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SalesKing - Ultimate Sales Team, Agents & Reps Plugin for WooCommerce

SalesKing - Ultimate Sales Team, Agents & Reps Plugin for WooCommerce 1.6.81

Version 1.6.81 - July 8th, 2024

Hotfix: bug related to get_coupon_id_by_code() function
Version 1.6.50 - February 18th, 2024


- Added Checkout Blocks support for Pending Payment Gateway

- General compatibility update for WooCommerce Checkout Blocks


- Payout note in email now uses admin note
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Reactions: MarkDragon
Version 1.5.85 - August 20th, 2023

- Added WePOS integration to calculate commissions on pos orders

- Fixed deprecated function on Coupons dashboard page
- Fixed cart sharing empty table error on Cart sharing page
Version 1.5.50 - May 18th, 2023

- UI backend enhancements
- Added priority system to commission rules
- Added new option to create commission rules by product/variation IDs.
- Added new option to coupon creation that allows adding free shipping coupons.

- Fixed backend payouts button error
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Reactions: papadestra
Version 1.5.10 - February 5th, 2023

New features:

- Profit based commission: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/profit-based-commission-calculation/

- New setting allowing customers to choose agents from a dropdown during registration.

- It is now possible to overwrite SalesKing dashboard .php page templates: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-edit-salesking-dashboard-page-templates/


- Added ‘tables language’ setting in SalesKing → Settings → Main Settings

- Individual earnings table for specific agents can now be downloaded. Payment method and coupon used can also be included optionally

- Commission calculation now also works for backend orders


- Fix for rules min / max order application issue
Version 1.4.97 - January 15th, 2023

New features:

- Take out discounts from agents' commission: when agents edit the price in cart to offer a discount, the discount can be taken from that agent's commission.
- It is now possible to print or download Earnings and Payouts reports in the backend as CSV / PDF

- Improved “Share Cart” feature. It will now be able to save bundles, product options, custom data, etc. added by 3rd party plugins as well.
- Added form validation in agent dashboard for creating customers, team members, etc.
- Design improvements and fixes for plugin pages
Version 1.4.73 – December 4th, 2022
- Added ability to load customers table with AJAX via filter: add_filter('salesking_load_customers_table_ajax,'__return_true');
- Fixed license activation issues