance option with "Rotating Words Title" page builder element
  • Fixed Contact Form 7 Loading indicator position
  • Fixed Post Loop Builder element > Mouse Indicator text when using multiple instances on the same page
  • Fixed Post Loop Builder element to render button style correctly when using Portfolio post type
  • Fixed Conflict with WooCommerce high performance order storage (HPOS) and admin plugin notices
  • Fixed Header "Menu Bottom Bar" layout logo class name issue
  • Fixed Page Full Screen Rows > Scrollbar Overflow option to scroll to next section better on Android devices
  • Fixed Split Line Heading page builder element to utilize custom line height correctly on all devices
  • Fixed RTL issues with Call to Action page builder element
  • Fixed RTL issues with WooCommerce cart/checkout/quickview
  • Fixed Image Gallery element to render correctly inside of "Toggle" page builder element
  • Fixed Flickity Carousel 1 column mobile layout option
  • Fixed "Recent Posts" page builder element to render titles correctly when using custom heading option
  • Fixed X icon in Salient Social plugin


  • Updated Salient WPbakery Page Builder plugin to v7.5
  • Updated Salient Core plugin to v2.0.7
  • Updated Salient Social plugin to v1.2.5
  • Updated Salient Portfolio plugin to v1.7.6
  • Updated Salient Nectar Slider plugin to v1.7.6
  • Updated Interactive Map > Google Map option to use latest API (fixes deprecration notices)
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon

v16.1.0 (11/13/23)​


  • Added single post type options into Global Section display conditions
  • Added "Auto Lightbox Image Links" theme option to work with Gutenberg gallery block
  • Added compatibility with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin in minicart
  • Added row Page Builder element Custom border radius option
  • Added missing Salient element attributes to wpml-config.xml
  • Added new filter "nectar_single_post_container_midnight"
  • Added additional security hardening


  • Fixed Off Canvas Menu submenu flashing when hovered quickly in Safari
  • Fixed responsive breakpoints to correct certain overlapping rules at phone (690px) and tablet (1000px)
  • Fixed duplicate class name issue in blog categories
  • Fixed "Toggle Button" tabbed style to utilize icons correctly
  • Fixed "Toggle Button" tabbed style gradient coloring option
  • Fixed Flickity Carousel equal height calculation when changing orientation on mobile
  • Fixed iOS scrolling issue with WooCommerce single product gallery when using "Left Thumbnails + Sticky Product Info"
  • Fixed page builder images performance in editor with Yoast and Math Rank SEO plugins
  • Fixed "Highlighted Text" page builder element to correctly render p tags
  • Fixed "Featured Media Under Header" post header sizing on mobile
  • Fixed Delay JavaScript performance theme option YouTube video sizing in single post
  • Fixed WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin -> subscription change functionality when using "AJAX Product Template Add to Cart"
  • Fixed Page Fullscreen Rows JS error in Frontend editor
  • Fixed "Image With Hotspots" page builder element close button accessibility
  • Fixed Portfolio element filters to inherit from theme options animated underline settings
  • Fixed the Global Section "Blog Archive Loop" to indicate its availability in the location list, following the deletion of the previous section where it was originally assigned
  • Fixed occasional duplication of Lottie elements in Frontend editor


  • Updated Salient WPBakery plugin to v7.1
    • Notably adds ability to copy and paste page builder elements
  • Updated Salient Core plugin to v2.0.4
  • Updated Salient Nectar Slider plugin to v1.7.4
  • Updated Salient Social plugin to v1.2.4
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH

v16.0.3 (7/18/23)​

  • Added Threads social media theme options
  • Added missing semi-bold weight when adding custom fonts to theme options > Typography
  • Fixed outdated template warning with WooCommerce 7.9
  • Fixed Post Loop Builder display on mobile when theme option "Page Builder Element Animations On Mobile Devices" is disabled
  • Fixed Fancy Unordered List spacing with nested children

v15.1.0 (5/26/23)​


  • Fixed Accessibility issue with "Slide out From Side Hover Trigged" icon
  • Fixed compaitiblity with WooCommerce "Lazy Load Shop Images" theme option on iOS
  • Fixed Compatibility issue with react JS based custom applications where content would get duplicated on occasion


  • Updated Salient WPBakery Page Builder to 6.13.0

v15.0.9 (4/6/23)​


  • Added row ID to be visible within the backend editor UI
  • Added compatibility for WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin with theme option "Full Width with Quantity" Add to cart style.
  • Added ability to use more than 2 decimal places in "Milestone" page builder element
  • Added "Global Section" page builder element to wpml.config
  • Added PHP 8.2 compatibility to Theme options panel (redux framework)
  • Added theme option to create a circular loop in Portfolio project navigation
  • Added general CSS class trigger (hide-nectar-indicator) to allow the drag indicator effect to hide when hovered over any element containing it
  • Added general JS callback trigger for AJAX minicart (nectar_woo_mini_cart_updated) for third party plugin integration


  • Fixed "Responsive Text" page builder element "Text Color" option to correctly apply when using heading tags
  • Fixed "Image With Hotspots" page builder element close button on mobile to not reset page to the top on click
  • Fixed child column link to be clickable when using inner nested inner rows
  • Fixed Tiktok embeds to display correctly
  • Fixed Nested "Tabs" page builder element issue caused by nesting a global section that contains a "Tabs" element within another "Tabs" element
  • Fixed mobile search bar z-index issue that prevented mobile navigation items from being correctly accessed in certain setups
  • Fixed "Fullscreen Inline with Dynamic BG" off canvas menu logo coloring
  • Fixed "Back" button display in "Fullscreen Inline with Dynamic BG" off canvas menu when accessing submenu items
  • Fixed "Milestone" loading animation when using the theme performance option "Delay Javascript Execution"
  • Fixed animated SVG icon animation (vivus script) when using theme performance option "Delay Javascript Execution"
  • Fixed "Toggle Panels" page builder element icon display issue with "Minimal Shadow" style
  • Fixed "Toggle Panels" page builder element to recalculate parallax scrolling items correctly when opened/closed
  • Fixed PHP error in WPBakery page builder when accessing saved element presets


  • Updated Salient Portfolio plugin to 1.7.3
  • Updated Salient WPBakery Page Builder to 1.9.2
  • Updated Salient Core Plugin to v1.9.9

v15.0.8 (1/12/23)​


  • Added missing element attributes to wpml-config
  • Added "close on Esc" functionality to all search/popups
  • Added the latest Google fonts to theme options
  • Added ability to specify custom mobile breakpoint when using "Left Header" layout
  • Added TrustPilot and Mastodon icons into available social links
  • Added ability to trigger search bar open via custom class name "nectar-search-open-trigger"


  • Improved WooCommerce minicart SEO


  • Fixed "Toggle Panels" page builder element > minimal shadow style coloring
  • Fixed Scrolling Text page builder element to be able to use custom font color correctly
  • Fixed global section specified in theme options to correctly display on page sidebar templates
  • Fixed Delay JavaScript execution issue with video lightbox links
  • Fixed Off canvas menu: Slide out from right to not show color in Mac overscroll effect
  • Fixed "Fancy Unordered List" page builder element to correctly use custom spacing when used in global section
  • Fixed jQuery warning for fancy dropdown theme option when jQuery migrate is removed


  • Salient Core plugin to 1.9.8
    • Fixed WP from adding extra paragraph tag around Global Section used in footer
    • Fixed "Image Comparison" page builder element custom class name to render on frontend
    • Added ability to use REM and EM unit types in responsive font sizing throughout all elements
    • Added option to skip lazy loading on "Fancy Box" and "Image Gallery" page builder elements

v15.0.7 (11/2/22)​


  • Added ability to use decimals in "Milestone" page builder element
  • Added ability to use multiple headings inside of "Scrolling text" page builder element
  • Added new action hook "nectar_recent_posts_multiple_large_featured_after_title" to "Recent posts" page builder element
  • Added support for "picture" elements to be used for header logo from third-party plugins that optimize images
  • Added "Text with Inline Media" page builder element to wpml-config.xml
  • Added ability to use shortcodes in "Secondary Header Text"


  • Fixed mobile font sizing overrides for "Responsive Text" page builder element
  • Fixed Column "text align" mobile overrides
  • Fixed clip path column animations when the "Page Builder Element Animations On Mobile Devices" theme option is disabled
  • Fixed "External project URL" to be utilized for portfolio projects when using "Custom" post type option inside of "Post grid" page builder element
  • Fixed Global Sections to not repeat content from third-party plugins that have hooked to "the_content" filter
  • Fixed animated anchors scrolling issue when linking to pages which used "Flickity" image galleries
  • Fixed rows set to "Sticky Alignment" -> "Top of Window Below Nav Bar" when using header resize effect
  • Fixed "Recent Posts" page builder element set to 4 columns to display correctly in 2 columns in tablet view


  • Updated Salient Core plugin to v1.9.7
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221



  • Added accessibility "aria-hidden"/"tabindex" to links within Flickity sliders
  • Added new header dropdown shadow theme option - "Large Alt"


  • Fixed Safari v13 JS issue
  • Fixed Nectar deferred stylesheets (non-critical) path conflict with certain third-party plugins
  • Fixed shape dividers to correctly display on a page where a neighboring row is using a "Clip Path Inset" animation
  • Fixed sticky sidebar functionality when using delay JS performance theme option for all devices
  • Fixed Off canvas menu > Fullscreen inline with dynamic images to swap correctly when using two or more instances of the same menu on a page
  • Fixed "Nectar Highlighted Text" element to be included in wpml-config/xml
  • Fixed iframe embed conflict with Elementor popup
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221