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MTDb - Ultimate Movie and TV Database [Vebto]

MTDb - Ultimate Movie and TV Database [Vebto] 4.0.5

2024 June 05 - Version 4.0.5​

  • new: added last login and suspension status in users datatable in admin area
  • fix: show watchlist button on mobile
  • fix: invoice notification sometimes not being sent

2024 June 01 - Version 4.0.4​

  • new: it's now possible to show pagination on channel pages
  • new: updated channel management pages in admin area
  • new: it's now possible to change default font, border radius and navbar color from appearance editor.
  • new: errors on the site will now show more details, if logged in as admin.
  • new: translations can now be downloaded and uploaded as .json file
  • new: added CRON, outgoing email and error logs in admin area
  • new: changed email verification to use one time password, instead of verification link
  • new: request password before allowing user to delete account
  • new: allow sitemap generation via command line
  • new: added social icons in the icon selector in menu manager
  • new: added logout button to verify email page
  • new: show user suspension reason on edit user page
  • fix: update seasons when importing series by ID from admin area, even if that series is already imported
  • fix: title backdrops not uploading when s3 provider is selected
  • fix: episode grid starting at the wrong season on episode page
  • fix: some layout issues in user profile page
  • fix: subscription activation sometimes being delayed when using stripe
  • fix: paypal subscription state sometimes not syncing with the site
  • fix: hidden plans being used for discount calculation
  • fix: incorrect link in checkout error page
  • fix: old settings sometimes being cached
  • fix: resending email verification from admin area
  • fix: some issues with appearance editor color pickers
  • fix: seo tags being duplicated sometimes
  • fix: a few issues with user passwords and login
  • fix: issue with when switching from stripe test mode to live
  • fix: custom landing page SEO tags not showing sometimes
  • fix: date range picker issue when starting selection from end date
  • fix: mark all notification as unread, instead of just visible ones via mark as unread button
  • fix: api docs authentication
  • fix: mobile menu sometimes opening links in new window
  • fix: cookie notice layout on mobile
  • Like
Reactions: afmadeira

2023 September 15 - Version 4.0.3​

  • new: improved first page load speed
  • new: improved SEO tags editor in admin area
  • new: allow specifying file uploads directory
  • new: show an upgrade message if user does not have permissions to view videos.
  • new: show video quality badge in alternative video list on video page
  • change: show episode selector below video when it's an external embed
  • fix: top rated auto update method for channels
  • fix: video embeds from some sites not working properly
  • fix: appearance editor values not updating sometimes without page reload
  • fix: shown videos option in settings page
  • fix: include geolocation database locally
  • fix: watchlist button sometimes not updating without page reload
  • fix: local vote average not counting properly
  • fix: mobile logo sometimes getting deleted
  • fix: permission issue with guest role
  • fix: allow removing sentry dsn in settings page
  • fix: hidden plans still visible on change plan page
  • fix: annual subscription sometimes not getting selected
  • fix: file upload field not clearing when there's an error
  • fix: paypal subscription issue
  • fix: issues with "api.access" permission
  • fix: issue with search on mobile
  • fix: confirmation dialog not closing sometimes
  • fix: responsive issues on share link page
  • fix: thumbnail for uploaded images not being centered
  • fix: landing page background issues on iOS
  • fix: a few issues with shared file permissions
  • Like
Reactions: maurice

2023 August 10 - Version 4.0.2​

  • new: added seo tags for video page
  • new: other episodes can now be shown on episode page
  • new: improved mobile search layout
  • new: share button on person page
  • new: added edit title button on title page, if user has permissions
  • fix: manually curated channels being limited to 50 items
  • fix: make genres and keywords translatable
  • fix: importing multiple titles progress sometimes not working
  • fix: wrong director sometimes showing in title page
  • fix: importing series by TMDB id
  • fix: season sitemap generator
  • fix: episode page mobile layout
  • fix: attach new countries from title editor
  • fix: several layout issues on mobile on homepage
  • fix: add some missing translations
  • fix: user profile lists section showing wrong lists sometimes
  • fix: issue with posting comments
  • fix: age display issue in person page

2023 August 05 - Version 4.0.1​

  • fix: watch page not working on older mysql versions
  • fix: prevent duplicate items from being added to channels
  • fix: issue with long embed snippets not playing sometimes
  • fix: an issue where sentry configuration might cause issues in some environments
  • fix: some issues with title deletion in admin area