• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
= 3.4.5 (2023-08-07) =

* Requires PHP 7.0 as minimum version
* Pro: Fix error in site editor with WP 6.3
* Pro: Remove usage of block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_colors() deprecated in WP 6.3
* Pro: Fix categories and tags kept in old language after the language of a post has been changed
* Add 'pll_admin_ajax_params' filter #1326
* Fix error when changing the language of a post and the post type doesn't support excerpts #1323
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.4.4 (2023-07-18) =

* Pro: Register a default (empty) value for the "lang" param when listing posts and terms in REST API
* Pro: Fix categories list refresh when the language of a post is changed in the block editor
* Pro: Fix store "pll/metabox" is already registered
* Add Kirghiz to the predefined list of languages #1308
* Fix incorrect flag url when WordPress is installed in a subfolder #1296
* Fix wrong home page url in multisite #1300
= 3.4.3 (2023-06-13) =
* Adapt the language filter for `get_pages()` for WP 6.3 #1268
* Fix static front page displaying latest posts when it is not translated #1295
* Fix a database error in ANSI mode #1297
* Fix a database error when accessing posts from another site in multisite #1301
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.4.2 (2023-05-30) =
* Fix empty languages displayed when Falang data are remaining in the database #1286
* Fix PHP warning on term_props #1288
* Fix blog page displayed in the customizer instead of the static front page when changing a setting #1289
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.4.1 (2023-05-25) =
* Fix incorrect site titles in My Site admin bar menu on multisites #1284
* Fix incorrect home url when using multiple domains or subdomain and a static front page #1285
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Reactions: openzone

3.3.3 (2023-04-11)​

  • Pro: Adapt the submenu colors of the navigation language switcher block to WP 6.2
  • Pro: Fix the dropdown setting in the navigation language switcher block
  • Add Amharic, Aragonese and Spanish from Dominican Republic to the list of predefined languages #1248
  • Fix a deprecated notice in WP 6.2 when using multiple domains without the Internationalization PHP extension (intl) #1245
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Reactions: tatar221

3.3.2 (2023-03-06)​

  • Pro: Add compatibility with FSE changes introduced by WP 6.2
  • Pro: Adapt the navigation language switcher block for consistency with WP 6.2
  • Only store term ids in taxonomy relationships cache for WP 6.0+. Props @ocean90 #1154
  • Remove usage of `get_page_by_title()` deprecated in WP 6.2 #1213
  • Fix fatal error if the mu-plugins folder is not readable #1217
  • Fix a compatibility issue with plugins not expecting a null \'update_plugins\' transient #1224
= 3.3.1 (2023-01-09) =
* Pro: Allow to translate Oembed, URL and Email ACF fields
* Pro: Fix ACF REST API mixing fields
* Pro: Fix ACF compatibility loaded when no language exist
* Pro: Fix headers of exported PO files.
* Pro: Fix spacing in language switcher navigation block preview
* Work around a bug in Sendinblue for WooCommerce causing a fatal error. #1156
* Fix a regression with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. #1186
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Reactions: tatar221
= 3.3 (2022-11-28) =

* Requires WP 5.7 as minimum version
* Pro: Allow to export and import XLIFF files for posts
* Pro: Honor the provided context for the navigation language switcher block.
* Pro: Remove the parent hyperlink in the navigation language switcher block.
* Pro: Add spacing between flag and name in the navigation language switcher block.
* Pro: Disallow some special characters in translated slugs to avoid 404 errors.
* Pro: Fix string translation not imported when the original is registered but has never been saved in database.
* Pro: Fix string translation not imported when it includes an html entity.
* Pro: Fix navigation language switcher block rendering in block editor.
* Pro: Fix navigation language switcher may be displayed wrong color.
* Translate the post pages in get_post_type_archive_link() on admin side too. #1000
* Enable the block editor in page for posts translations to match the WordPress behavior since version 5.8 #1002
* Improve the site health report #1062 #1076
* Set the current language when saving a post #1065
* The search block is now filtered by language #1081
* Display slug of CPT and taxonomies in Custom post types and Taxonomies settings. Props @nicomollet #1112
* Add support for wpml-config.xml to MU plugins #1140 Props Jeremy Simkins
* Fix some deprecated notices fired by PHP 8.1 #975
* Fix some missing canonical redirect taxonomies #1074
* Fix redirect when permalink structure has no trailing slash #1080
* Fix language switcher in legacy navigation menu widget not rendered in widgets block editor #1083
* Fix language in tax query when an OR relation is used #1098
* Fix parent of translated category removed when assigning an untranslated parent #1105
* Fix is_front_page() when a static front page is not translated #1123
* Yoast SEO: Fix posts without language displayed in the sitemap #1103
* Yoast SEO: Avoid syncing robots meta. #1118