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PWA for WP & AMP with Premium Extensions

PWA for WP & AMP with Premium Extensions 1.7.62

1.7.62 (14 SEPT 2023)​

  • Bug Fixed : Push notification is not working on IOS. #66
  • Bug Fixed : Need to put a proper display message on license activation/deactivation timeout #831
  • Bug Fixed : The messages do not redirect when the extension Buddypress for PWAforWP is activated on the user-end #839
  • Feature Added : Need to create a feature for Role managers #824
  • Feature Added : Need to add support to display badge on mobile PWA icon #821
  • Feature Added : Need to add a new feature for BuddyPress Group Notification in buddypress for PWAforWP pro extension #841

1.7.60 (26 MAY 2023)​

  • Bug Fixed : Navigation Bar saving button is not working properly. #811
  • Bug Fixed : Conflict issue in loader extension #812
  • Bug Fixed : formidable forms File Upload feature is not supported in offline form #801
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Reactions: need2heal

1.7.58 (20 APRIL 2023)​

  • Feature Added : Add monochrome icons to manifest #795
  • Feature Added : Add “related_applications” to manifest #794
  • Bug Fixed : Auto-save forms feature is not working properly. #799
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Reactions: tatar221