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Perfmatters - The #1 Web Performance Plugin for WordPress

Perfmatters - The #1 Web Performance Plugin for WordPress 2.3.0 NULLED

= 2.3.0 - 05.23.2024 =
* Added a new function to verify the preferred content type from the HTTP header when determining if JSON is being requested. This should improve compatibility with certain hosting providers.
* Added an additional check when removing unused CSS to avoid parsing print-only stylesheets.
* Updated Delay JS quick exclusion for Termageddon + UserCentrics for better compatibility.
* Removed option to disable wlwmanifest link output as that function was deprecated in WordPress 6.3.
* Fixed an issue that was preventing lazy loaded images from displaying when defer inline scripts was enabled.
* Fixed an issue where responsive styles for YouTube preview thumbnails were not printing on certain themes using responsive embeds.
* Fixed an issue with DOMDocument where HTML entities coming from inline styles would display as their encoded values.
* Fixed a missing tooltip on the scan database option.
* Translation updates.
= 2.2.8 - 05.16.2024 =
* Added new Defer JavaScript option to Include Inline Scripts.
* Added new option to Separate Block Styles.
* Added additional built-in CSS selector exclusions for Splide.
* Updated Delay JS quick exclusion for Kadence Blocks with additional scripts.
* Updated our staging site license key exception list with additional formats.
* Updated deferral exclusion check to work with entire tag instead of just src URL.
* Moved to printing reponsive embed styles for YouTube preview thumbnails in all cases for better compatibility.
* Fixed an issue where the CDN rewrite was not picking up URLs with a relative protocol.
* Fixed an issue where an existing data-wp-strategy attribute would prevent a script from being able to be deferred.
* Fixed an issue where the Script Manager was not giving the right feedbackon save when a new line character was showing up in the AJAX response.
* Fixed an issue on the network settings page where incorrect tab content would show up after saving.
* Fixed an issue where the license tab was showing up at the subsite level if the plugin was not network activated in a multisite environment.
* Translation updates.
= 2.2.7 - 04.19.2024 =
* Added new perfmatters_used_css_below filter.
* Added new perfmatters_defer_js_exclusions filter.
* Added new perfmatters_delay_js_fastclick filter.
* Added additional DOMDocument flag to parent exclusion filters for better compatibility.
* Added GiveWP request parameter to excluded page builders array.
* Updated Delay JS quick exclusion for WooCommerce Single Product Gallery with additional scripts to help with zoom and lightbox functionality.
* Updated Delay JS quick exclusion for Cookie Notice with additional scripts.
* Moved Script Manager CSS to stylesheet printed inline instead of from a PHP file.
= 2.2.6 - 03.18.2024 =
* Added new perfmatters_defer_jquery filter.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion for Monumetric Ads.
* Updated content URL reference to use content_url function instead of constant when generating root directory path.
* Updated local stylesheet URL replace function to be case insensitive.
* Updated new parent exclusion filters to use DOMDocument instead of regex to allow support for targeting images inside nested containers.
* Fixed an issue where certain scripts were not being deferred properly when delay JavaScript option was also enabled.
* Fixed an issue where abnormal image URLs would sometimes generate a warning when trying to parse for image dimensions.
* Translation updates.
= 2.2.5 - 02.29.2024 =
* Added new perfmatters_critical_image_parent_exclusions filter.
* Added new perfmatters_leading_image_parent_exclusions filter.
* Added new Disable Core Fetch option to disable the fetch priority attribute added by WordPress core.
* Added built-in WooCommerce CSS selector exclusion for better compatibility on single product posts.
* Added Breakdance request parameters to excluded page builders array.
* Added a REST API exception for WP Recipe Maker.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusions for Kadence Blocks and Kadence Blocks Pro.
* Added CSS Background Image support for the footer element.
* Fixed an issue where dynamic preload version numbers would sometimes get added to the wrong resource.
* Fixed an issue with certain multilingual setups where the base URL for generated files was incorrect.
* Updated background processing library to the latest version (1.3.0).
* Updated CSS parsing library to the latest version (8.5.1).
* Minor style updates to plugin UI.
= 2.2.4 - 02.05.2024 =
* Added built-in Image Dimensions exclusion for blank placeholder SVGs.
* Added excluded page builders function check to MU plugin file.
* Changed method of retrieving root directory in certain classes for better compatibility with more file structures.
* Fixed PHP warnings coming from local analytics function.
= 2.2.0 - 11.22.2023 =
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion and REST route exception for WS Form.
* Adjusted built-in WooCommerce stylesheet exclusions for better compatibility.
* Updated instant.page and FastClick script names for ad blocker compatibility.
* Fixed a PHP 8.2 deprecated warning coming from the CSS class.
* Fixed a Script Manager CSS issue where certain disable controls weren't hiding correctly in some cases.
* Removed unnecessary .git directory from background processor library folder.
* Script Manager security updates to fix XSS vulnerability.
* Translation updates.
= 2.1.9 - 11.09.2023 =
* Added Delay JS quick exclusions for Presto Player, Raptive Ads, Slickstream, and WP Recipe Maker.
* Added new WP-CLI command to clear used CSS with multisite support.
* Added support for Google Material Symbols and Icons to local font feature.
* Added support for excluding by no-lazy class to CSS Background Images.
* Added support for lazy loading the poster attribute when set for a video tag.
* Made adjustments to CSS class to allow for stylesheet's to be excluded by any portion of their attribute string.
* Made some styling improvements to the YouTube preview thumbnail play button on hover.
* Fixed an issue where delayed stylesheets would be loaded in twice if individual JS delay was also being used.
* Updated Google Analytics 4 minimal script to version 1.10.
* Translation updates.
= 2.1.8 - 10.13.2023 =
* Fixed a compatibility issue with local fonts and WordPress 6.3.2 that was causing an error when new font files were requested.