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Membership | Prime Customer Module

PrestaShop Membership | Prime Customer Module 6.2.1


Offer certain privileged benefits via membership plans to your customers on the eShop. Privileged benefits offered with membership plans will encourage customers to subscribe to such plans.

PrestaShop Membership module is compatible with framework version 8.x.x and multi-store feature of PrestaShop.

Membership plans have always been a kind of tool that has helped merchants in establishing a trusted customer base. One & the foremost goal of offering a membership plan is to provide certain privileged benefits to its subscribers.

Increased sales revenue
Generally, the subscribers of membership plans tend to buy more in order to use the benefits provided under the plan. Hence, customizing the membership plans with benefits that have the ability to encourage customers to buy more will be fruitful.

Entitlement to privileged benefits
The main motto of offering a membership plan is to attract customers with the special benefits of the plan. Discount vouchers, special shipping methods, accessibility to certain products offered with membership plans can really help in boosting sales. And, all the above can very well be achieved with this module.

Apart from the above, there are some other benefits that this module brings for merchants:
  • Add multiple membership plans from the backend.
  • Set number of days after which a customer will receive warning mail.
  • Set the number of plans to display on a plan page.
  • Choose to display the membership tab on the top horizontal menu.
  • Enable or disable the auto-approval of customer membership plan requests.
  • Allow/restrict activation of multiple plans at the same time.
  • Choose whether to allow customers to extend their activated plans or not.
  • Allow or restrict non-registered customers to view plans.
  • Set the number of days after which the upgrade warning message will start displaying.
  • Set the price for the plan.
  • Add special features to each plan.
  • Add tax rate on the membership plan.
  • Choose to offer customers special products, shipping methods or discounts.
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