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PickBazar - React Ecommerce Template with React Hooks, Next JS, GraphQL & REST API

PickBazar - React Ecommerce Template with React Hooks, Next JS, GraphQL & REST API 11.8.0

v11.8.0 13th February 2024
-Tool tips for marvel-admin area [New feature]
-Customer review Pop-up feature after successful order.[New feature]
-New rating procedure[New feature]
-Settings save confirmation. [New feature]
-Coupon grid display issue in shop end.[Bug fix]
-Type dropdown closing issue fix[Bug fix]
-Percentage base coupon validation issue in admin end[Bug fix]
-Responsive device sidebar toogle issue.[Bug fix]
v10.0.0 4th April 2023
- Add Dashboard Menu message for admin, store owner.
- Add Admin dashboard store notice CRUD for specific vendor/ All
- Upgraded Pickbazar Admin to Next JS 13 & all other packages
- Upgraded Pickbazar Shop to Next JS 13 & updated all other packages
- Added Email verification for all user
- Added Must verify email switch in the setting
v9.0.0 13th January 2023
- Restructure the entire payment gateway system
- Added Stripe (Intent Based) and PayPal payment gateway [frontend]
- Added card management feature
- Added option to disable cash on delivery system
- Added name input options for guest checkout
- Added percentage, free-shipping coupon option
- Added automatic free-shipping coupon option
- Added option to set a minimum amount for coupon
- Display customer name for guest checkout
- Removed old manual status dashboard
v8.3.0 24th November 2022
- Added automated script for deployment
- Documentation updated