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Listivo - Multipurpose & Directory Listing

Listivo - Multipurpose & Directory Listing 2.3.48

2.3.48 – 21th Febuary 2024

Added: Twitter icons changed to X on the front page
Added: WhatsApp/Viber - option to display a checkbox on the registration form in the Listivo Panel > User > Activate Chat Apps on Registration
Added: Ad Owner V2 Widget can display user type (private/business)
Improved: Auto-generate title - if enabled, now also visible on the backend
Improved: One social widget does not open links in a new window
Fix: Problems related to translation with the ' sign
Fix: Text Input Range for number fields not displayed correctly
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2.3.37 – 17th November 2023

Added: User Hero Feature: Ensured that social media links open in new windows (target="_blank")
Added: User Profiles Widget: Modified so that social media icons open links in new windows (target="_blank")
Added: Chat via Socials Widget: Added style controls for buttons
Fixed: WP All Import Functionality: Integrated functionality for handling fields of type 'link'
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Reactions: filgiggs
2.3.36 – 6th November 2023

Added: WordPress Backend Ads - toggle to display or hide views, favorites, and phone number in the table.
Added: The ability for administrators to remove orders in the front-end panel under Orders
Added: Pricing Table Widget
Fixed: Edit Backend Single Listing - Fixed conflict between Feature Toggle and Featured Date Input field
Fixed: Resolved issues with FAQ scrolling and Sticky Menu
Fixed: Minor JS and PHP issues
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
2.3.10 – 20th April 2023

Added: Google Captcha for Private Message System
Fixed: RTL languages support e.g. Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Urdu
Fixed: aligning icons with text in cards
Fixed: the direction of the arrow on the single ad page
Fixed: sort by Most Relevant
Fixed: Minor js,php bugs
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Reactions: MAXAM and tatar221
2.2.13 – 10th March 2023
Fixed: Error when working with terms
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Reactions: tatar221
2.2.1 – 27th January 2023
The plugin version (e.g. ?ver=2.2.1) is added in the URL paths when loading Listivo Core plugin assets (js and css files). It solves the problem of clearing the browser cache manually (e.g. Windows SHIFT + F5) after each big backend update.
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Reactions: tatar221
2.1.12 – 04th January 2023
Added: Quick Wizard after importing the demo
Added: You can have different monetization packages for Private and Business accounts
Added: "Add Ad" Page - If taxonomy has more than 6 options, show the search box
Changed: Menu Spacings
Changed: If the Ad is not published (e.g. expired) and the user publishes it again, the "publish date" is updated
Fix: Custom Fields -> Taxonomy -> “Options visible on the frontend panel”
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Reactions: tatar221
2.1.7 – 3rd December 2022

Added: Login/Register Page redirects the logged-in user to panel
Fix: Edit Field Taxonomy - Field Dependency Table not saving
Fix: Free package not displayed when user already has a package
Fix: Display User on the card V2
Fix: Single Listing Template - Ad Features - custom icon
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Reactions: tatar221
2.1.2 – 28th October 2022
Improved: Demo Realtor - https://demo9.listivotheme.com/
Fix: Problem with approving ads related to warning: "There is no associated package for this ad"
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Reactions: tatar221