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MyTravel - Ultimate Laravel Booking System Script

MyTravel - Ultimate Laravel Booking System Script 2.4.0

Version 2.4.0 – 22 January 2024​

- Update the "Clone" option to the Hotel module
- Update gallery section in the New module
- Allow vendor create a News
- Update search tour by Category
- Added the phone field in the contact form
- Update ajax search fot Boat, Space, Car, Hotel, Event, Tour module
- Update live chat for Mytravel
- Update filter form to Vendor report.
- Update Userplan module.

- Fixed the issue in the Hotel gallery
- Fixed problem creating media folder from vendor dashboard

Version 2.2.0 – 10 Feb 2023​

- Add validation for password change, now require symbol, upper and lower case and number
- Add verified badge for email in user dashboard

+ Fix issue when some social network does not have email address
+ Fix user plan report
+ [Code Improvement] Update ID for template Blocks
+ [Code Improvement] Using only search function for all query
+ Fix upload validation issue
+ Fix Pusher API
+ Fixed media folder permission
+ Fixed detail booking history/Booking Report
+ Fixed plan issue
+ Fixed surrounding display issue
+ Fixed Filter issue
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